Remember a while ago me finding that there were 2 PGEs, one is PGE/Portland General Electric the other PG&E/Pacific Gas & Electric) well this is similar I think. hmmmmmmm and then there was the household's energy bill being in the MID and that was s'posed to be Merced Irrigation District but inside WECC web site it turns out to be Modesto Irrigation District and Merced is MEID?
I find something similarly fishy with ARC for American Red Cross and ARC for Appalachian Regional Commission, and oh BTW, Applachian Regional Commission is in W. Virginia which is, if I remember correctly a Rockefeller state.
Merced Irrigation District (MEID) (the bill comes as MID)
Merrill Lynch Commodities, Inc. (MLCI)
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD)
Mitsubishi Electric Power Products, Inc.
Mitsubishi Power Systems Americas, Inc. (MPSA)
Modesto Irrigation District (MID)
I find something similarly fishy with ARC for American Red Cross and ARC for Appalachian Regional Commission, and oh BTW, Applachian Regional Commission is in W. Virginia which is, if I remember correctly a Rockefeller state.
Merced Irrigation District (MEID) (the bill comes as MID)
Merrill Lynch Commodities, Inc. (MLCI)
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD)
Mitsubishi Electric Power Products, Inc.
Mitsubishi Power Systems Americas, Inc. (MPSA)
Modesto Irrigation District (MID)
Anyways I put these links in my previous blog earlier but decided a couple mins. ago that it deserved it's own blog page.
The WECC region encompassess the entire Western Interconnection, which comprises the states of Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Colorado, Wyoming, portions of Montana, South Dakota, New Mexico and Texas in the United States, the Provinces of British Columbia and Alberta in Canada, and a portion of CFE's system in Baja California in Mexico. The Western Interconnection is tied to the Eastern Interconnection through six high-voltage direct current transmission facilities, and also has ties to non-NERC systems in Northwestern Canada and the rest of the CFE system in Northwestern Mexico.
1) One of the 13 Satanic bloodlines that rule the world is the Rockefeller bloodline. Today, there are around 190 members of this family with the Rockefeller name and of course some others by other last names. This article is to explore further for those who investigate the Illuminati, how the Rockefeller bloodline is involved in the promotion of the occult and Satanism, and how they are involved in the control of the Christian denominations. This article keys in on just one family, the Rockefellers. To understand the full extent of the Illuminati’s control of religion, including Christendom, would require perhaps several books. The Illuminati itself draws its lifeblood from around 500 very powerful families worldwide. This article will not attempt to explain their networks and the many organizations of the Illuminati. It will not even try to do this for the Rockefellers. In fact, no one knows how many trusts and foundations the Rockefellers have. They have hidden trusts within secret trusts within secret trusts. It is estimated that they have between 200 and several thousand trusts and foundations. The finances of the Rockefellers are so well covered that Nelson Rockefeller did not pay one cent in income taxes in 1970, yet he was perhaps the richest man in the U.S. The Rockefellers exert enormous influence over religion in this nation in the following ways:
1. They provide a large share of the money that Seminaries in the United
States need to operate.
2. They provide a large share of the money that universities need to operate. Education influences the religious values of our people.
3. They provide large grants to various religious organizations.
4. Their influence and control helps determine who will get publicity in the major news magazines, and on television.
5. Their influence has contributed to various anti-Christian organizations being set up.
6. They directly help control certain religious groups such as Lucis Trust.
The Rockefeller’s influence is both subtle and not so subtle.
