Wednesday, July 20, 2011

NWO Black Scientology The Zionist Connection!

19-12-2010, 04:52 AM
So far many has been told about the takeover by the New World Order of the Church of Scientology of California, but not much about the Zionist Conection:

The reason why the United States is slave to Israel is connected with Scientology, and ranks among the dirtiest, most closely-guarded secrets of both countries and their allies.

Nothing in this is about religious bigotry against adherents of the Jewish faith or against the people of Israel. This report contains a synthesis and analysis of sober fact about international politics and clandestine operations. It has been compiled from hundreds of sources, some of them operating in sensitive positions in countries whose people are not party to the events described herein and who merely want the facts exposed. This is not to say or even suggest that this report knowingly or illegally contains any specific information that has been taken from documents or records currently classified as military or state secrets in any of the named countries; it does not. The facts were accumulated from non-classified or de-classified sources, although evaluations of and conclusions from those facts have been incorporated into this report that have come from people well qualified to make such analysis and evalutation.

The facts themselves have had, and continue to have, an important, if largely hidden, influence on international policies and tensions, and go far toward explaining why the United States government has bent repeatedly to the will of Israel in making diplomatic and political decisions that have been destructive, if not disastrous, to its relationships with Middle Eastern and Eastern, and even some European, Scandanavian, and third-world countries.

Many observers have wondered how such a tiny nation as Israel has been able to keep itself at the dead center of the most explosive international situations, and always has been able to keep its superpower ally, the United States, standing by almost anything and everything Israel does, no matter how extreme, no matter how morally or ethically deplorable.

In the most simple statement of the situation, the controlling factor is mutual international political blackmail between supposed allies, among them Israel and the United States. The U.S. allies Israel, England, and France all know something that they, and the United States, want suppressed at all cost: that the intelligence branches of all of these countries conspired to perform kidnappings and assassinations, among other international crimes, in carrying out the most egregious covert operations against Scientology, against its founder, against its principals, and against its adherents.

For many reasons--religious, political, and strategic--the Israeli government, among others, has been involved in U.S. and Western allied covert operations to take over Scientology since at least the mid-1960s. As just one part of Israel's involvement, but a vital part, Israel's Mossad sent Uri Geller to the U.S. in 1972 to be part of a covert U.S. domestic CIA operation, carried out in conjunction with the CIA's "Amazing Randi," to discredit and "debunk" parapsychology around the world, just as the CIA was starting its Remote Viewing program in earnest. Israeli intelligence was well aware that the CIA program was based exclusively upon the secret upper-level works of L. Ron Hubbard, which had been stolen by three American covert agents who had infiltrated Scientology for that very purpose. The three--Hal Puthoff, Ingo Swann, and Pat Price--then were "hired" on a secret contract to run the CIA research program for the benefit of the U.S. and her allies. Geller's and Randi's sole role was to scandalize parapsychology research worldwide in order to deflect public interest away from what the CIA was doing in the field--and the crimes that CIA was committing to do it.

But that was only one part of the much larger, international plan involving, minimally, the U.S., Israel, the Commonwealth, and France.

What was known as the Commonwealth at the time the operation began (England, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, et al.), as well as France, have all been partners in these black intelligence operations against Scientology, and have been sharing covert information in the fields of parapsychology and coercive mind control research with U.S. and Israeli intelligence since at least the mid-'60s, the bulk of it centered around discoveries and techniques taken, and stolen, from Scientology.

For reasons explored and explained below, these central world powers--"the Western alliance"--conspired at their Intelligence organization levels to take over complete control of Scientology internationally, and in the process have committed almost every crime and atrocity imaginable.

This state-sponsored secret war on a peaceful religion by several of the most prominent Western powers, one of them the very seat of Judaism, constituted planned, coordinated, and tax-funded international terrorism on a grand scale. In their continuing effort to cover up their international crimes, these same allies now make an international spectacle of fighting against the very kind of terrorism that their own intelligence agencies invented specifically for the purpose of destroying a world religion.

The international crimes committed in this decades-long intelligence campaign--conducted behind the iron veil of "national security" secrecy--are secrets that the participating countries have held as leverage against each other, and Israel's knowledge of these dark doings is a trump card Israel has been able to play to extort cooperation from the U.S. in even the most disastrous international situations, with the U.S. then using its influence to bring along its other allies in bowing to Israel's mandates.

It is the hiding of these international crimes, and the desire of the perpetrators to keep them hidden for their own protection from prosecution and consequences, that has allowed the international blackmail and extortion to take place, resulting in insanely destructive foreign policies that have kept, and are keeping, many uninvolved countries of the world in a constant state of tension and violence, subject always to the unpredictable whims of the stumbling giant called America, which is so busy hiding its crimes that it no longer can think rationally.

