Friday, October 28, 2011

Left gatekeeper phenomenum
As for Chomsky, whom Ann Coulter would undoubtedly label "treasonous," Mary Tillman says a private meeting was planned between him and Pat after Pat's return--a meeting that never took place, of course. Chomsky confirms this scenario. This was the real Pat Tillman: someone who, like the majority of this country, was doubting the rationale for war, distrusting his Commander in Chief and looking for answers. The real Pat Tillman, the one with three dimensions, must stick in the throat of the Bush-Coulter gang, a pit in the cherry atop their bloody sundae.
"Is it coincidence that after more than three years it has been discovered that there were never-before-mentioned US snipers in the Ranger group following Tillman's? Could there have been a secret sniper on a mission to Afghanistan to assassinate the Army's poster boy?
Or perhaps three assassins, because as a general rule snipers fire in single shots, from specially tuned rifles, rather than in bursts of three.
Could the likelihood that Tillman (who had been corresponding with Noam Chomsky) was going to become a voice for the anti-war movement be why his journal, which he'd kept since age 16, went missing? It disappeared, along with most of his possessions, two days after he died.
1).At first the military claimed Tillman died fighting the Taliban and earned a Silver Star in his last action. This story contained the most falsehoods and was exposed long ago.
2).There was a “friendly fire” incident. (It’s true that one ranger patrol fired on the other ranger patrol, but the shots that killed Tillman were fired from 10 meters or less, suggesting murder.)
3).Tillman’s diary disappeared.
4).Tillman’s bullet proof vest was destroyed by the Army after the incident.
5).Tillman had three bullet holes in his forehead in a two inch circle suggesting murder at close range. (An expert marksman firing at 200 meters would have a hard time putting three rounds into a two inch circle –firing one shot at a time. A three-round fully automatic burst from an M16 would have to be fired from 10 meters or less to be grouped that closely.)

The first portion of this page is devoted to organizations that are funded
directly by George Soros and his Open Society Institute (OSI). The second
portion of the page focuses on organizations which do not receive direct funding
from Soros and OSI, but which receive money from one or more groups that do get
direct OSI funding.


Organizations Funded Directly by George Soros and his Open Society Institute

By Discover The Networks

Democracy Now!: Democracy Now! was created in 1996 by WBAI radio news director Amy Goodman and four partners to provide "perspectives rarely heard in the U.S. corporate-sponsored media," i.e., the views of radical and foreign journalists, left and labor activists, and ideological foes of capitalism.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Two Jewish-led Globalist Camps... In Competition For Global Control

There are two distinct ideological globalist camps, both led by Jews -- each camp competes with the other for global control:


2) THE NEOCON CAMP (the term "New World Order" generally refers to this globalist camp, and usually not the liberal camp)

It is critical to understand that each ideological camp was created, developed, and fine-tuned by Jewish intellectuals. Without Jewish intellectuals, there would be no radical liberal school of thought (Communism, Socialism, Trotskyism, and all their supporting submovements/ideas such as feminism, gay rights, political correctness, etc.). Similarly, without Jewish intellectuals, there wouldn't be a Neocon school of thought.

The liberal Jewish camp is primarily composed of Trotskyite Jews (or just very left leaning Jews, plus their Gentile followers) who want a borderless world with a global government based on the United Nations concept (or even the UN itself). These are the "do-gooders" who naively dream of a John Lennon "Imagine" type world. They feel they can "love their way" to global power (though they can become violent against anyone who opposes their worldview). In the 1960's they were called the "New Left" (e.g., Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, Max Horkheimer, Saul Alinsky, etc).

The Neocon Jewish camp (plus their Gentile followers) also want a borderless world but with a global government revolving around a NY-DC-LONDON-JERUSALEM axis. These are the exploitative-type Jews, the Super-Elite, who want 95% of global wealth in their hands and the rest of humanity in a "global plantation" type condition. They feel they can bomb their way to global power. Incidentally, the cold war Gentile warriors (e.g., Nixon, Reagan, Bush Sr., etc) and their Jewish globalist handlers (e.g., Henry Kissinger, Irving Kristol, Norman Podhoretz, Milton Friedman, etc) fall in this camp.

Pick almost any influential globalist Jew and they'll rather neatly fit into either the liberal camp or the Neocon camp. However, it should be noted that occasionally you'll find a Jew who is primarily in the liberal camp but with one foot in the Neocon/Zionist camp (out of "tribal" loyalty to Israel).

