Sunday, October 9, 2011

Occupy Sesame Street
In April of that year, Elmo testified before the Education Appropriations subcommittee in support of funding for music education programs. Everyone in that picture seems to be having fun, but there is always a curmudgeon around. In this book excerpt, Gene Healy noted that Elmo was testifying on a date about midway between September 11 and the vote on the Iraq War, and Healy found the whole spectacle deeply embarrassing:

We never thought we'd see the day when loveable Muppet Grover would be cuffed by New York's finest. And we still haven't, but thanks to some handy PhotoShop work from, images of "Sesame Street" Muppets joining in the Occupy Wall Street protests -- and getting nabbed by cops -- now exist.

Apparently, the whole thing began when someone tweeted the hashtag #OccupySesameStreet. Mother Jones posted a great timeline of how the tag took off and inspired our favorite new Internet meme. took things to the next level when they posted several photos -- including a cuffed Grover and a Count whose eyes are tearing up after getting pepper-sprayed. Even Bert, who was recently the subject of his own controversy, is in on the action.

Now if only we could get Sad Keanu involved.
As we noted earlier this week, the beloved children’s characters are struggling to keep food in their little muppet tummies.  Now, their human friends are taking up their causeReports came streaming in over Twitter from the front lines of the protest:
“Oscar has started a trashcan drum circle”
“Green frog savagely beaten after he tells officer that he‘s dating ’a pig’”
“99% of the cookies are consumed by 1% of the monsters”
“Wages at Mr. Hooper’s store have been frozen since 1982″
“The few prosper while others live in garbage cans!”
“Our education system is broken — just listen to Elmo’s syntax”
“In a democracy, it’s your vote that counts. On Sesame Street, it’s your Count that votes. Ah-ah-ah!”
“There‘s no such thing as ’tickle down’ prosperity”
“Ernie’s ducky: Made in China”
Sesame Street to tackle ‘food insecurity’ with ‘impoverished’ puppet
Posted on October 4, 2011 at 4:45pm by Meredith Jessup

Uh-oh.  It’s time to redistribute Cookie Monster’s cookies:
The iconic kids show is set to unveil a new impoverished puppet named Lily, whose family faces an ongoing struggle with hunger issues. Lily will be revealed in a one-hour Sesame Street primetime special, Growing Hope Against Hunger, which is being sponsored by Walmart. The special will star country singer Brad Paisley and his wife Kimberly Williams Paisley, as well as the Sesame Street Muppets.
“Food insecurity is a growing and difficult issue for adults to discuss, much less children,” said the Paisleys in a statement. “We are honored that Sesame Street, with its long history of tackling difficult issues with sensitivity, caring and warmth asked us to be a part of this important project.”

taking up their cause

Occupy Sesame Street
First the recession touched Wall Street, and I said nothing. Actually, I might have muttered, “Told you so.”
Then it hit Main Street, and I clung to my guns and my religion and snarled angrily at passersby.
But when it hit Sesame Street, I knew something was really the matter.
A special on Hunger in America features a new muppet — Lily — who has to deal with food insecurity on a daily basis.
I know Sesame Street likes to keep up with the times — remember True Mud, their “True Blood” parody? Every topical issue makes it on somehow. Cookie Monster declared that “cookies are a sometimes food.” Bert and Ernie have been bromancing for years. Elmo is probably some sort of communist.
Katy Perry’s cleavage even made an almost-cameo.
But now there’s food insecurity?

Video: Stephen Colbert testifies on Capitol Hill

Comedian Stephen Colbert testifies on Capitol Hill in front of the House Judiciary Committee hearing on immigration. (The Associated Press)

Stephen Colberts Fallback Position Migrant

Tom Morello plays at Occupy Los Angeles Protest
Occupy Nola Protest
Occupy Nola Protest People parade during the Occupy NOLA parade in solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street protests in New York and throughout the country, Thursday October 6, 2011. The group started at Orleans Parish District Criminal Court before heading past City Hall and onto Lafayette Square. Watch video
Now if only we could get Sad Keanu involved.

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