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Evidence for the Global Conspiracy
Scoffers are still here with us as has been prophesized in the Bible. They proclaim that there
is no evidence of occult secret societies, no one promotes an one world government, and
there is no global conspiracy. The fact is that they are wrong and we are right. I will expose all
3 of those lies scoffers use to intimidate us into complacency and doubt. No doubt will entrap my mind, but pure rejuvenation to write, to show, and to act in this society. These are all my desires. A conspiracy is simply more than one person planning an act, then
acting it out. Therefore, conspiracies existed throughout human history. The
assassination of Abraham Lincoln, the Anjala conspiracy of 1788, the Iran Contra Affair,
Operation Gladio, and the Gunpowder Plot are similar examples of conspiracies existing throughout
human history. The most famous conspiracy is from the Bible where Lucifer tries to be like
God, and God sent him unto Earth. Lucifer takes 1/3 of all angels with him to plot to overthrow all mankind in the world with sin. Yet, in the end; Lucifer/Satan will lose the war by Almighty God. These are example of global conspiracies. Also, to prove a global
conspiracy, I must use simple language to define what a global conspiracy is.
A global conspiracy is a group of individuals in Secret Societies and other elitist institutions
who advocate an one world government, an one world religion, and an one world economy. All of these individuals and organizations collaborate with each other plotting those plans as well. Its a historical fact that select, super rich elite people control the vast majority of the wealth in the world. So it isn't abnormal to assume that a select group of people exist to promote an unified global government to run things. This is evil for an One World
Government violates our Constitutional rights, our national sovereignty, and our right to be
free from large, centralized global bodies. The New World Order as mentioned by books,
dictionaries, experts, and other sources for decades is similar to an one world government.
Many people are quoted as to endorse the one world government aka the New World Order. Here's
"Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order [referring to the 1991 LA Riot]. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond [i.e., an "extraterrestrial" invasion], whether real or *promulgated* [emphasis mine], that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this *scenario*, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government." (Dr. Henry Kissinger, Bilderberger Conference, Evians, France,
"We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries." (David Rockefeller, founder of the Trilateral Commission, in an address to
“The Trilateral Commission is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the
commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United
States. The Trilateral Commission represents a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and
consolidate the four centers of power political, monetary, intellectual and ecclesiastical. What
the Trilateral Commission intends is to create a worldwide economic power superior to the
political governments of the nation states involved. As managers and creators of the system,
they will rule the future.”
commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United
States. The Trilateral Commission represents a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and
consolidate the four centers of power political, monetary, intellectual and ecclesiastical. What
the Trilateral Commission intends is to create a worldwide economic power superior to the
political governments of the nation states involved. As managers and creators of the system,
they will rule the future.”
-U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater in his l964 book: With No Apologies
"The powers of financial capitalism had another far reaching aim, nothing
less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the
central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements, arrived at
in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was
the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the worlds' central banks which were themselves private corporations. The growth of financial capitalism made possible a centralization of world economic control and use of this power for the direct benefit of financiers and the indirect injury of all other economic groups."
(Tragedy and Hope: A History of The World in Our Time (Macmillan Company, 1966,)
Professor Carroll Quigley of Georgetown University, highly esteemed by his former
student, William Jefferson Blythe Clinton).
"The term Internationalism has been popularized in recent years to cover an interlocking financial,
political, and economic world force for the purpose of establishing a World Government. Today
Internationalism is heralded from pulpit and platform as a 'League of Nations' or a 'Federated Union'
to which the United States must surrender a definite part of its National Sovereignty. The World
Government plan is being advocated under such alluring names as the 'New International Order,'
'The New World Order,' 'World Union Now,' 'World Commonwealth of Nations,' 'World Community,'
etc. All the terms have the same objective; however, the line of approach may be religious or political
according to the taste or training of the individual." (Excerpt from A Memorial to be Addressed to the
political, and economic world force for the purpose of establishing a World Government. Today
Internationalism is heralded from pulpit and platform as a 'League of Nations' or a 'Federated Union'
to which the United States must surrender a definite part of its National Sovereignty. The World
Government plan is being advocated under such alluring names as the 'New International Order,'
'The New World Order,' 'World Union Now,' 'World Commonwealth of Nations,' 'World Community,'
etc. All the terms have the same objective; however, the line of approach may be religious or political
according to the taste or training of the individual." (Excerpt from A Memorial to be Addressed to the
House of Bishops and the House of Clerical and Lay Deputies of the Protestant Episcopal Church in
General Convention [October 1940])
"Mankind's desire for peace can be realized only by the creation of a world government...There is no
salvation for civilization or even the human race, other than the creation of a world government.."