NOTE: Some people on this list are not Jews. However, they are often referred to as "Jew-think Gentiles", i.e., they subscribe to and advance the globalist Jewish agenda (knowingly or unknowingly).
NOTE: Many listed below are fully aware of the globalist agenda they are involved in. Others, however, are unaware and thus are simply "pawns", "tools", or "cogs in the machinery" of the globalist agenda they are (unknowingly) advancing.

LIBERAL JEWISH GLOBALIST CAMP (in no particular order)
Noam Chomsky
George Soros
Open Society Institute
The radical elements of the Democratic Party (e.g. Dennis Kucinich, Bernie Sanders)
The Rockefeller Foundation
United Nations
Workers World
European Union
Any "Green" political party
Any Socialist, Marxist, Maoist, Leninist, Stalinist, Luxemburgist, Communist political party (of course)
Any radical "Progressive" organization
International Committee Against Racism (and any anti-racist organization)
Any anti-Fascist organization
Any anti-Nationalist organization (of course)
All Hollywood film and television studios
Organizations fighting Global Warming (but only the higher ups in these organizations are aware of the globalist agenda, the rank-and-file are well-meaning tools)
Greenpeace (but only the higher ups in this organization are aware of the globalist agenda, the rank-and-file are well-meaning tools)
Sierra Club (but only the higher ups in this organization are aware of the globalist agenda, the rank-and-file are well-meaning tools)
Carnegie Endowment For International Peace
PBS (Public Broadcasting Service)
Michael Moore
Amy Goodman & the entire "Democracy Now!" lineup
HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society)
Amnesty International
Human Rights Watch (and just about any human rights organization)
Norman Finkelstein (critical of Israel, agrees that David Irving is the world's leading authority on WWII, but a lifelong Maoist)
Zbigniew Brzezinski
The Pope & much of the Vatican
The entire MSNBC lineup
ANSWER Coalition (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) - American Trotskyite organization
UAF (Unite Against Fascism) - British Trotskyite organization funded in part by George Soros
J-Street (with a foot in the ZIONIST camp but not in a militant i.e., "Likud-type" or "Kadima-type" way)
CODEPINK (radical feminist organization in the mold of militant, Anarcho-Communist Jew Emma Goldman)
The Trilateral Commission (much debate surrounds the classification of this organization; I put it here)
L.A. Jews for Peace (each large city has a similar group)
ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union)
SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center)
Foreign Policy (political journal/magazine)
Los Angeles Times
Ford Foundation
Tides Foundation (funded in part by Teresa Heinz-Kerry)
et al.

NEOCON JEWISH GLOBALIST CAMP (in no particular order)
Benjamin Netanyahu
Rothschild Family
Alan Dershowitz
Dennis Prager
Michael Medved
Most (or at least many) Clear Channel AM talk radio hosts
Bush Family
Dick Cheney
Thomas Friedman
The radical elements of the Republican Party (e.g. Newt Gingrich, John McCain)
Ann Coulter
The Weekly Standard (political magazine)
The Wall Street Journal
The Washington Times
Any publication by Rupert Murdoch
Foreign Affairs (political journal/magazine)
AJC (American Jewish Committee)
JINSA (Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs)
European Jewish Congress
Koch Brothers
Steven Spielberg
Rush Limbaugh
Alan Greenspan
Ben Bernanke
Leo Strauss (known as the father of the Neocon movement)
Chaim Weizmann (key historical figure)
David Ben-Gurion (key historical figure)
AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee)
CFR (Council on Foreign Relations)
Hoover Institution
The CATO Institute
WTO (World Trade Organization) - the WTO facilitates tariff free trade, thus allowing for the use of wage-slave labor in the third world
NAFTA, CAFTA, FTAA and all other "free" trade pacts (also called "Neoliberal" trade policies)
World Bank
IMF (International Monetary Fund)
AEI (American Enterprise Institute)
WJC (World Jewish Congress)
Simon Wiesenthal Center
The entire FOX News lineup
Pamela Geller
et al.

Lastly, to understand how the Neocon camp (often referred to as the "New World Order") uses the liberal globalist camp to carry out much of the necessary "trenchwork" for its NWO goals to be realized, please read the article below titled, "Anti-fascists Are VERY Useful To The New World Order."

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