(dedicated to Anthony Weiner and Dominique Strauss-Kahn )
Moron Detector 2 (Jarbull)
13 June 2011 Last updated at 17:08 ET
Hackers who broke into the International Monetary Fund's computer system may have been backed by a nation state, according to security experts.
They point to the sophisticated nature of the attack and the resources needed to develop it.Malicious software, designed to steal confidential files, was installed on at least one IMF computer.
Although government involvement is widely suspected, the IMF has not released enough details to be sure.
Digital insider
Based on the limited information made public, it appears that the attack came from a specific PC that had been deliberately infected.
Hacker software was likely to have been installed on it in what is known as a spear-phishing attack, which sees highly targeted scam e-mails sent to specific victims.
Anthony Weiner Twitter Hack: Who Really Broke Into The Congressman's Account?
First Posted: 05-31-11 04:23 PM | Updated: 05-31-11 04:23 PM
Every now and then, a scandal comes along with a name that is as dumb as it is apt. This weekend's news cycle brings us one such controversy: Weinergate. By now you know the details: a lurid photo was tweeted out from New York Congressman Anthony Weiner's profile; Twitter enthusiast Andrew Breitbart posted the photo on his Big Government site; Weiner claimed he had been hacked; Breitbart & Co. claimed that he was lying; Weiner then hired a lawyer while simultaneously demanding that the media not collectively take its eye off the ball (he probably didn't use that exact phrase, otherwise we would never stop laughing because we're children... little children). While the rhetorical shots continue to be fired across social networking platforms that are better used for hashtag games and acquiring virtual farm equipment, we thought we'd take a moment to look at who might have had the motive and the means to hack Rep. Weiner. Take a look at our prime suspects and tell us who you think is the most likely culprit.
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