2) This Foundation which was incorporated in 1938 and was headquartered in New York City (50 West 50th St.) gave enormous sums of money to manipulate Protestant concerns. In 1964, according to the Russell Sage Foundation’s book The Foundation Directoy the Sealantic Fund gave away $681, 886 in grants.*
In 1969, the Fund gave $1,889,550 in grants.**
By 1984, the Sealantic Fund was not being used. But a look at another Rockefeller non-profit untaxed Foundation the Rockefeller Brother’s Fund shows a revealing grant pattern. Many people would not be able make any sense out of what seems a random pattern of grants without the broad picture of what the Illuminati is doing today. My book Be Wise As Serpents should have clarified how those various groups who receive grants are related and helpful to the Rockefeller agenda. Although these other Rockefeller Foundations are not specifically geared toward religion such as the Sealantic Fund was, it is clear these other Foundations still impact religion. (similar link to the one prior)
Very prominent in the founding of this movement is the Rockefeller Dynasty and, especially, David Rockefeller. Here is a list of a network of Rockefeller-created organizations and there are more. These, working at the core of our country, through individuals who have unlimited financial support, strong corporate ties and influencial political connections, which, working in secret have contributed largely to the establishment of the NAU.
2002 - David Rockefeller Confession
... show more (excerpt)
Co-founder and Honorary Trustee of the Rockefeller Family Fund (RFF) (1967);
President of his father's Sealantic Fund;
Founder of the David Rockefeller Fund (1989)
Business, philanthropy, interests
In 1937 he inherited his grandfather's seat on the New York Stock Exchange. He served as founding trustee of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund for forty-two years, from its inception in 1940 to 1982; during this time he also served as president (1958–1968) and later its chairman (1968–1980) for twenty-two years, longer than any other leader in the Fund's history. He was also a founding trustee of the Rockefeller Family Fund from 1967 to 1977.
He was a leading figure in the pioneering field of venture capital, which began as a joint partnership with all five brothers and their only sister, Babs, in 1946. In 1969 this became the successful Venrock Associates, which provided important early funding for Intel and Apple Computer, amongst many other start-up technology companies, including many other firms involved in healthcare.
In one anecdote, the Daily Beast tells of a cocktail party at the home of David Rockefeller, where Jobs and other Apple managers allegedly put multicolored Apple logo stickers on the lavatory mirrors. Another board member Arthur Rock, recalls Jobs's relaxed office dress code:
Size: 48 cu. ft.
Contents: A third of the collection (16 cu. ft.), including accounting records and the minutes of trustees meetings, is closed. The collection is unprocessed. An inventory is available.
Subjects include support for education in Christian theology, the conservation and restoration of historic sites, nursing schools, public health, public welfare, theology and theological seminaries.
Photographic Collection: No
Organizational History: Established in 1938 by John D. Rockefeller, Jr. to give support to institutions and programs in which he took a personal interest, the Sealantic Fund was merged with the Rockefeller Brothers Fund in 1973.
Sealand is an island in the southern part of the North Sea, Latitude 51-53 North, Longitude 01-28 East. The Principality of Sealand was founded in 1967 and founded as a sovereign state. The Sovereign of the Principality of Sealand H. H. Prince Roy of Sealand has proclaimed in 1975 a fundamental law to his state. Based on this constitution several laws become legal. The Knowledge of present laws is fundamentally important for national and international relations.
This first publication of the gather statutes gives also information of special laws, but they do not cancel the British Law of Contract and the British Common Law on which the law of the Principality of Sealand is a modern state of Justice.
- May 1976, Roy of Sealand. (please click and read all)
The Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) was formed on April 18, 2002, from the merger of the Western Systems Coordinating Council (WSCC) which itself was formed on August 14, 1967, the Southwest Regional Transmission Association (SWRTA), and Western Regional Transmission Association (WRTA). WECC is one of nine regional electric reliability councils under North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) authority. NERC and the regional reliability councils were formed following the Northeast Blackout of 1965. WECC's general offices are located in Salt Lake City, Utah, with branch offices based in Vancouver, Washington and Loveland, Colorado.
The WECC region encompassess the entire Western Interconnection, which comprises the states of Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Colorado, Wyoming, portions of Montana, South Dakota, New Mexico and Texas in the United States, the Provinces of British Columbia and Alberta in Canada, and a portion of CFE's system in Baja California in Mexico. The Western Interconnection is tied to the Eastern Interconnection through six high-voltage direct current transmission facilities, and also has ties to non-NERC systems in Northwestern Canada and the rest of the CFE system in Northwestern Mexico.
