Named CEO of BSkyB in 2003, James pushed the British satellite TV company into broadband and phone service and watched earnings nearly double on a per-share basis. Since then, he has demonstrated Murdochian tactics—blocking rival Virgin Media Inc. (VMED ) from buying British TV producer ITV and then yanking five Sky-owned channels from Virgin's cable systems. Knowing the move would be unpopular, James went to Sky's Scottish call center to listen in on calls from folks who could no longer get Sky on cable.
I thought I'd begin this thing on comfortable terrain, with a small advance on a reportorial obsession of mine: Rupert Murdoch's relationship with Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Here's how close they've grown: Murdoch's daughter-in-law, Kathryn (center, above), is currently employed by none other than the Clinton Foundation (!), working with old-time Clintonite Ira Magaziner (!!) on climate change issues (!!!). Kathryn Murdoch is married to the London-based James Murdoch, who's now the heir apparent to the family empire; she's described in print as a model and marketing executive.
U.S. News & World Report "came into existence through a journalistic merger. In 1933, journalist David Lawrence published the first issue of a weekly newspaper called the United States News. Six years later, he launched a magazine called World Report. When the two weeklies merged in 1948, U.S.News & World Report was born.
"From 1962 to 1984, U.S. News was employee-owned. In 1984, publisher and real estate developer Mortimer B. Zuckerman bought the company. Mr. Zuckerman is also chairman and co-publisher of the New York Daily News. He has substantial real estate holdings, including properties in Boston, New York, Washington, and San Francisco. A graduate of Harvard Law School, Mr. Zuckerman is a former associate professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Business, where he taught for nine years.
Family fortunes: James Murdoch |
Born: January 1 1973 Family: Second son of Rupert and Anna Murdoch. Brother Lachlan. Sister Elisabeth. Married Kathryn Hufschmid, former PR executive and model who runs Bill Clinton's global Climate Change campaign. The couple have two children: Anneka, four, and Walter, two. Home: £5 million house in Holland Park. Salary: £3 million. |
I forgot to put a date on it)
I have not seen Kathryn since she was about 4 years old, so she has probably no memory of me. We wondered what happened to her, but my father has no idea because Kathryn did not have enough of an attachment to him to bother keeping in touch.
This brings me to a question that people often ask me; specifically, how did I get involved in the 9-11 movement?
James Murdoch
In February 2009, GSK announced that James Murdoch, son of media mogul Rupert Murdoch, was joining GSK as a non-executive director its main board and corporate responsibility committee. [29]
David Evans (Media)
From SourceWatch
David Evans was appointed as a Director of BSkyB "on 21 September 2001. David was previously President and CEO of Crown Media Holdings, Inc. and its predecessor company, Hallmark Entertainment Networks, from 1 March 1999. Prior to that, David was President and CEO of Tele-Communications International, Inc. from January 1998. David is a Director of Village Roadshow Ltd in Australia and a Director of Village Roadshow Entertainment Group and Concord Music in Los Angeles." [1]
Hinton has worked for News Corp for more than half a century as a journalist and executive in Australia, the United States, and the United Kingdom. In 1976, he moved from London to New York as a foreign correspondent for the group’s newspapers in Britain and Australia. After several executive positions, he was appointed President of Murdoch Magazines in 1990, two years later becoming President and Chief Executive Officer of News America Publishing, responsible for the company’s US publishing operations. In 1993, he was appointed Chairman and CEO of Fox Television Stations, returning to London in 1995 as Executive Chairman of News Corp subsidiary News International Limited, Britain’s largest national newspaper publisher.
