(I'd already signed off of yahoo after sending this blog and remembered hearing the following song....... but I couldn't remember the name and thought it was Rascal Flatts......... so I was wrong but I found the above song and wanted to send it with this blog in case, like me, you need a little pick me up now and again in this whacky world.) I really enjoyed the songs and they help me realize how the sun will come up tomorrow (oooops todya in just a little bit and hopefully I'll have reasons to :) a time or two during the day....... and so will you.
I'll Stand By You (The Pretenders)
Rick Perry: Endorsed Al Gore & Voted For Carter
Ron Paul: Rick Perry was Al Gore's "cheerleader" (video)Excerpt:
September 6, 2011 2:37 PM
In the early 1970s, Perry interned during several summers with the Southwestern Company, as a door-to-door book salesman. "I count my time working for Dortch Oldham [President of the Southwestern Company] as one of the most important formative experiences of my life," Perry said in 2010. "There is nothing that tests your commitment to a goal like getting a few doors closed in your face." He said that "Mr. Oldham taught legions of young people to communicate quickly, clearly and with passion, a lesson that has served me well in my life since then."[14]
The Southwestern Company Part 3: Web of Deceit Political Influence
Ersun Warnke Business/Economy ReporterPolitical donations by Southwestern Company executives and owners have increased dramatically since 2000.
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(EUGENE, Ore.) - Southwestern Company owners and executives have spent $151,398 dollars influencing Federal elections since 2000. Of their individual contributions, 86% have gone to Republican candidates.
As revealed in the first two parts of this story, The Southwestern Company is engaged in an organized scheme of tax evasion and illegal immigration that violates both State and Federal laws.
The focus of this article is on exposing the politicians and political action committees being used by the Southwestern Company to wield political influence, and the individuals associated with the Southwestern Company who are the major political donors.
Political donations by Southwestern Company executives and owners have increased dramatically since 2000. The Southwestern Great American Inc. Political Action Committee became active in 2004, and has increased donations and activity since then.
The list of politicians and the amounts received include contributions from individuals employed by the Southwestern Company, direct affiliates of the Southwestern Company as listed on their website, the Southwestern Company PAC, and the Tom James PAC. The Tom James PAC is primarily funded by Spencer Hays, a major owner of the Southwestern Company, and employees of the Tom James Company, which he owns.
Major Donors
Spencer Hays, a major owner of the Southwestern Company, is reputed by Forbes to have a net worth of $400 million. He owns a multi-million dollar McMansion in Nashville, along with an apartment at 778 Park Avenue in New York, where units sell for $25 million.
The Southwestern Company operates a web of companies and employs hundreds of independent contractors who are used to disguise their criminal activities. The owners, executives, and former executives of the company, whose collective worth runs into the hundreds of millions of dollars, run even more companies outside of Southwestern’s corporate sphere.
The Southwestern Company donates heavily to the Republican Party. Their executives have given thousands to the likes of John McCain, Mitch McConnell, and Lamar Alexander: some of the most influential Republican politicians of the last two decades.
Former Southwestern Company employees include Jeff Sessions, U.S. Senator from Alabama; Marsha Blackburn, U.S. Congresswoman from Tennessee; Rick Perry, Governor of Texas; and Ken Starr, the infamous “Whitewater Investigator” of Bill Clinton.
Southwestern is a $350 million a year direct selling and publishing company most widely known for its summer book sales internships for college students — which now also include online and software products. The 155-year-old firm is the oldest company in the Direct Selling Association, which estimates the size of the industry at about $30 billion a year nationwide.
While Southwestern has since diversified with more than a dozen subsidiaries in industries such as investing and finance, fundraising, consulting, fine art, executive search and insurance, Moore said the summer internship company is still its cornerstone.
Illegal Immigration
The Southwestern Company recruits heavily in foreign countries. Foreign workers, all college students, are brought to the United States on J-1 Visas. J-1 Visas are special 3 month work permits specifically issued to foreign students so that they can work in the U.S. during the summer. They must be sponsored by a licensed U.S. company.