William Jefferson Clinton/Rockefeller
1) One of the 13 Satanic bloodlines that rule the world is the Rockefeller bloodline. Today, there are around 190 members of this family with the Rockefeller name and of course some others by other last names. This article is to explore further for those who investigate the Illuminati, how the Rockefeller bloodline is involved in the promotion of the occult and Satanism, and how they are involved in the control of the Christian denominations. This article keys in on just one family, the Rockefellers. To understand the full extent of the Illuminati’s control of religion, including Christendom, would require perhaps several books. The Illuminati itself draws its lifeblood from around 500 very powerful families worldwide. This article will not attempt to explain their networks and the many organizations of the Illuminati. It will not even try to do this for the Rockefellers. In fact, no one knows how many trusts and foundations the Rockefellers have. They have hidden trusts within secret trusts within secret trusts. It is estimated that they have between 200 and several thousand trusts and foundations. The finances of the Rockefellers are so well covered that Nelson Rockefeller did not pay one cent in income taxes in 1970, yet he was perhaps the richest man in the U.S. The Rockefellers exert enormous influence over religion in this nation in the following ways:
1. They provide a large share of the money that Seminaries in the United
States need to operate.
2. They provide a large share of the money that universities need to operate. Education influences the religious values of our people.
3. They provide large grants to various religious organizations.
4. Their influence and control helps determine who will get publicity in the major news magazines, and on television.
5. Their influence has contributed to various anti-Christian organizations being set up.
6. They directly help control certain religious groups such as Lucis Trust.
The Rockefeller’s influence is both subtle and not so subtle.
2) This Foundation which was incorporated in 1938 and was headquartered in New York City (50 West 50th St.) gave enormous sums of money to manipulate Protestant concerns. In 1964, according to the Russell Sage Foundation’s book The Foundation Directoy the Sealantic Fund gave away $681, 886 in grants.*
In 1969, the Fund gave $1,889,550 in grants.**
By 1984, the Sealantic Fund was not being used. But a look at another Rockefeller non-profit untaxed Foundation the Rockefeller Brother’s Fund shows a revealing grant pattern. Many people would not be able make any sense out of what seems a random pattern of grants without the broad picture of what the Illuminati is doing today. My book Be Wise As Serpents should have clarified how those various groups who receive grants are related and helpful to the Rockefeller agenda. Although these other Rockefeller Foundations are not specifically geared toward religion such as the Sealantic Fund was, it is clear these other Foundations still impact religion. (similar link to the one prior)
The Rockefellers and Social Security
The Rockefellers and their intellectual and technocratic entourage were, indeed, central to the New Deal. In a deep sense, in fact, the New Deal itself constituted a radical displacement of the Morgans, who had dominated the financial and economic politics of the 1920s, by a coalition led by the Rockefellers, the Harrimans, Kuhn Loeb, and the Lehman Brothers investment banking firms.[35] The Business Advisory Committee of the Department of Commerce, for example, which proved highly influential in drawing up New Deal measures, was dominated by the scion of the Harriman family, W. Averill Harriman, and by such Rockefeller satraps as Walter Teagle, head of Standard Oil of New Jersey. Here we have space to trace only the influence of the Rockefellers, allied with the Wisconson progressives and the graduates of the settlement houses, in creating and imposing on America the Social Security System. Here, too, was the end product of a gradual but sure process of secularization of the messianic ideal of the postmillennial pietists. Perhaps it is only fitting that a movement that began with postmillennial Yankee harridans going out into the streets and trying to destroy saloons would conclude with Wisconsin social scientists, technocrats, and Rockefeller-driven experts manipulating the levers of political power to bring about a top-down revolution in the form of the welfare state.
Very prominent in the founding of this movement is the Rockefeller Dynasty and, especially, David Rockefeller. Here is a list of a network of Rockefeller-created organizations and there are more. These, working at the core of our country, through individuals who have unlimited financial support, strong corporate ties and influencial political connections, which, working in secret have contributed largely to the establishment of the NAU.
