Friday, June 17, 2011

Why do I bother?
Potentially cancer-causing radiation from Fukushima has been encircling the world, traveling quickly on jet streams high in the atmosphere and falling with precipitation like rain and snow.  It is already being detected in air, water and milk in some parts of the United States by local and state agencies.  For example, San Francisco rain water radiation levels exceeded federal drinking water thresholds by as much as 181 times recently.  A radioactive isotope, such as iodine-131, is supposed to have a half-life of eight days. This is inferred to mean that it breaks down quickly, and it quickly dissipates in the environment.  However, the 8 day half-life can be a misnomer because radioactive iodine can really persist in the environment for many months and has a 100 day biological half-life once inside the human body. 

Fukushima is one letter different than Fuk US Huma ..........  hmmmmmmm  (It's the 'i' instead of u duh!) 

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