The J-1 Visas issued to Southwestern Company employees are sponsored by Global Educational Concepts, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Southwestern Company.
For Hank Bedford, his love of movies has landed him working on movies. As an assistant during post production to the David Russell, director of the acclaimed movie, The Fighter, and a production assistant during filming, Bedford has worked his way into movies the old-fashioned way – through hard work.
If the name sounds familiar, it’s because Hank is the son of Southwestern CEO, Henry Bedford. While a student at Middle Tennessee State University, Hank had a successful summer in 2002. Hank pretty much grew up at Southwestern Company, working summers in the office and helping student dealers with their check-out process.
An all-time high of 671,616 foreign students studied in US colleges and universities in the 2008-09 academic year, according to the annual Open Doors report by the Institute of International Education (IIE). All told, those students spent nearly $18 billion across the US, according to a separate report also issued today by NAFSA, a nonprofit association promoting international education.
Together, the two reports paint a picture of a world of increasingly globalized education: foreigners prize an American college education more and more every year, and American students consider some amount of study abroad a requisite part of their education.
1) Page 11 PREV PAGE TOP OF DOC But the last thing to mention, Mr. Chairman, is that in 1996, Congress overwhelmingly approved an Immigration Reform Act that I happened to introduce, and it was signed into law by President Clinton, and among the provisions of that particular piece of legislation is one that said we needed a foreign student tracking system and it needed to be implemented immediately by five or more countries—in five or more countries, particularly those who sponsor terrorism and we would track the students coming from those countries, and then the program was supposed to have been expanded to other countries, as well.
I don't want to speculate whether the course of history would have been changed had the Clinton administration enforced that law instead of ignoring it, but it's certainly possible, and I have not made that statement in public before simply because I don't want to speculate. But at the same time, I think the entire country would have been better served had the previous Administration implemented the Immigration Reform Act as Congress has intended. I think there is a good chance that had the law been enforced, who knows. We might have apprehended one or more of the three terrorists who came in on student visas. We might have been unravel the conspiracy. You never know.
But no matter what, we would have been better served had we had a foreign student tracking system in existence several years ago rather than waiting until after a crisis occurred before we did the right thing, and I'm glad we're getting to that point. I know some of the testimony we are going to hear today is going to indicate that we still have a system that doesn't work as well as it should, and I'm hoping that that can be corrected.
I guess what I'm saying is, better late than never, but it certainly would have been better had we implemented a foreign student tracking system when Congress intended to do so, and that was back in 1996. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
2) Thomas Fischer is an immigration consultant in Atlanta, Georgia. From 1988 to 1999, Mr. Fischer was the District Director of the INS's Atlanta District Office. Most importantly for this hearing, Mr. Fischer was District Director in Atlanta at the time it was the pilot district for CIPRIS student tracking system. CIPRIS was the predecessor to the current SEVIS system that we are talking about today.
SEVIS is a new system, developed and deployed under an aggressive schedule. Any new system will have bugs and anomalies that must be addressed. SEVIS is supported by a team of talented and dedicated professionals, from both the public and private sectors. Although we cannot guarantee that this new Internet application will not have additional problems over the next year, we can assure you that any such problems shall be addressed immediately, aggressively and professionally.
The SEVP and its SEVIS application are works in progress and will continue to evolve. We continually examine our requirements and the educational community's feedback to make the system and the foreign student program sustained successes. We believe that our interactions with the educational community are vitally important. We have worked closely with many education associations including the American Council on Education, NAFSA: Association of International Educators, the National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges, and the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office. In fact, we host a conference call at least once a month with the major educational organizations to convey information and to receive their feedback.
The article references the pilot program called CIPRIS that the INS ran for two school years (1997-1999).