The people involved at the highest levels have been ruthless, and have demonstrated that they will go to any length, including kidnapping, murder, and even the instigation of war in order to hide what they have done from the world.

It is a situation that has cost many innocent lives, and there are many around the world who want it to stop. That is why this report--a summation of what has been learned and analyzed about these international crimes--is being released now, in the hopes that reason, sanity, and diplomacy can replace blackmail and extortion as the motivating and controlling force in international relations.

19-12-2010, 04:55 AM
Mossad at work.


Dianetics had been perceived as a threat to all mind-control research since the late 1940s. L. Ron Hubbard even announced in his early books that Dianetic techniques could unlock repressed memories of military mind-control techniques having been used on a subject, including the entire arsenal of techniques then being employed, such as drugs of many types and hypnosis.

It's important to understand that Dianetics was equally a threat to both East and West in the Cold War that dominated world politics for decades. The greatest threat of all was Hubbard himself, since he refused, ever, to allow his discoveries to become the exclusive property of either side, believing that the universal knowledge of the techniques was the only safeguard against Dianetics and Scientology being used destructively by either side.

In the West, the CIA, soon after the release of Dianetics, implemented top secret mind control programs--BLUEBIRD, MK-ULTRA and others--all part of their Cold War race against the Communist bloc in what CIA and others called "the battle for the minds of men." The hopeless international stand-off policy called "MAD" (Mutual Assured Destruction) with nuclear weapons was a major factor in the super powers turning to mind control as what they hoped would become a very real weapon that might someday defuse the horrendous doomsday scenarios that MAD posed. One important part of the secret parapsychology research even included experiments in psychokinesis--the ability to change physical relationships remotely by mental or spiritual means only--fueled by a hope that this could be developed to the point of very literally defusing intercontinental nuclear weapons.

Quite in addition to parapsychology, though, the CIA mind-control programs had a darker side that included research in coercive and drugged interrogation, in actual control of behavior by many (and any) means, and in some of the many techniques loosely and imprecisely referred to as "brainwashing."

Throughout those long-running secret mind-control programs, the CIA and its allied counterparts had to test everything against Dianetics to see if Dianetics could, indeed, lift the veil on memories of their more sinister interrogation and mental manipulation techniques. And in every case, to their endless dismay and frustration, it could. That's why Hubbard was able to write, entirely factually, that no matter what the governments of various countries said about Dianetics and Scientology, they had always known that it worked.

So intent was CIA to keep up with the latest developments from Hubbard that they needed E-meters to test metered techniques with. Since they couldn't overtly buy them, it was arranged for the FBI to raid Washington, D.C. Scientology headquarters in 1963 and seize a large number of the devices, at least some of which were handed over to the CIA for experiments. When the shoddy excuse for the seizure was finally overturned years later by the courts, and the U.S. government reluctantly had to return the somewhat used meters, a shipment of British-made meters was confiscated by U.S. Customs in a little-known incident in Minnesota, and the CIA has never had to return those.

Hubbard's research and developments, though, were openly published through the early '60's, and so the Western alliance knew that they had the same access to anything coming out of Dianetics and Scientology that the Soviets and Red China and their allies had access to.

But by April of 1964, Hubbard was doing research that he was keeping to himself, something with the esoteric name of "R6." As what he called "a trial balloon," he gave a small amount of the data (but not the correct data) to a few people--who promptly used it on others, even though he had forbidden such use. As a result, he said in an issue on security of the new materials: "...You must realize that we suffer, all of us, from the misuse of knowledge concerning the mind at a very early period. To place this data near such people as psychiatrists or even states places them in a position to enslave people... . A very small minority, receiving incorrect data did promptly use it harmfully on others after April 1964."

Only months later, on 19 June 1964, CIA's Richard Helms--then Deputy Director for Plans, later to become Director of the CIA over the Remote Viewing program--sent a memo (in response to a request) to J. Lee Rankin, General Counsel for the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy, saying "there is no evidence that the Soviets have any techniques or agents capable of producing particular behavioral patterns which are not available in the West."

There is no question whatsoever that Helms in fact knew that Hubbard had begun to keep at least some of his higher-level research secret, and there is no question that the West was quiet concerned about what access the Eastern bloc countries might have to Hubbard and his work, despite Helms's glib reassurances to Rankin.

But in that same memo (redacted by CIA), Helms also gave Rankin at least some glimpse into the U.S. Intelligence community's concentration on "new trends" in research in mind control, particularly parapsychology, and CIA's concern over Soviet directions--couching his statements in euphemisms like "second signal system":

"SUBJECT : Soviet Brainwashing Techniques

"...At my request, experts on these subjects within the CIA have prepared a brief survey of Soviet research in the direction and control of human behavior, a copy of which is attached.