In September 2009, Hinton was called to testify before a British parliamentary committee about the News of the World phone hacking affair, saying "There was never any evidence delivered to me suggesting that the conduct of Clive Goodman spread beyond him." Andy Coulson, the editor of News of the World, a News International's tabloid later closed, resigned at the time of Goodman's conviction in the affair. According to a later report in The New York Times, Coulson accepted "'ultimate responsibility' for the hacking during his watch."[2] On March 6, 2007, at the time of an earlier parliamentary hearing and soon after Coulson's resignation, Hinton had said "I believe absolutely that Andy did not have knowledge of what was going on" in the affair.[2]
[edit] Personal life
Hinton and his long-time partner, Kath Raymond, married in 2009 with Rebekah Wade and Andy Coulson invited to the later celebration. They live in a townhouse on Manhattan's upper east side. Raymond, an advisor to former Prime Minister Gordon Brown in 2007-2008, and to David Blunkett before that, wrote briefly for The Daily Telegraph from New York City.
Les Hinton: Murdoch consigliere who smoothed waters after Goodman case
Former News International chairman Les Hinton was key in drawing a line under News of the World phone-hacking
2) Hinton announced his engagement to Kath Raymond, a former aide to Gordon Brown, earlier this year.
Katherine Raymond was a Special Adviser to British Home Secretary David Blunkett, until his resignation in December 2004 [1].
Previously, Raymond was director of the Social Market Foundation, a right-leaning, free marketeering think tank [2] [3].
SourceWatch resources
Excerpt:David Blunkett was the British Home Secretary from 2001 to December 2004.
Blunkett was also Secretary of State for Work and Pensions from May 2005 to November 2005
In November 2004, Blunkett became embroiled in Nannygate, a scandal concerning allegations that he fast-tracked a visa application to allow his lover's Filipina nanny to stay in Britain. [1]
David Blunkett, a British politician, ran into political trouble for fast tracking a visa application for his family's nanny in 2004.[81] In 2006, the Minister affair at the announcement of the Reinfeldt cabinet in Sweden included the quick resignations of Maria Borelius, a Swedish trade minister who had hired a live-in nanny without paying taxes, and Cecilia Stegö Chilò, the Swedish culture minister, who also hired a live-in nanny without paying taxes. The matter was widely reported by the international press, with the Financial Times dubbing it "Nannygate".[82]
Maria Sigrid Astrid Borelius (born 6 July 1960) is a Swedish journalist, entrepreneur and former politician. Following the 2006 Swedish general election she was elected a Member of Parliament for the Moderate Party, and on 6 October 2006 she was presented as Minister for Foreign Trade in Fredrik Reinfeldt's new centre-right cabinet.[1] However, on 14 October 2006, after just eight days in office, she resigned from her post and politics following a number of allegations of tax avoidance and tax evasion in the media,[2] the so called "Nannygate".
On October 7, 2006, the day after the Cabinet of Fredrik Reinfeldt was announced two of the ministers, Maria Borelius and Cecilia Stegö Chilò, voluntarily admitted that they had previously employed persons to take care of their children (nannies) without paying the employment (payroll) tax, employer's contribution (Swedish: Arbetsgivaravgifter). Borelius did not face any judicial inquiry following her admission, since the events occurred more than five years ago, which put it outside of the statute of limitations.
In explanation, Borelius stated that: "I'm a mother of four and I was running my own company. It never would have worked otherwise".[7] However, during interviews with the media Borelius stated that she "would never have been able to afford all the fees" if she also had paid the taxes. This was soon contradicted by Magnus Ljungkvist, member of the Swedish Social Democratic Party and press secretary for the Social Democrats in the Stockholm County administration.[8] According to Ljungkvist's research into Borelius and her husband's income-tax returns, the couple earned 17 million kronor during the 1990s. Moreover, Borelius inherited a house worth four million kronor from her father in 1996. Ljungkvist, who used public sources, published his findings on his blog[9], which was then picked up by mainstream media.[8] Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt initially stated that while he did not think that Borelius explanation was a good one, he still had faith in her abilities as a minister. "She has assured me that she considers it to be wrong to use 'black' services, and that she does not intend to do so in the future. I have tolerated that as an answer", the Prime Minister said.[10] On November 16, 2006 the prosecutor in the case decided to drop any charges against Borelius relating to the matter of untaxed nannys.[11] (Click link and look at map)
Doing the Right Thing by Paying the Nanny Tax
Readers' Comments
"If you can afford a nanny, you should be able to afford paying taxes, Social Security, worker's compensation insurance, etc."Yeimy, Los Angeles, CA
This week, it became part of the chatter around Caroline Kennedy’s decision to pull out of contention for New York’s vacant United States Senate seat. This month, Timothy F. Geithner’s nomination for Treasury secretary hit a snag over, among other mistakes, an issue relating to a housekeeper.