(Albert Einstein from "A One World Order is Coming" by Dr. Cathy Burns, pg. 5,6).
salvation for civilization or even the human race, other than the creation of a world government.."
(Albert Einstein from "A One World Order is Coming" by Dr. Cathy Burns, pg. 5,6).
Nehru said that: "I have long believed the only way peace can be achieved is through World
Government....We have arrived at a stage where the next step must comprise a world and all its
states submitting to the authority of world organization." ("A One World Order is Coming" by Dr.
Cathy Burns, pg. 5, 6)
Government....We have arrived at a stage where the next step must comprise a world and all its
states submitting to the authority of world organization." ("A One World Order is Coming" by Dr.
Cathy Burns, pg. 5, 6)
Charles De Gaulle said: "Nations must unite in a world government or perish.." (Dr. Cathy Burns's "A
One World Order is Coming" on pg. 5).
DeMolay and Bohemian Grover Walter Cronkite wrote that in his book, "A
Reporter's Life” that: "...If we are to avoid that catastrophe, a system of world
order-preferably a system of world government is mandatory...The proud
nations someday will see the light, and for the common good and their own
survival, yield up their precious soveregnity...just as America's thirteen
colonies did two centuries ago.."
nations someday will see the light, and for the common good and their own
survival, yield up their precious soveregnity...just as America's thirteen
colonies did two centuries ago.."
Robert Muller from the United Nations said that: "...We must move as quickly as possible to a one world governmetn; a one world religion, under a one world leader." ("A One World Order is Coming" by Dr. Cathy Burns on pg. 6).
Rhodes Scholar Strobe Talbot said these words in the 1990's: "In the next century,
nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global
authority. National sovereignty wasn't such a great idea after all." (Strobe Talbot,
Time Magazine, July 20th 1992).
authority. National sovereignty wasn't such a great idea after all." (Strobe Talbot,
Time Magazine, July 20th 1992).
"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a LUCIFERIAN Initiation." David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations
David Rockefeller's proud exclamation,"Some.. believe we are part of
a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States,
characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of
conspiring with others... to build a more integrated global political
and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I
stand guilty, and I am proud of it..” (Rockefeller, David.Me moi r s . New
characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of
conspiring with others... to build a more integrated global political
and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I
stand guilty, and I am proud of it..” (Rockefeller, David.Me moi r s . New
York: Random House, 2002. p. 405).
Larry McDonald exposed this agenda in the following quotation:
"The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining
supercapitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control.... Do I mean
conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in
planning, and incredibly evil in intent." (Congressman Larry P. McDonald, 1976, killed in the Korean
supercapitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control.... Do I mean
conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in
planning, and incredibly evil in intent." (Congressman Larry P. McDonald, 1976, killed in the Korean
Airlines 747 that was shot down by the Soviets)
General Douglas MacArthur talking with President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
MacArthur was famous for his military campaigns in Asia, especially in the Philippines.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt supported the Masonic One Dollar Bill and the New Deal. MacArthur would go on to fight in the Korean War, told John F. Kennedy to not extend more military involvement in Vietnam, and died in 1964. He is buried to this day in the
Rotunda of MacArthur Memorial Museum in Norfolk, Virginia.