The Pentagon Plane (AA Flight 77, Dulles to Los Angeles)
Hani Hasan Hanjour (26) - Saudi Arabian - pilotHad been in U.S. in April 1996, when he lived in Oakland, Cal. where he studied English, and later received flight training in Scottsdale, Arizona. He left in Nov. 1996 and returned again in Nov. 1997 while he obtained a FAA commercial pilot certificate. He left again in April 1999.
Obtained student visa (F-1) in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia in Sept. 2000 after an initial refusal. According to the 2/04 Staff Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks, Hanjour failed to reveal in his visa application that he had previously traveled to the United States.
Returned Dec. 2000 to study English at Holy Names College (Oakland CA) but never showed up at the school. In illegal status because he did not enroll, and his entry permit had expired at the time of the attack.
What Is SEVIS and SEVP? What Should You Know about It?
The Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) is designed to help the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Department of State better monitor school and exchange programs and F, M and J category visitors. Exchange visitor and student information is maintained in the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS). SEVIS is an Internet-based system that maintains accurate and current information on non-immigrant students (F and M visa), exchange visitors (J visa), and their dependents (F-2, M-2, and J-2). SEVIS enables schools and program sponsors to transmit mandatory information and event notifications via the Internet, to the DHS and Department of State (DOS) throughout a student or exchange visitor's stay in the United States. Select SEVIS to go to the DHS, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Internet site and learn more.
All student applicants must have a SEVIS generated I-20 issued by an educational institution approved by DHS, which they submit when they are applying for their student visa. Your school is responsible for entering your information for the I-20 student visa form into SEVIS. The consular officer will need to verify your I-20 record electronically through the SEVIS system in order to process your student visa application. Unless otherwise exempt, all F-1 or M-1 principal applicants must pay a SEVIS I-901 fee to the DHS for each individual program. See the SEVP Fact Sheet for a fee list. See SEVIS-901 Fee for further information on how to pay the fee.
She met her future husband, Marcus Bachmann, at Winona; they began dating in 1976 while working together on Jimmy Carter's presidential campaign. The couple married in 1978 and moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma. Bachmann's husband, Marcus Bachmann, operates a Christian counseling center in the St. Croix valley area. He has a master's degree in counseling from Regent University in Virginia Beach, Virginia, and a doctorate in clinical psychology from the Union Institute & University in Cincinnati. [9]
After moving to Tulsa, Michele Bachmann enrolled at the Bible-based Coburn School of Law, an affiliate of Oral Roberts University. She earned a Juris Doctorate at Coburn in 1986, and a post-doctorate degree from William and Mary Law School in Virginia in 1988.
From 1988 to 1993, Bachmann was a U.S. Treasury Department attorney in St. Paul, Minnesota, representing the IRS against people who underpaid or failed to pay their taxes [10]. Bachmann left that job to become a full-time mother. She has also had more than twenty foster children in her care. [11]
1) William Alton "Billy" Carter III (March 29, 1937 – September 25, 1988) was an American businessman who promoted Billy Beer, was a candidate for Mayor of Plains, Georgia, and was the younger brother of United States President Jimmy Carter.2) Libya
In late 1978 and early 1979, Billy Carter visited Libya three times with a contingent from Georgia. He eventually registered as a foreign agent of the Libyan government and received a $220,000 loan. (Edwin P. Wilson alleged that he had seen a telegram showing that Libyans paid Billy Carter two million dollars.[2]) This led to a Senate hearing over alleged influence peddling which some in the press dubbed "Billygate". A Senate sub-committee was called To Investigate Activities of Individuals Representing Interests of Foreign Governments (Billy Carter-Libya Investigation). On Aug. 4, 1980, President Jimmy Carter wrote: "I am deeply concerned that Billy has received funds from Libya and that he may be under obligation to Libya. These facts will govern my relationship with Billy as long as I am president. Billy has had no influence on U.S. policy or actions concerning Libya in the past, and he will have no influence in the future."[3]
After the failure of Billy Beer, Carter sold his house to settle back taxes with the IRS.
