Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Strip Club gives Free Flu Shots with buffet lunch

Florida Strip Club Gives Free Flu Shots
Virtually all flu vaccine marketing is illegal, by the way, because it makes false and misleading promises that simply aren't backed up by the science. Vaccines are routinely marketed with the idea that they may "save your life" or "prevent you from missing work days." The entire implied message with vaccines is that they will "prevent you from catching the flu."

As it turns out, however, all of these marketing messages are false. None of them have been supported by anything resembling solid science, and once you peel back the veil of disinformation being broadcast by the CDC and various health authorities, you quickly discover that there's nothing backing vaccines other than pure marketing puffery and medical mythology. (

Each winter, most of the people who get sick from the flu are the very same people who got vaccinated. During last year's H1N1 scare, twenty percent of those who died from H1N1 infections were the very same people who got vaccinated against H1N1! ( (And the other 80 percent were all vitamin D deficient.)

It doesn't take much research to reveal that the entire vaccine agenda is a grand fraud being perpetrated on the American people (

Strip Club Gives Seniors a Shot in the Arm
Getty Images
Don't be surprised if you see grandma the next time you go to the strip club.

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