Timothy F. Geithner’s
Confirmation Process
When news leaked in November 2008 that President-elect Obama had chosen Mr. Geithner to be his Treasury secretary stocks jumped 300 points. But a confirmation process that initially looked straightforward was dogged by the revelation that he had failed to pay tens of thousands of dollars in federal taxes when he was a senior official at the International Monetary Fund. He also faced questions about the immigration status of a former household employee.
The flap was a major embarrassment for the man chosen to lead the department that oversees the Internal Revenue Service. Members of the Senate by and large, however, accepted his explanation that the mistake was common among I.M.F. employees, and several made clear they regarded him as an indispensible man. He took office on Jan. 26, 2009.
James Rupert Jacob Murdoch (born 13 December 1972) is the son of media mogul Rupert Murdoch and currently serves as Chairman and Chief Executive of News Corporation, Europe and Asia, overseeing assets such as News International (British newspapers), SKY Italia (satellite television in Italy), and STAR TV (satellite television in Asia).
He sits on the News Corporation Board of Directors and is a member of the Office of the Chairman. He is also non-executive chairman of British Sky Broadcasting, in which News Corporation has a controlling minority stake.He was formerly an executive vice-president of News Corporation, the controlling shareholder of BSkyB, and served on the boards of directors of News Datacom and of News Corporation.[1]
[edit] Personal life
James Murdoch has two children, Anneka (born in May 2003 in Hong Kong) and Walter (born 2006), with his American wife Kathryn Hufschmid, who works for the Clinton Climate Initiative, a charitable foundation set up by the former US president, Bill Clinton in 2006.[2]
Hufschmid’s bizarre behavior raises the question whether he is working with the Zionist agent of the Rothschild family, Rupert Murdoch, who happens to be his sister’s father-in-law. Alan Colmes, a talking head from FOX News, interviewed me in 2003 and tried to smear me as an anti-Semite because I wrote for American Free Press. The Anti-Defamation League first accused me of being an anti-Semite in November 2001 because of my early articles about Israeli involvement in 9/11, and CNN tried to do the same thing in January 2007 when they interviewed me for the Paula Zahn show. I am not an anti-Semite, but if the Zionist-controlled media can portray me as one they are able to marginalize my 9/11 research as the product of an irrational “hater”, which I certainly am not. Here, Hufschmid comes in handy with his outrageous racial and anti-Semitic comments on his website. If they could link me with him, the Zionist media could smear me as an anti-Semite by association. This is why I was compelled to publicly distance myself from Hufschmid and the “French Connection” in 2006. Because Hufschmid’s intended result is exactly what Murdoch wants, the question is raised – are they working together?
When the history of our era is written, it will be described as a period of illegal wars of aggression in which the common people were woefully deceived into supporting these wars through false-flag terrorism, lies, and the deception of the Rothschild-owned and controlled mass media. Rupert Murdoch, owner of FOX News and News Corporation, will certainly be remembered as being one of the most egregious agents of deception. His FOX News network of deception is responsible for assisting in the destruction of hundreds of thousands of innocent lives through the lies distributed by his global propaganda machine.
I, LEONARD GEORGE HOROWITZ, being f irst dul y sworn on oat h deposes and says:
This Affidavit is based on my personal knowledge, except where ot herwise st at ed, and, if
called upon to do so, I could and would competent ly t est ify t o t he mat ters herein st ated.
