Sunday, October 16, 2011

Core of Corruption

Core Of Corruption Volume 1: In The Shadows {Full Film}

I will tell you right now that I don't often have a lapse in certain things but for the life of me, I could not spell corruption when trying to put the title in.  I know ya'll have seen me make millions of spelling errors but for whatever reason I have always been good at spelling.  duh, then why all the errors except that my brain processes things weirdly and this time I knew it.   I don't know but many many many words that i have used in my history stay locked in my mind.  I remeber not long ago not being able to spell psychology.  hmmmmmmmm, it was not available until i posted and then voila, it was back and i felt like an idiot for Psychology is one word that I am over-familiar with.  (sorry, I'm having one of my rant as I just finished watching this movie and my brain will take a while to process.) 

Anyways, I share with you that if ever you have had any lingering doubts about 9/11, your doubts will be pulverized, much like the WTC1, WTC2 and WTC7 in New York and in this movie.

I have talked to Jon Ellinoff on the phone and he was once a guest on a talk show i was priviledged to host a few times.   He did share with me at the time we talked that he had lots of folks interested in making movies and now I see why.  This movie kept me spell bound and to tell you the truth, there have been many many movies dealing with 9/11 that didn't.  I think the only other movie was 9/11 Mysteries and I was also priviledged to meet Sofia.  She and I had a lot in common and therefore, we talked and talked and talked.  When i talked to Jon, I felt the same about lots of things.  We talked about Gary Webb's death, 9/11, Chemtrails, and lots of other things.  Anyways, please watch and see what you think, I know you won't be disappointed.

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