Sunday, June 5, 2011

Translation please/This guy is on God's watch now so he better be prepared.

Are 'religious thugs' entitled?  hmmmmmm
In early 2010 it emerged that the Belgian Bishop Vangheluwe had abused his nephew. Belgian Cardinal Danneels was found to have been aware of this, but claimed he could not take action. The investigation into the abuse as well as the alleged cover-up is ongoing.
On 23 April 2010 Pope Benedict XVI accepted the bishop's resignation after the Belgian admitted he had repeatedly abused his nephew for 13 years, starting when the boy was just 5 years old. The abuse began when he was a priest and continued after Vangheluwe was made a bishop. His is the first episcopal resignation in Belgium relating to sexual abuse of minors.[4][5][6]
His resignation was announced at a press conference by Archbishop Andre-Joseph Leonard. Leonard said that Vangheluwe's resignation shows the Catholic Church in Belgium wants to "turn over a leaf from a not very distant past."[7]

[edit] Pre-scandal public statements on pedophilia

When asked during a university lecture on 19 April 2010 how pedophilia should best be discussed in class, the former bishop replied :"I think you need to be well informed about these things. In a way, it's not a tougher subject than many others. Yes, it's embarrasing, it's scandalous. But then again, so are many other things [...] Also, there have been some articles that imply that pedophilia is nowhere so little prevalent as in the Church [...]".[8]
As late as 21 April 2010 the former bishop had written a column in a regional edition of the Flemish catholic weekly Kerk en Leven (Church and Life), saying that "at present we suffer from the scandals that batter the Church: everywhere there are stories of priests abusing children. It's horrible to see these things surface, and they hurt us deeply. Nevertheless, this shouldn't blind us from the fact that the majority of priests lead exemplary lives and represent a support to many. (...) They aspire to imitate Jesus."[9]

[edit] Retirement

On 26 April 2010, it was reported Vangheluwe had retired to Westvleteren Abbey[10][11] with a state pension of about US$3,600 a month.[12]

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Scandal in Belgian Church - Cardinal Godfried Danneels

This is a Comment I made on Rod Dreher's Blog BeliefNet that sums up my attitude to the scandal in the Belgian Church. His article is called Danneels approved pedophilic catechism? and I wrote this on 30 June 2010:

I have gathered together a dozen different artcles on this scandal on my website The url of the relevant section is

I have not had time to do a commentary yet but one thing that strikes me is the similarity to the Father Paul Shanley scandal in the USA. Shanley was a promiscous homosexual and also a "gay" icon in the 1960s and 70s. Many conservative Catholics complained bitterly to the Church authorities about him and eventually, in 1979, he was removed from his "gay outreach" project in Boston. He was not however, removed from the priesthood. Even his supporters acknowledge that he was probably having sex with adolescent boys who were about (or below) the age of consent but "liberals" didn't bother about that at the time.

Then in 2002 Shanley was accused of having raped FOUR eight year children decades before. His 4 accusers - all of whom knew each other - declared that they had "repressed" their memories for decades but had just "recovered" them. All of Shanley's gay and liberal friends believed this proposterous story and deserted him. He was convicted on Recovered Memory evidence alone and the Massacheutetts Supreme Court recently refused his appeal and affirmed the validity of this voodoo brain science.

Cardinal Danneels is no Paul Shanley in his personal life but there are certain similarities. Belgian liberals loved the "liberal" Cardinal and sneered at his conservative critics - like Alexandra Colen when she protested at this repulsive "catechism". Now they have turned on the Church and see nothing wrong in desecrating tombs in order to search for hidden documents - straight out of the Da Vinci Code! The Belgian Church degraded itself by adopting the values of the world and now the world despises it and wants to destroy it. It is an end without honour or dignity.
Paul Richard Shanley (born January 25, 1931), is an American defrocked priest who was accused and convicted of raping a child. He served at St. Jean's Parish in Newton, Massachusetts and was a prominent figure in the Boston clergy sex abuse scandal.

Re-outing Charlie Crist

A new film about closeted gay Republicans attacks the media's hesitation about outing, but doesn't deliver any surprises of its own.

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