I am a expert in t he f ield of public healt h and emerging diseases by reason of academic
t rainings, scient ific publications, and int ernat ionally recognized aut horit y and celebrit y in
t hese fields.
I have reviewed t he records and files cit ed herein.
I at t est t o t he following fact s t hat evidence a global genocide ongoing under t he guise of AIDS science and “ public health” (that is, an “ iatrogenocide” ); that is unconscionable in it s implicat ions t hat indict s t he vaccine indust ry, vaccine research, and ongoing
development s in t his field.
I am t he author of t he scient ific research t ext book cit ed by former spirit ual advisor t o current U.S. President, Barack Obama, when defending claims that HIV/ AIDS reflects a global genocidal conspiracy disproport ionat ely damaging minorit y populat ions as per Anglo-American geopolit ics and economic agendas.
This referenced text is titled, Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola—Nature, Accident, or
Intentional? (Tetrahedron, LLC, 1998). (Hereinafter it shall be referred to as “ EV” .) Every
original publicat ion cit ed in t his affidavit is reprint ed clearly and unmistakably in t his
scient ifically-referenced t ext book that t ook me 3-years t o research and writ e.
I at t est t hat t his book became t he principle impet us for t he U.S. General Accounting Office t o investigat e t he t heory t hat t he Special Virus Cancer Program (SVCP) is t he source of what we call HIV/ AIDS t oday.
I at t est t hat I was int erviewed by USGAO invest igat ors pert aining t o t his t hesis, and t hat
my t est imony was ent irely neglect ed by t his agency when t hey issued t heir final report .
In fact , t he USGAO lied when t hey report ed t hat no one presented any credible evidence
in-so-far-as t he theory of HIV/ AIDS originat ed in associat ion wit h t he SVCP.
Page 427 of EV reprint s the US Nat ional Cancer Inst it ut e (NCI) publication ent it led t he
“ Special Virus Cancer Program, ” Cont ract #NIH-71-2025 ident if ied as t he "Invest igat ion of
Viral Carcinogenesis in Primat es." The cont ract or is BIONETICS RESEARCH LABORATIES;
officiat ed by "NCI [Nat ional Cancer Inst it ute] "Proj ect Officers" Dr. Robert Gallo, Dr. Jack
Gruber, and Dr. Roy Kinard of t he NCI and Dr. Robert C. Y. Ting and Dr. John Landon of
Litton Bionetics."
Page 78 reprint s a sect ion of t he US Congressional Record sourcing f rom t he US
Department of Defense showing this contractor, BIONETICS RESEARCH LABORATORIES,
listed as a maj or biological weapons contractor for the US military.
Pages 423-426 of EV reprints the US National Institutes of Health, National Cancer
Institute (NCI) Contract #NIH-69-2160 titled “ Support Services for the Special Virus Cancer
Program,” cont ract or BIONETICS RESEARCH LABORATIES, Dr. Robert C.Y. Ting,
Conractor’s Project Director.
Under t he heading “ Significance t o Biomedical Research and t he Program of t he Inst it ut e” on this contracted (initiated June 27, 1969), it states: “ This contract laboratory provides t he opport unit y for a syst emat ic, large scale effort t o det ect viruses and/ or viral ant igens in human tumor materials (particularly leukemias and sarcomas), . . . This is a major
obj ect ive of t he [Special Virus Cancer Program] SVCP.”
On page 425, EV det ails t his same cont ract in which it stat es American and African age
and ses mat ched pat ient s were compared using “ seroepidemiological st udies” comparing
EBV [t he Herpes B Epst ein Barr Virus] t it ers in pat ient s wit h Burkit t ’ s lymphoma, acut e
lymphocyt ic leukemia, and non-malignant diseases.”
