Saturday, May 28, 2011

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.----Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Anyone who has proclaimed violence his method inexorably must choose lying as his principle.~Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
"In our country the lie has become not just a moral category, but a pillar of the state."---Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Allopathy and Allopath are pretty much  banned words.  Allopaths don't like the word, usually citing the homeopathic pejorative origins of 'treating symptoms'. But, and this shows the importance of words, the main reason is the fact Allopathy has to hide its monopoly status, and Allopaths like to maintain the illusion (mostly to themselves) that their medicine is the only one of any value, that it is based purely on science (evidence-based medicine), and that any modality, if shown to be effective (see: if it works), will be incorporated into it.  And that anything else is Pseudoscience and quackery.  Also if they allow themselves to be labelled it is looking outside the wood or the walls of Allopathy into the real world, not the one they have been sold by Allopathy and Big Brother.  That way lies too many uncomfortable truths (see) usually hidden by denial/Rationalizations.  One even banned the use of the term on Wikipedia
Home  Evil
[aka: Big Brother, Authoritarianism, Patriarchy, Fascism, 'The Naked Emperor', The Matrix, Pathocracy, The Cryptocracy, Secret or Shadow government. Groups at or near the top of the parasite dung heap go by names: Masonry, Zionism, Illuminati.  Big Brother is a fourth veil belief.  Satanic and Psychopathic, 'he' works through various Cartels/Monopolies to enslave, kill and rob the population (know as Corporatism & Globalisation) in league with the pseudo-democratic government & intelligence cartels, hence his power.  Evil's power base is Underground.  Evil is purely a parasite with no Spiritual power whatsoever, hence it's need for Mind control.  The Reptilians race are behind the Tyranny using their proxies in human form called Reptilian hybrids.]
"The world order is only there's no reason to fear them. We are the ones in charge and it only takes a few people of conscience, focusing on the solutions to problems, to turn things around. "--Don Croft
ALLOPATHY INCThe Reign of Evil  Church
The Medical Monopoly. Hiding behind these names: Orthodox, Modern, Scientific, Contemporary, Traditional, Conventional, Evidence/Science based medicine, or School medicine. Aka Big Pharma, The Drug Trust, Modern science, The Medical Profession, The Medical Industry, the Cancer & AIDS Industry, The Medical-Industrial Complex, Corporate Medicine.
Debunking:  Covert-suppressing of truths Elite want buried.  See Richard Dawkins comes to call  for Telepathy. Dawkins and Randi spring to mind, along with Quackbusters and Skeptics.
'Democracy': In reality Corporatism
Tyranny quotes
[back] The Tyrant
“The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it.”---John Hay, 1872
Fascism is inherently conspiratorial, and the study of it is often maligned as "conspiracy theory." ---Alex Constantine
A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.----Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
(aka The False Prophets, Matrix agents, Company men,
Pharma Shills, Medical hit men, Gatekeepers, Pharma boys/whores/flacks)
[back] Medical Mind Control  [back] Medical Industry   [back] Allopathy
[Many of these will be Authoritarian leaders or Double Highs. "Expert" in the media is usually a pseudonym for an Allopathic hit man, either promoting some medical cartel Fear mongering or money making scheme (See: Fear mongering, SARS, Bird Flu,) hyping or defending a vaccine (See: "safe" MMR vaccine, Measles epidemic) or putting down some non-cartel/pharma medicine (See), pretty much a full job of Ben Goldacre and Edzard Ernst .  If you see a positive article on non-Allopathic medicine you will usually see a box somewhere with an 'expert' (eg Baum for cancer) putting it down and which makes sure most people ignore it, basic propaganda .  No Alternative medicine (i.e. Non-Allopathic) experts will ever get space in the media, let alone a right of reply to the relentless attacks from the likes of Goldacre.  See is his latest onslaught on Homeopathy here.
    Some call them "company men", as the Corporations pull their strings.  It is fun to keep a note of their 'predictions'.  It would be a good truism to never trust anyone who calls themselves an "expert."  You can see how the media is just a tool for the corporations and how the game works:
"We were told that the national press won't publish an article that opposes a purported leading expert, such as Professor Ernst.
   See Smearing of Dr Wakefield to see what happens to
Rosenberg, Donna A. (1987) ‘Web of Deceit: A Literature Review of Munchausen by Proxy’. Child Abuse and Neglect 11: 547-63.
Welldon, Estela V (1988) Mother, Madonna, Whore. London: Free Association Books.
Williams, A. Hyatt (1993) ‘Latent Murderousness’, public lecture to the British Psycho-Analytical Society.
Williams, A. Hyatt (1995) ‘Murderousness in Relation to Psychotic Breakdown’. In Elwood, Jane (ed.) Psychosis, Understanding and Treatment. London: Jessica Kingsley, Ch. 6.
Winnicott, Donald (1984) Deprivation and Delinquency. London: Tavistock, pt 11, p. 84.

Comments on Face to Face with Children — The Life and Work of Clare Winnicott

Pearl King, Past-President, British Psycho-Analytical Society
Eventually, after Clare had moved away from her work in the London School of Economics, she had more time to build up her psychoanalytic practice. As she was known to be a Kleinian who also cared about children, she soon built up a good practice, being referred a number of child therapy students from the Tavistock Clinic and the British Association of Psychotherapists.
Clare had acknowledged Klein's "fantastic memory for detail" and her "feeling of strength behind you". But she was greatly troubled by many aspects of her technique, including "Klein's lack of personal civility, her disregard of environmental influences, her impersonal interpretive style, and her insistence on focusing on only the negative aspects of the transference".
Karl Friedrich Hieronymus, Freiherr von Münchhausen (German pronunciation: [ˈmʏnçhaʊzən]; 11 May 1720 – 22 February 1797), usually known as Baron Münchausen in English, was a German nobleman born in Bodenwerder (Electorate Brunswick-Lüneburg) and a famous recounter of tall tales.
The motives of the accusers can be multi-faceted. Often, allegations are used by a doctor or institution to evade a medical malpractice lawsuit, or to simply rid themselves of a troublesome mom when frustrated and unable to diagnose a child's condition.  Increasingly, this label is being deliberately misused by opposing parents in child custody suits. Many nurses and even doctors have been accused. SIDS deaths are the new frontier of prosecution.
He endorsed the dictum that “one sudden infant death is a tragedy, two is suspicious and three is murder, until proved otherwise“ in his book ABC of Child Abuse[2] and this became known as Meadow's Law and at one time was widely adopted by social workers and child protection agencies (such as the NSPCC) in Britain.[3]

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