Mice exhibit typhoid like symptoms when infected with Salmonella typhimurium and are currently being used to develop a typhoid vaccine [9].
The Nazis and the Soviets kept the terms of the pact and the protocol until Germany's surprise attack and invasion of the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941.
Much of the same tactics were used by the Social Science scientists at Tavistock to get the United States into WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Serbia and both wars against Iraq. Tavistock began as a propaganda creating and disseminating organization at Wellington House in London in the run-up to WWI, what Toynbee called “that black hole of disinformation, a lie factory.” In 1821, operations that were to shape the destinies of Germany, Russia, Britain and the United States were transferred to the Tavistock Institute. The people of these nations were unaware that they were being “brainwashed.” Tavistock’s “mind control,” “inner directional conditioning” and mass “brainwashing” methods, still very much in use today, are explained in this easy to understand book written with great authority. The fall of dynasties, the Bolshevik Revolution, WWI and WWII saw the destruction of old alliances and boundaries, the convulsions in religion, morals, family life, economic and political conduct and the decadence in music and art that can all be traced back to mass indoctrination (mass brainwashing) practiced by the Tavistock Institute Social Science scientists. Prominent among Tavistock’s faculty was Edward Bernays, the double nephew of Sigmund Freud. It is said that Herr Goebbels, Propaganda Minister in the German Third Reich used methodology devised by Bernays as well as that of Willy Munzenberg.
Kari Hadjivassiliou
Kari Hadjivassiliou is Senior Researcher and Consultant at the Tavistock Institute. Kari obtained her MSc in Industrial Relations and Personnel Management in 1987 at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and her background is in Human Resource Management (HRM) and Total Quality management (TQM).She has done extensive research into Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) and High Performance Work Systems in organisations (HPWS) in both the private (banking) and public sectors. Since joining the Tavistock in 1997 her work has focused mainly on research and evaluation in lifelong and work-based learning, learning organisations, transferability of learning, employment and welfare policies, public sector innovation, RTD, the information society, social and digital inclusion. Her approach to evaluation has been informed by Realist Evaluation, Utilisation-focused Evaluation and 4th Generation (Constructivist) evaluation theories and approaches. She has a strong interest in policy, programme and process evaluation with a stakeholder and formative element.
Kari has a strong interest in the use of complexity theory in evaluation, social network analysis and in developing innovative evaluation methodologies. From 2001 to 2003 Kari was on secondment to the European Commission where she worked in the eTEN Unit of DG Information Society.
Kari has worked on and managed projects funded by both UK-based (e.g. ESRC, Cabinet Office/IDeA, DfES, DWP, Employment Service, CIPD, etc.) and EU-based (e.g. various DGs of the European Commission, CEDEFOP, European Parliament, etc.) organisations. Kari is a member of the following networks: (i) the UK Evaluation Society; (ii) the European Movement UK and the Federal Union; (iii) the UK-based City Women’s Network (CWN), where she is also a member of its Marketing Committee; and (iv) the European Professional Women’s Network (EPWN).
Postmodernism is a movement away from the viewpoint of modernism. More specifically it is a tendency in contemporary culture characterized by the problem of objective truth and inherent suspicion towards global cultural narrative or meta-narrative. It involves the belief that many, if not all, apparent realities are only social constructs, as they are subject to change inherent to time and place. It emphasizes the role of language, power relations, and motivations; in particular it attacks the use of sharp classifications such as male versus female, straight versus gay, white versus black, and imperial versus colonial. Rather, it holds realities to be plural and relative, and dependent on who the interested parties are and what their interests consist in. It attempts to problematise modernist overconfidence, by drawing into sharp contrast the difference between how confident speakers are of their positions versus how confident they need to be to serve their supposed purposes. Postmodernism has influenced many cultural fields, including literary criticism, sociology, linguistics, architecture, anthropology, visual arts, and music.
The Consortium for Strategic Communication (or CSC) is a think-tank at Arizona State University.
Personnel & council
Researchers & consultants
- Director - Phil Swann
- Principal Researcher/Consultants - Dione Hills, Beth Neustadt, John Kelleher, Mannie Sher
- Emeritus Director - Frank Heller (Centre for Decision-Making Studies)
- Principal Advisor, Evaluation - Elliot Stern
- Senior Researcher/Consultants - Frances Abraham, Kari Hadjivassiliou, Camilla Child, Claire Sandamas (acting)
- Researcher/Consultants - Pernille Solvik, Kerstin Junge, Fay Sullivan, Eliat Aram
- Principal Associates - Karen Izod, Joe Cullen
- Senior Associates - Chris Ramsden, Elizabeth (Liz) Sommerlad, Angela Eden, Jim Mackay[8]
Council members
- Sarah Childerstone - Chair
- Barry Curnow
- Rodney Brooke
- Sue Merchant
- David Hollywood
- David Guest
- Ray Loveridge[9]
About TVPredictions.com TVPredictions.com is a one-stop source on 'The New Television' -- new TV technologies that are changing our culture and our lives. The site is operated by TV Predictions, Inc., whose president and CEO is Phillip Swann, author of "TV dot COM: The Future of Interactive Television." Swann can be reached at swann@tvpredictions.com or by phone at 703-505-3064. ![]() TV Developers Conference. He has been a featured speaker at the Iowa PBS Digital TV conference for four straight years. He was a headlined speaker at the national PBS Technology Conference in April, 2004. He has also been a guest expert on many TV and radio shows, including the NBC Nightly News, Fox News, CNN and Inside Edition. Mr. Swann has been quoted on TV issues in dozens of publications, including The New York Times, Newsweek, The Miami Herald, Elle Magazine, Smart Money, The Hollywood Reporter, Daily Variety, Wired News, The Chicago Tribune, The Los Angeles Daily News, Cable World, The Associated Press and The Street.com. He also has written a weekly column for Television Week. And his bylined articles on television have been featured in a variety of publications, including The New York Times Syndicate, Emmy Magazine, Satellite DIRECT, Cable World and Vision Magazine. TV Predictions, Inc. offers a range of services related to television and technology, including consulting, speeches, editorial features, marketing analysis and research. If you would like to know more, send us an e-mail at swann@TVPredictions.com or call us at 703-505-3064. http://www.ispso.org/Membership/Neustadt%20biography.html Excerpt:
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