Curtis Dall who was FDR's son in law even exposed the goal of elitists trying to create an one world government in his book entitled, "My Exploited Father- in-Law":
"...For a long t ime I felt that FDR had developed many thoughts and ideas
that were his own to benefit this country, the United States. But, he didn't. Most of his thoughts, his political ammunition, as it were, were carefully manufactured for him in advanced by the Council on Foreign
Relations-One World Money group. Brilliantly, with great gusto, like a f ine
piece of art illery, he exploded that prepared "ammunit ion" in the middle of an unsuspect ing target, the American people, and thus paid off and returned his internationalist political support...The UN is but a long-range,
international banking apparatus clearly set up for f inancial and economic prof it by a smal l group of powerful One-World revolut ionaries, hungry for prof it and power...The depression was the calculated 'shearing' of the public
by the World Money powers, triggered by the planned sudden shortage of
supply of call money in the New York money market....The One World
Government leaders and their ever close bankers have now acquired full control of the money and credit machinery of the U.S. via the creat ion of the
One World Government
There is in existence of many people wanting to unify all nations into one. An c i e n t
empires promoting the merging of nation states from ancient Egypt to ancient Rome and beyond. The need for a global government between nations was discussed in ancient Greek and Roman times. Dante in his bookMona rc hia from 1329 mentioned a global government view. Now, it’s interesting to note
that Dante is a member of the Rosicurican Order. Albert Pike wrote in his Morals and Dogma book that Dante popularized the Rose and Cross symbol of the Rosicrucian order.There is an Earth Charter trying to use its Universal Law
to unite all people on Earth to save the Earth. It actually includes stealing wealth and letting one authority to come in to rule all countries. The Constitution for the Federation Earth exists now with plans for World Capitols, World Police, World Supreme Court, and World Government. The World Criminal Court existed in July 2002. NATO even wants to be the worlds army and I heard this in a class at college before. The World Heritage Protection program gives the United Nations authority of running millions of acres now in America. These areas are the Statue of Liberty, Grand Canyon, Yellowstone National Park, and the Yosemite Valley. The World Summit comments on our world crops and live stocks on what we can eat today. The State of the World Forum meets in August 2000 to promote Global Governance. Even by 2015, The World Summits goal is to reduce half the number of undernourished people by population control and other methods. There is even the European Union that is a political group made up of many nations.
For months, the alternative media have strongly reported on this issue or the Transatlantic
Union. The Advisory Committee on International Economic Policy, or ACIEP supported such a
meeting. It was held in "Chatham House" rules that prohibit reporters from attributing
specific comments to individual participants. Now if this SPP/Transatlantic Union meeting
was so peaceful and isn’t a threat, why have so much secrecy in this circumstance? It doesn’t
make sense unless the people organizing this affair wanted to withhold the truth from the
public. The meeting talked about the SPP (or the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North
was so peaceful and isn’t a threat, why have so much secrecy in this circumstance? It doesn’t
make sense unless the people organizing this affair wanted to withhold the truth from the
public. The meeting talked about the SPP (or the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North
America. It has 20 trilateral bureaucratic working groups that seek to "integrate and
harmonize" administrative rules and regulations on a continental basis) and the US-EU
Transatlantic Economic Council or TEC. The TEC endorses the merging or convergence of administrative rules and regulations between Europe and North America to possibly form a "Tranatlantic Economic Union" between the EU and North America. TheT ran sat lan t ic
Economic Council, or TEC, was created by President Bush at an April 30 summit meeting at
the White House with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the current president of the
European Council, and European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso. Corsi wrote
that those in the meeting wanted to seek a Transatlantic outlook or market. Corsi also wrote that those in the affair wanted standarization, open borders, and other means for integration. Sen. Robert Bennett, R-Utah wanted a Transatlantic Common Market with the US and the EU united economically by 2015.Pope John Paul II called for a new world order. Even Pope
Benedict XVI on Christmas of 2005 called for a new world order as well. British Prime
Minister Gordon Brown himself yesterday announced that the G20 heralded the creation of a
“new world order” which would involve increased global regulation of economic markets.
