The American Medical Association (AMA) opposed the act because the tax was imposed on physicians prescribing cannabis (I just posted this blog to email and am going now into this audio and see what is being said.)
The Assassins (Arabic: الحشاشين Ḥashāshīn, also Hashishin, Hassassin, or Hashashiyyin, Persian: حشیشیون / Hašišiyun (UniPers)) were an order of Nizari Ismailis, particularly those of Syria and Persia that existed from around 1092 to 1265. Posing a strong military threat to Sunni Saljuq authority within the Persian territories, the Nizari Ismailis captured and inhabited many mountain fortresses under the leadership of Hassan-i Sabbah.
The name 'Assassin', from the Arabic Hashishin or "users of hashish",[1] was originally derogatory and used by their adversaries during the Middle Ages. The modern word 'assassin' is derived from this name. However, Amin Malouf states that "The truth is different. According to texts that have come down to us from Alamut, Hassan-i Sabbah liked to call his disciples Asasiyun, meaning people who are faithful to the Asās, meaning 'foundation' of the faith. This is the word, misunderstood by foreign travelers, that seemed similar to 'hashish'".
Preserved within European sources, such as the writings of Marco Polo, they were depicted as trained killers, responsible for the systematic elimination of opposing figures. The term hashish connoted meanings such as "outcast" or "rabble".
Video inside watch as it tells about drugs in Portugal and explains a lot......my2cents
A Tour of Oaksterdam, California
Legal cannabis in California? What and where is Oaksterdam California? Take a video tour and get informed about state laws regarding cannabis use in one of the most progressive cities in the nation. Visit: to
The Assassins (Arabic: الحشاشين Ḥashāshīn, also Hashishin, Hassassin, or Hashashiyyin, Persian: حشیشیون / Hašišiyun (UniPers)) were an order of Nizari Ismailis, particularly those of Syria and Persia that existed from around 1092 to 1265. Posing a strong military threat to Sunni Saljuq authority within the Persian territories, the Nizari Ismailis captured and inhabited many mountain fortresses under the leadership of Hassan-i Sabbah.
The name 'Assassin', from the Arabic Hashishin or "users of hashish",[1] was originally derogatory and used by their adversaries during the Middle Ages. The modern word 'assassin' is derived from this name. However, Amin Malouf states that "The truth is different. According to texts that have come down to us from Alamut, Hassan-i Sabbah liked to call his disciples Asasiyun, meaning people who are faithful to the Asās, meaning 'foundation' of the faith. This is the word, misunderstood by foreign travelers, that seemed similar to 'hashish'".
Preserved within European sources, such as the writings of Marco Polo, they were depicted as trained killers, responsible for the systematic elimination of opposing figures. The term hashish connoted meanings such as "outcast" or "rabble".
Video inside watch as it tells about drugs in Portugal and explains a lot......my2cents
A Tour of Oaksterdam, California
Legal cannabis in California? What and where is Oaksterdam California? Take a video tour and get informed about state laws regarding cannabis use in one of the most progressive cities in the nation. Visit: to (This is a good article to read all the way thru if you have a mind to?)
Many people assume that marijuana was made illegal through some kind of process involving scientific, medical, and government hearings; that it was to protect the citizens from what was determined to be a dangerous drug.
The actual story shows a much different picture. Those who voted on the legal fate of this plant never had the facts, but were dependent on information supplied by those who had a specific agenda to deceive lawmakers. You’ll see below that the very first federal vote to prohibit marijuana was based entirely on a documented lie on the floor of the Senate.
You’ll also see that the history of marijuana’s criminalization is filled with:
- Racism
- Fear
- Protection of Corporate Profits
- Yellow Journalism
- Ignorant, Incompetent, and/or Corrupt Legislators
- Personal Career Advancement and Greed
These are the actual reasons marijuana is illegal.
For most of human history, marijuana has been completely legal. It’s not a recently discovered plant, nor is it a long-standing law. Marijuana has been illegal for less than 1% of the time that it’s been in use. Its known uses go back further than 7,000 B.C. and it was legal as recently as when Ronald Reagan was a boy.
Ford 1941 hemp car
Old archival footage of Ford's 1941 hemp car. I got a recent brochure from Ford and in the eco-friendly section it says they are using hemp again. Didn't say which models or what exact parts would be hemp but hey, there's hope yet.
Hemp Car Kestrel
Nathan James Armstrong has over 16 years of transportation design engineering experience in both the aerospace and automotive sectors. Prior to founding Motive in 2004, Armstrong worked for Boeing and Arrowhead Products on the International Space Station, Delta Rockets, and Joint Strike Fighter programs. In 1996, Nathan moved from aerospace to automotive engineering working for Metalcrafters and Aria Group in Southern California as vice-president-Engineering where he managed the design and construction of a vast array of vehicle projects including over 30 production vehicles, over 200 concept vehicles, and close to 1,000 clay models, interior models, and scale models. Moving himself and the company to Calgary in 2006, Armstrong has become a mainstay of local tech talks and advisory presentations to large companies. These include presentations at the ENMAX Leadership Forum where he gave a one-hour lecture on Electric Vehicles and Smart Grid Technology, the Alberta Clean Tech Forum, the Haskayne School of Business, the Edmonton Division of the American Society of Material Engineers (ASME), and the Canadian Prairies Group of Chartered Engineers, where he gathered the largest audience in the group’s history.