Pan Am Flight 103 was Pan American World Airways' third daily scheduled transatlantic flight from London Heathrow Airport to New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport. On Wednesday, 21 December 1988, the aircraft flying this route — a Boeing 747–121 registered N739PA and named “Clipper Maid of the Seas” — was destroyed by a bomb, killing all 243 passengers and 16 crew members.[2] Eleven people in Lockerbie, in southern Scotland, were also killed as large sections of the plane fell in the town and destroyed several houses, bringing total fatalities to 270. As a result, the event is also known as the Lockerbie bombing.
Bachmann was born on April 6, 1956. She graduated from Anoka High School in 1974. She then attended Winona State College, from which she graduated in 1978 with a degree in political science and English. [8].She met her future husband, Marcus Bachmann, at Winona; they began dating in 1976 while working together on Jimmy Carter's presidential campaign. The couple married in 1978 and moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma. Bachmann's husband, Marcus Bachmann, operates a Christian counseling center in the St. Croix valley area. He has a master's degree in counseling from Regent University in Virginia Beach, Virginia, and a doctorate in clinical psychology from the Union Institute & University in Cincinnati. [9]
After moving to Tulsa, Michele Bachmann enrolled at the Bible-based Coburn School of Law, an affiliate of Oral Roberts University. She earned a Juris Doctorate at Coburn in 1986, and a post-doctorate degree from William and Mary Law School in Virginia in 1988.
From 1988 to 1993, Bachmann was a U.S. Treasury Department attorney in St. Paul, Minnesota, representing the IRS against people who underpaid or failed to pay their taxes [10]. Bachmann left that job to become a full-time mother. She has also had more than twenty foster children in her care. [11]
The head of three charter schools with fewer than 500 students combined earns $204,000, more than any superintendent in New Mexico except APS' Winston Brooks.
Brooks earns $256,000 a year to oversee a district of 94,000 students; Scott Glasrud oversees the Southwest Learning Center in Albuquerque with a combined enrollment of 495.
Albuquerque school board president Martin Esquivel called Glasrud's salary "beyond ridiculous," adding that it raises questions about accountability at charter schools.
1) William Alton "Billy" Carter III (March 29, 1937 – September 25, 1988) was an American businessman who promoted Billy Beer, was a candidate for Mayor of Plains, Georgia, and was the younger brother of United States President Jimmy Carter.2) Libya
In late 1978 and early 1979, Billy Carter visited Libya three times with a contingent from Georgia. He eventually registered as a foreign agent of the Libyan government and received a $220,000 loan. (Edwin P. Wilson alleged that he had seen a telegram showing that Libyans paid Billy Carter two million dollars.[2]) This led to a Senate hearing over alleged influence peddling which some in the press dubbed "Billygate". A Senate sub-committee was called To Investigate Activities of Individuals Representing Interests of Foreign Governments (Billy Carter-Libya Investigation). On Aug. 4, 1980, President Jimmy Carter wrote: "I am deeply concerned that Billy has received funds from Libya and that he may be under obligation to Libya. These facts will govern my relationship with Billy as long as I am president. Billy has had no influence on U.S. policy or actions concerning Libya in the past, and he will have no influence in the future."[3]
After the failure of Billy Beer, Carter sold his house to settle back taxes with the IRS.
Pan Am Flight 103 was Pan American World Airways' third daily scheduled transatlantic flight from London Heathrow Airport to New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport. On Wednesday, 21 December 1988, the aircraft flying this route — a Boeing 747–121 registered N739PA and named “Clipper Maid of the Seas” — was destroyed by a bomb, killing all 243 passengers and 16 crew members.[2] Eleven people in Lockerbie, in southern Scotland, were also killed as large sections of the plane fell in the town and destroyed several houses, bringing total fatalities to 270. As a result, the event is also known as the Lockerbie bombing.