"...There are two major methods of altering or controlling human behavior, and the Soviets are interested in both. The first is psychological; the second, pharmacological. The two may be used as individual methods or for mutual reinforcement. For long-term control of large numbers of people, the former method is more promising than the latter.

"...The psychological aspects of behavior control would include not only conditioning by repetition and training, but such things as hypnosis, deprivation, isolation, manipulation of guilt feelings, subtle or overt threats, social pressure, and so on.

"...Particularly notable are attempts to use modern information theory, automata theory, and feedback concepts in interpreting the mechanisms by which the 'second signal system'...affect human behavior.

"...Current research indicates that the Soviets are attempting to develop a technology for controlling the development of behavioral patterns among the citizenry of the USSR in accordance with politically determined requirements of the system. Furthermore, the same technology can be applied to more sophisticated approaches to the 'coding' of information for transmittal to population targets in the 'battle for the minds of men.' Some of the more esoteric techniques such as ESP or, as the Soviets call it, 'biological radio-communication', and psychogenic agents such as LSD, are receiving some overt attention with, possibly, applications in mind for individual behavior control under clandestine conditions."

Factually, the Soviets at the time were already far ahead of the West in parapsychology research for military intelligence and mind-control purposes. Not only had the Soviets established the more or less overt Moscow Laboratory of Bio-Information, but they soon would have a top-secret installation at the Institute of Automation and Electrometry in Academgorodok, ("Science City"), near Novosibirsk, Siberia. Known only as "Special Department No. 8," it became a matter of great concern to the Western allies.

Western attitudes toward parapsychology and related fields was itself a major hurdle for CIA and its allied counterparts. Secrecy, and euphemistic soft-peddling like that in Helms's memo, was the order of the day in the intelligence agencies trying to make headway against Soviet and Eastern advances in the field.

Such was the atmosphere of extreme international tension when Hubbard unexpectedly made the upper Scientology levels (Clearing and the OT Levels) secret in the mid-to-late 1960s, at the very height of the cold war, and that changed everything.

The intelligence branches of the Western alliance no longer could be sure that Soviet and Eastern bloc intelligence wasn't finding a way to get their hands on the newly secret Scientology research, at what the West thought might pose an extreme strategic disadvantage to them. They also had no means of even knowing how dire the situation might or might not be, since they had no access to the secret upper levels at all. They had no real idea what Hubbard might be up to. They urgently agreed amongst themselves that the entire subject had to be taken over, not simply for national security purposes for any one of the allied countries, but for the lofty stated (amongst themselves) purpose of international security for "the free world."

These plans already were being set into motion when L. Ron Hubbard added another level of extreme urgency, first by establishing his own "intelligence agency"--the Guardian Office--on 1 March 1966, and then, almost immediately, on 9 March 1966, making a surprise trip to Rhodesia. This was only shortly after Ian Smith had kicked England out and declared Rhodesia's independence. Because of its natural resources and location, Rhodesia rapidly had became a hotbed of covert operations from both sides of the Cold War, including a heavy clandestine Soviet presence.

When Hubbard went there unexpectedly--after having announced his final development of even more of the secret OT Levels--the Western allies were immediately alarmed. They thought that Hubbard might have gotten onto their plans, and believed that in retaliation he might secretly have delivered the upper levels to Soviet agents. CIA rushed agents into Rhodesia to locate Hubbard and mounted a combined operation with its allies to get Hubbard expelled from the country as fast as they possibly could--which they did. But they hadn't had track of him when first he had arrived, and they still didn't know what he might have delivered to whom. And so the heat was turned on high.

Hubbard had hardly returned to England before he turned it up still higher: he started "the Sea Project" (now called "the Sea Org") and moved all of Scientology research and top management off of British soil onto international waters on ships, further foiling the Western allies' attempts at getting Scientology entirely under Western control. Hubbard then exacerbated things even more by visiting ports around the Mediterranean where the Western allies had only tenuous and uneasy intelligence presence and influence, while Middle Eastern religious and political influences dominated--influences known to have friendly relations with the Soviets, and decidedly unfriendly attitudes toward Israel and the West.

Desperate situations make desperate men, and so a desperate, even hasty (and extremely foolish) plan was then drawn up and put into motion by the Western allies--led largely by the U.S., the Commonwealth, and Israel--not only to take over Scientology, but get rid of Hubbard in the process, and to neutralize Scientology around the world by destroying its goodwill and replacing as much of it as possible with altered and sabotaged versions of it to be sold to the public.

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