"Regan finds . . . that things are hardly that simple, or mellow, in the marijuana game. It long ago became a big business and today in many areas is moving toward legitimacy."
—RICHARD HUFF, New York Daily News
"A crisp, informative report on America's creeping legalization of reefer in the guise of medical marijuana. The momentum only grows as businessmen and bureaucrats get addicted to the cash that legal marijuana generates."
—GLENN GARVIN, The Miami Herald
"[Regan] cuts through the smoke and sheds light on the booming billion-dollar trade some now call the new gold rush. [She] reports from northern California's 'Emerald Triangle'—long considered the U.S. pot growing capital, and follows the tales of growers—otherwise average law abiding citizens—and the law enforcement officials who work to shut them down. Regan delves into the increasingly dark side of the biz that is rife with gangs, violence, and agricultural pollution."
—Don Kaplan, New York Post
"Trish Regan explores the inner workings of an industry that lights up the economy by an estimated tens of billions of dollars nationwide. But according to the program, every American is an unpaid, unwitting party to the process: pot gardens have been established by outlaw growers in national parks and other public lands, where an estimated 70 percent of domestic, outdoor marijuana is now grown. Put THAT in your pipe and smoke it."
—FRAZIER MOORE, Associated Press
"A solid special with a well-supported and inescapable conclusion: the commerce is unlikely to change, and the law has only a slim chance of doing more than containing the most violence-prone offenders. When it comes to marijuana, a whole lot of people voted some time ago to just say yes."
—DAVID HINCKLEY, New York Daily News
—FRAZIER MOORE, Associated Press
"A solid special with a well-supported and inescapable conclusion: the commerce is unlikely to change, and the law has only a slim chance of doing more than containing the most violence-prone offenders. When it comes to marijuana, a whole lot of people voted some time ago to just say yes."
—DAVID HINCKLEY, New York Daily NewsExcerpt:
- Name:
- Fuck You Harry Jacob Anslinger!
- Category:
- Organizations - Political Organizations
- Description:
- Are you mad marijuana is illegal? Don't hate the Supreme Court, Republicans, nor the DEA! The one who started it all, was just another politician that wanted some more money. It all started in 1930...Anslinger was an extremely ambitious man, and he recognized the Bureau of Narcotics as an amazing career opportunity -- a new government agency with the opportunity to define both the problem and the solution. He immediately realized that opiates and cocaine wouldn't be enough to help build his agency, so he latched on to marijuana and started to work on making it illegal at the federal level. Anslinger immediately drew upon the themes of racism and violence to draw national attention to the problem he wanted to create. Some of his quotes regarding marijuana: "There are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the US, and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos, and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz, and swing, result from marijuana use. This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers, and any others." "...the primary reason to outlaw marijuana is its effect on the degenerate races." "Marijuana is an addictive drug which produces in its users insanity, criminality, and death." "Reefer makes darkies think they're as good as white men." "Marihuana leads to pacifism and communist brainwashing" "You smoke a joint and you're likely to kill your brother." "Marijuana is the most violence-causing drug in the history of mankind." And he loved to pull out his own version of the "assassin" definition: "In the year 1090, there was founded in Persia the religious and military order of the Assassins, whose history is one of cruelty, barbarity, and murder, and for good reason: the members were confirmed users of hashish, or marihuana, and it is from the Arabs' 'hashashin' that we have the English word 'assassin.'" (read less)
Main article: Drug policy of Portugal
In 2001, Portugal became the first European country to abolish all criminal penalties for personal drug possession. In addition, drug users were to be targeted with therapy rather than prison sentences. Research commissioned by the Cato Institute and led by Glenn Greenwald found that in the five years after the start of decriminalisation, illegal drug use by teenagers had declined, the rate of HIV infections among drug users had dropped, deaths related to heroin and similar drugs had been cut by more than half, and the number of people seeking treatment for drug addiction had doubled.[23] However, Peter Reuter, a professor of criminology and public policy at the University of Maryland, College Park, while conceding that Portuguese decriminalization met its central goal of stopping the rise in drug use, suggests that the heroin usage rates and related deaths may have been due to the cyclical nature of drug epidemics.[24]Hemp Car Kestrel
Nathan James Armstrong has over 16 years of transportation design engineering experience in both the aerospace and automotive sectors. Prior to founding Motive in 2004, Armstrong worked for Boeing and Arrowhead Products on the International Space Station, Delta Rockets, and Joint Strike Fighter programs. In 1996, Nathan moved from aerospace to automotive engineering working for Metalcrafters and Aria Group in Southern California as vice-president-Engineering where he managed the design and construction of a vast array of vehicle projects including over 30 production vehicles, over 200 concept vehicles, and close to 1,000 clay models, interior models, and scale models. Moving himself and the company to Calgary in 2006, Armstrong has become a mainstay of local tech talks and advisory presentations to large companies. These include presentations at the ENMAX Leadership Forum where he gave a one-hour lecture on Electric Vehicles and Smart Grid Technology, the Alberta Clean Tech Forum, the Haskayne School of Business, the Edmonton Division of the American Society of Material Engineers (ASME), and the Canadian Prairies Group of Chartered Engineers, where he gathered the largest audience in the group’s history.