Internal British government documents provide revealing new details about how that country’s last two prime ministers — Tony Blair and Gordon Brown — sought to curry favor with Libyan dictator Muammar Gadhafi in an effort to smooth the way for hundreds of millions of dollars in commercial contracts with oil giant BP and two big British defense firms.
Under Jimmy Carter, the government began the formal process of deregulating gas, a policy which carried forward under Reagan and both Bush’s as part of the Republican right wing’s drive against regulation. Once the government gave in, the gas shortage disappeared and today we are supposedly awash with gas. All this was accomplished by industry manipulation of production and reserve figures—the same thing that has happened during all oil “shortages.”
Carter's speech argued the oil crisis was "the moral equivalent of war". Several months later, in January 1980, Carter issued the Carter Doctrine, which declared that any interference with U.S. oil interests in the Persian Gulf would be considered an attack on the vital interests of the United States.[16] Additionally, as part of his administration's efforts at deregulation, Carter proposed removing price controls that had been imposed in the administration of Richard Nixon before the 1973 crisis. Carter agreed to remove price controls in phases; they were finally dismantled in 1981 under Reagan.[17] Carter also said he would impose a windfall profit tax on oil companies.[18] While the regulated price of domestic oil was kept to $6 a barrel, the world market price was $30.[18]
By 1980, Carter's popularity had eroded. He survived a primary challenge against Ted Kennedy for the Democratic Party nomination in the 1980 election, but lost the election to Republican candidate Ronald Reagan. On January 20, 1981, minutes after Carter's term in office ended, the 52 U.S. captives held at the U.S. embassy in Iran were released, ending the 444-day Iran hostage crisis.[3]
After leaving office, Carter and his wife Rosalynn founded the Carter Center in 1982,[4] a nongovernmental, not-for-profit organization
Leon Klinghoffer (September 24, 1916 – October 8, 1985) was a disabled American appliance manufacturer who was murdered and thrown overboard by Palestinian terrorists in the hijacking of the cruise ship Achille Lauro in 1985.[1]
The next day, after being refused permission by the Syrian government to dock at Tartus, the hijackers singled out Klinghoffer, a Jew, for murder, shooting him in the forehead and chest as he sat in his wheelchair. They then forced the ship's barber and a waiter to throw his body and wheelchair overboard. Marilyn Klinghoffer, who did not witness the shooting, was told by the hijackers that he had been moved to the infirmary. She only learned the truth after the hijackers left the ship at Port Said. PLO Foreign Secretary Farouq Qaddumi said that perhaps the terminally ill Marilyn Klinghoffer had killed her husband for insurance money;[2] however, the PLO later accepted responsibility, apologized, and reached a financial settlement with the Klinghoffer family.[3]
Hostage in Lebanon
Held at the same time were several other U.S. citizens, including Thomas Sutherland, an administrator at the American University of Beirut; Catholic priest, Father Lawrence Jenco; Presbyterian minister Benjamin Wier; Jeremy Levin, CNN's Beirut bureau chief; Frank Reed, head of the Lebanese International School; Joseph Cicippio, deputy controller of the American University of Beirut; Edward Tracey, an itinerant poet; and Professors Allen Steen, Jesse Turner, and Robert Polhill.
Anderson was released on December 4, 1991 and says he has forgiven his captors.[2]
Under Jimmy Carter, the government began the formal process of deregulating gas, a policy which carried forward under Reagan and both Bush’s as part of the Republican right wing’s drive against regulation. Once the government gave in, the gas shortage disappeared and today we are supposedly awash with gas. All this was accomplished by industry manipulation of production and reserve figures—the same thing that has happened during all oil “shortages.”