- The Council of the Americas ~ Founder and honorary chairman, David Rockefeller
- The Americas Society ~ Chairman, David Rockefeller
- The Forum of the Americas ~ Founder, David Rockefeller
- The Institute for International Economics ~ Financial backer and board member, David Rockefeller
- The Trilateral Commission ~ Founder and honorary chairman, David Rockefeller
- Council of Foreign Relations ~ Fonder and Honorary Chairman, David Rockefeller. The internal think tank is the The David Rockefeller Studies Program.
2002 - David Rockefeller Confession
... show more (excerpt)
Co-founder and Honorary Trustee of the Rockefeller Family Fund (RFF) (1967);
President of his father's Sealantic Fund;
Founder of the David Rockefeller Fund (1989)
Business, philanthropy, interests
In 1937 he inherited his grandfather's seat on the New York Stock Exchange. He served as founding trustee of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund for forty-two years, from its inception in 1940 to 1982; during this time he also served as president (1958–1968) and later its chairman (1968–1980) for twenty-two years, longer than any other leader in the Fund's history. He was also a founding trustee of the Rockefeller Family Fund from 1967 to 1977.
He was a leading figure in the pioneering field of venture capital, which began as a joint partnership with all five brothers and their only sister, Babs, in 1946. In 1969 this became the successful Venrock Associates, which provided important early funding for Intel and Apple Computer, amongst many other start-up technology companies, including many other firms involved in healthcare.
In one anecdote, the Daily Beast tells of a cocktail party at the home of David Rockefeller, where Jobs and other Apple managers allegedly put multicolored Apple logo stickers on the lavatory mirrors. Another board member Arthur Rock, recalls Jobs's relaxed office dress code:
Size: 48 cu. ft.
Contents: A third of the collection (16 cu. ft.), including accounting records and the minutes of trustees meetings, is closed. The collection is unprocessed. An inventory is available.
Subjects include support for education in Christian theology, the conservation and restoration of historic sites, nursing schools, public health, public welfare, theology and theological seminaries.
Photographic Collection: No
Organizational History: Established in 1938 by John D. Rockefeller, Jr. to give support to institutions and programs in which he took a personal interest, the Sealantic Fund was merged with the Rockefeller Brothers Fund in 1973.
Sealand is an island in the southern part of the North Sea, Latitude 51-53 North, Longitude 01-28 East. The Principality of Sealand was founded in 1967 and founded as a sovereign state. The Sovereign of the Principality of Sealand H. H. Prince Roy of Sealand has proclaimed in 1975 a fundamental law to his state. Based on this constitution several laws become legal. The Knowledge of present laws is fundamentally important for national and international relations.
This first publication of the gather statutes gives also information of special laws, but they do not cancel the British Law of Contract and the British Common Law on which the law of the Principality of Sealand is a modern state of Justice.
- May 1976, Roy of Sealand.
[edit] Preamble
In consciousness of his responsibility before God and before man, and inspired by the will to seve the cause of Peace for his People and for all peoples in the world, the sovereign ruler of the Principality of Sealand, His majesty Prince Roy of Sealand, for himself and for his successors to the throne, by virtue of his constitutional authority resolves, swears and pro claims the following. (please click and read all)
The Wycliffe Bible Translators,
John Mott &
Rockefeller Connections
1 Timothy 6:9-11"But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.
For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness."
1) Background Intelligence
on the American Red Cross
Founded in 1881 by
American humanitarian Clara Barton, the American Red Cross (officially
named The American National Red Cross) was first chartered by the U.S.
Congress in 1900. A second charter, still in force, was granted in 1905.
Not long after, however, John D. Rockefeller pirated the entire blood
banking industry, along with the administrative leadership of the ARC.
As you will soon learn, this quintessential coup de'tat represented more
than a glorious economic opportunity. The takeover of the ARC, and the
entire blood industry, was apparently required to fulfill a far more sinister,
even occult-linked, political objective-eugenics management for a racially
purified planet.
2) This, he claimed, might best be accomplished
by destroying parental influence, traditions and customs, while reducing
national intelligence levels.
October 14, 2011
Rockefeller, 300 others attend ARC grants workshop
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