"Regan finds . . . that things are hardly that simple, or mellow, in the marijuana game. It long ago became a big business and today in many areas is moving toward legitimacy."
—RICHARD HUFF, New York Daily News
"A crisp, informative report on America's creeping legalization of reefer in the guise of medical marijuana. The momentum only grows as businessmen and bureaucrats get addicted to the cash that legal marijuana generates."
—GLENN GARVIN, The Miami Herald
"[Regan] cuts through the smoke and sheds light on the booming billion-dollar trade some now call the new gold rush. [She] reports from northern California's 'Emerald Triangle'—long considered the U.S. pot growing capital, and follows the tales of growers—otherwise average law abiding citizens—and the law enforcement officials who work to shut them down. Regan delves into the increasingly dark side of the biz that is rife with gangs, violence, and agricultural pollution."
—Don Kaplan, New York Post
"Trish Regan explores the inner workings of an industry that lights up the economy by an estimated tens of billions of dollars nationwide. But according to the program, every American is an unpaid, unwitting party to the process: pot gardens have been established by outlaw growers in national parks and other public lands, where an estimated 70 percent of domestic, outdoor marijuana is now grown. Put THAT in your pipe and smoke it."
—FRAZIER MOORE, Associated Press
"A solid special with a well-supported and inescapable conclusion: the commerce is unlikely to change, and the law has only a slim chance of doing more than containing the most violence-prone offenders. When it comes to marijuana, a whole lot of people voted some time ago to just say yes."
—DAVID HINCKLEY, New York Daily News
"Trish Regan explores the inner workings of an industry that lights up the economy by an estimated tens of billions of dollars nationwide. But according to the program, every American is an unpaid, unwitting party to the process: pot gardens have been established by outlaw growers in national parks and other public lands, where an estimated 70 percent of domestic, outdoor marijuana is now grown. Put THAT in your pipe and smoke it."
—FRAZIER MOORE, Associated Press
"A solid special with a well-supported and inescapable conclusion: the commerce is unlikely to change, and the law has only a slim chance of doing more than containing the most violence-prone offenders. When it comes to marijuana, a whole lot of people voted some time ago to just say yes."
—DAVID HINCKLEY, New York Daily News
Will cannabis users smoke their cars in Canada 2020 (or can “the Kestrel” make it in global auto electrification game)?
Aug 26th, 2010 | By C. M. W. Marcel | Category: In Brief (phone number at bottom)
Cannabis and the Federal Reserve System
Submitted by Permaculture Re... on Sat, 02/06/2010 - 10:00
It all started in the 1920’s with Yellow Journalism.
William Randolph Hearst, who arrived on the scene in 1887, was already in control of the headlines on a day-to-day basis because of his efficient business practice within the industry. He was able to produce his Newspapers at next to nothing by manufacturing the tree pulp used and controlling the channel of production down to his papers, the San Francisco Examiner, and eventually the New York Journal (Which became a leading Newspaper).
He teamed up with Henry Dupont to manufacture the ink used in the New York Journal and the partnership began to grow.
Hemp grows 4 times faster than the timber used for tree pulp by Hearst.
Hemp grows annually and can be grown more times
Hemp produces a better quality paper.
Hemp can be grown in any region of the United States.
Since Hemp grew so fast and it grew in every region, Hearst could not stop the middle class farmer from decentralizing the industry. Hearst knew that he could not provide the intellectual property to keep Hemp from destroying his industry and replacing it with middle class producers.
0 votes
William Randolph Hearst, who arrived on the scene in 1887, was already in control of the headlines on a day-to-day basis because of his efficient business practice within the industry. He was able to produce his Newspapers at next to nothing by manufacturing the tree pulp used and controlling the channel of production down to his papers, the San Francisco Examiner, and eventually the New York Journal (Which became a leading Newspaper).
He teamed up with Henry Dupont to manufacture the ink used in the New York Journal and the partnership began to grow.
Hemp grows 4 times faster than the timber used for tree pulp by Hearst.
Hemp grows annually and can be grown more times
Hemp produces a better quality paper.
Hemp can be grown in any region of the United States.
Since Hemp grew so fast and it grew in every region, Hearst could not stop the middle class farmer from decentralizing the industry. Hearst knew that he could not provide the intellectual property to keep Hemp from destroying his industry and replacing it with middle class producers.
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