Carter's speech argued the oil crisis was "the moral equivalent of war". Several months later, in January 1980, Carter issued the Carter Doctrine, which declared that any interference with U.S. oil interests in the Persian Gulf would be considered an attack on the vital interests of the United States.[16] Additionally, as part of his administration's efforts at deregulation, Carter proposed removing price controls that had been imposed in the administration of Richard Nixon before the 1973 crisis. Carter agreed to remove price controls in phases; they were finally dismantled in 1981 under Reagan.[17] Carter also said he would impose a windfall profit tax on oil companies.[18] While the regulated price of domestic oil was kept to $6 a barrel, the world market price was $30.[18]
Israeli 1972 Olympic Team Murdered in Munich
Who murdered the athletes of the Israeli 1972 Olympic Team in Munich?
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Black September Terrorist |
What happened?
At 4:30AM on September 5, 1972, five Arab terrorists wearing track suits climbed the six and 1/2 foot fence surrounding the Olympic Village in Munich, Germany. Once inside, they were met by three others who had gained entrance with credentials. Within 24 hours, 11 Israelis, five terrorists, and a German policeman were dead.
By 1980, Carter's popularity had eroded. He survived a primary challenge against Ted Kennedy for the Democratic Party nomination in the 1980 election, but lost the election to Republican candidate Ronald Reagan. On January 20, 1981, minutes after Carter's term in office ended, the 52 U.S. captives held at the U.S. embassy in Iran were released, ending the 444-day Iran hostage crisis.[3]
After leaving office, Carter and his wife Rosalynn founded the Carter Center in 1982,[4] a nongovernmental, not-for-profit organization
Leon Klinghoffer (September 24, 1916 – October 8, 1985) was a disabled American appliance manufacturer who was murdered and thrown overboard by Palestinian terrorists in the hijacking of the cruise ship Achille Lauro in 1985.[1]
High Jacking and murder |
Main article: Achille Lauro hijacking
Leon Klinghoffer, 69, a retired businessman who was in a wheelchair, and his wife Marilyn (née Windwehr), were celebrating their 36th wedding anniversary with a cruise on the Achille Lauro. On October 7, 1985, four hijackers from the Palestine Liberation Front (PLF) took control of the liner off Egypt as it was sailing from Alexandria to Port Said, Egypt. Holding the passengers and crew hostage, they ordered the captain to sail to Tartus, Syria, and demanded the release of 50 Palestinians then in Israeli prisons, including the Lebanese prisoner Samir Kuntar.The next day, after being refused permission by the Syrian government to dock at Tartus, the hijackers singled out Klinghoffer, a Jew, for murder, shooting him in the forehead and chest as he sat in his wheelchair. They then forced the ship's barber and a waiter to throw his body and wheelchair overboard. Marilyn Klinghoffer, who did not witness the shooting, was told by the hijackers that he had been moved to the infirmary. She only learned the truth after the hijackers left the ship at Port Said. PLO Foreign Secretary Farouq Qaddumi said that perhaps the terminally ill Marilyn Klinghoffer had killed her husband for insurance money;[2] however, the PLO later accepted responsibility, apologized, and reached a financial settlement with the Klinghoffer family.[3]
Hostage in Lebanon
Main article: Lebanon hostage crisis
On March 16, 1985, Anderson had just finished a tennis game when he was abducted from the street in Beirut, placed in the trunk of a car, and taken to a secret location where he was imprisoned. For the next six years and nine months, he was held captive, being moved periodically to new sites. His captors were a group of Hezbollah Shiite Muslims who were supported by Iran in supposed retaliation for Israel's use of U.S. weapons and aid in its 1982–83 strikes against Muslim and Druze targets in Lebanon.Held at the same time were several other U.S. citizens, including Thomas Sutherland, an administrator at the American University of Beirut; Catholic priest, Father Lawrence Jenco; Presbyterian minister Benjamin Wier; Jeremy Levin, CNN's Beirut bureau chief; Frank Reed, head of the Lebanese International School; Joseph Cicippio, deputy controller of the American University of Beirut; Edward Tracey, an itinerant poet; and Professors Allen Steen, Jesse Turner, and Robert Polhill.
Anderson was released on December 4, 1991 and says he has forgiven his captors.[2]
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