Thus, it is scient if ically-document ed FACT t his US milit ary biological weapons cont ract or, BIONETICS, did invest igat e, and identify, cert ain viral agents in t he t issues of Africans and Americans simultaneously bet ween 1968 and 1971 fundament al t o t he cancer complex
exclusively recognized today as t he AIDS cancer complex.
Furt hermore, t his FACT is incriminat ing in t hat t he leukemia, lymphoma, sarcoma cancer
complex was not clinically ident ified or report ed anywhere in t he world unt il nearly a decade following t his writ ing when init ial AIDS cases began t o appear in precisely t hese t wo countries (i.e., in gay Americans and cent ral Africans).
The Sunday Times
Neil was editor of The Sunday Times from 1983 until 1994. His hiring was controversial. Neil, it was argued, was appointed by Rupert Murdoch over more experienced colleagues, like Hugo Young and Brian MacArthur.[9]
Opposition to perceived public school and Oxbridge attitudes were a hallmark of Neil's Sunday Times editorship. During his editorship, the newspaper lost a libel case over claims it had made concerning a witness interviewed in the Death on the Rock documentary on the Gibraltar shootings.[10]
While at The Sunday Times in 1988, Neil met the former Miss India, Pamella Bordes, in a nightclub. The News of the World suggested she was an up-market prostitute. Sir Peregrine Worsthorne argued, in an article for The Sunday Telegraph, that Neil was not fit to edit a serious Sunday newspaper, on the grounds that "playboys" should not be editors. In a subsequent libel case, Neil sued Worsthorne and won £1,000[11] plus costs.
The Sunday Times during this period promoted a fringe and later discredited argument that, in Africa, AIDS was a quite separate condition from HIV.[11] In 1992 Neil was criticised by Anti-Nazi groups[12] and historian Hugh Trevor-Roper among others[13] for employing, as a translator of the diaries of Joseph Goebbels, the Holocaust denier David Irving.[12]
[edit] Sky
In 1988 he also became founding chairman of Sky TV, also part of Murdoch's News Corporation. Neil was instrumental in the company's launch, overseeing the transformation of a down market, single channel satellite service into a four channel network in less than a year. He also brought The Simpsons to British television.[14] Neil and Murdoch stood side by side at Sky's new headquarters in West London on 5 February 1989 to witness the launch of the service at 18.00. Sky was not an instant success; the uncertainty caused by the competition provided by British Satellite Broadcasting (BSB) and the initial shortage of satellite dishes were early problems.
Established in 1976 by California-based activist Drummond Pike, the Tides Foundation was set up as a public charity that receives money from donors and then funnels it to the recipients of their choice. Because many of these recipient groups are quite radical, the donors often prefer not to have their names publicly linked with the donees. By letting the Tides Foundation, in effect, “launder” the money for them and pass it along to the intended beneficiaries, donors can avoid leaving a “paper trail.” Such contributions are called "donor-advised," or donor-directed, funds.
Through this legal loophole, nonprofit entities can also create for-profit organizations and then funnel money to them through Tides -- thereby circumventing the laws that bar nonprofits from directly funding their own for-profit enterprises. Pew Charitable Trusts, for instance, set up three for-profit media companies and then proceeded to fund them via donor-advised contributions to Tides, which (for an 8 percent management fee) in turn sent the money to the media companies.
Pew Charitable Trusts,
The Pew Charitable Trusts (PCT) are comprised of seven individual funds established between 1948 and 1979 by the four children of Joseph N. Pew, founder of the Sun Oil Company, and his wife Mary A. Pew.
Mr. Pew and his immediate heirs were politically conservative, as were most of the causes that PCT supported in its early years. In recent decades, however, leftwing staffers have taken control of the organization, radically transforming its ideology and funding philosophy. Particularly responsible for this change was the late neurosurgeon Thomas W. Langfitt, who served as PCT's President and Chief Executive Officer from 1987 through 1994.,_Jr.
Joseph N. Pew, Jr. | |
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