Global Government has been called for by Walter Cronkite, David Rockefeller (in the form of
an “one world”), and even Al Gore (who talked about it recently in support of the globalist’s
cap and trade bill. This bill is heavily promoted in Congress that can harm our industry
potentially permanently). World Bank President and Bilderberg elitist Robert Zoellick openly
an “one world”), and even Al Gore (who talked about it recently in support of the globalist’s
cap and trade bill. This bill is heavily promoted in Congress that can harm our industry
potentially permanently). World Bank President and Bilderberg elitist Robert Zoellick openly
admitted that he desired to have global governance by his own words (as reported by the
Financial Times): “…If leaders are serious about creating new global responsibilitiesor
governance, let them start by modernising multilateralism to empower the WTO, the IMF,
and the World Bank Group to monitor national policies.” UN Secretary General Ban Ki-
moon insisting that global governance will be imposed to enforce CO2 regulations. The
first President of the EU Herman Van Rompuy called for global governance in late
2009. Rompuy admitted that the Copenhagen climate change meeting is another step
towards the global management of the planet. Global Governance is an euphemism for
global government. Pascal Lamy, Director General of the World Trade Organization and
towards the global management of the planet. Global Governance is an euphemism for
global government. Pascal Lamy, Director General of the World Trade Organization and
frequent attendee of secret Bilderberg meetings, sees the European Union as a testing ground
for the machinery of international governance (in his speech on November 9th, 2009 in Italy).
The One World Religion
Its a known fact, even among doubters, that some in the Ecumenical Movement wants people to
compromise their core religious convictions to create an One World Religion. The Interfaithism of
that movement is apparent. For example, as documented by Frederick Charles Hicks in
his 1920 book "The New World Order", Royal Society member John Bellers presented
the agenda in the year 1710 about wanting:
"...an elaborate proposal to Parliament for a confederation of states to do away with
war. It contained also a proposal for a convocation of all religions."(Hicks, Frederick
Charles. The New World Order. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, Page & Company,
1920. p. 71).
As early as 1893, the First Parliament of Religions was held. After WWI, the West attempt to develop
the League of Nations to find solutions to the problems of war. The League of Nations failed of
coursed and it wasn’t even passed by the United States Senate. Later, John D. Rockefeller Jr.
launched the Interchurch World Movement (IWM) in 1919. The Interchurch World
Movement was the first attempt by the Rockefellers to consolidate the churches into a
corporate like structure where they would exercise control over their activities.Accord in g
to Professor Charles E. Harvey of California State University, John D. Rockefeller Jr. paid millions of dollar to use the IWM to consolidate denominations along the lines of big business. John D. Rockefeller wanted his IWM to be more influential than the then
League of Nations. The IWM was short lives, but the Rockefellers continued their quest for a globalized church infrastructure. Pastor Harry Emerson Fosdick would later endorse a world federation. Harry was the brother of Raymond B. Fosdick, who was the lawyer to John D. Rockefeller (John D. Rockefeller funded Fosdick’s preaching at Riverside Church in New York from 1926 to 1946).The World Council of Churches was formed in 1948 to unify all
Christian sects (even false ones) into one. Ironically, John D. Rockefeller would fund the FCC (or the Federal Council of Churches) and the WCC. In the 1961 third assembly of the World Council of Church in New Delhi, India, something strange occurred. Representatives from the WCC supported world government or a new world order (one Rev. H. N. Riber supported this aim of global government). The New Delhi Report’s “The Third Assembly of the World Council of
Churches” from New York, N.Y. in the Association Press, on 1961 from p. 115
document Riber’s aims.Today, the WCC had over 300 member churches globally. They
include: Episcopal Church in the USA; Evangelical Lutheran Church in America; National
Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA; Presbyterian Church; the United Methodist Church, and others. The WCC had been allied with the United Nations since its founding in 1948. The deal is that international bodies and foundations have funded apostate Christians to promote the tenets of globalism, theological compromise, and internationalism for decades. Nothing is truly new under the sun. In its 1963 Philadelphia Assembly message, after calling for "racial brotherhood and justice," (there is nothing wrong with racial equality though) the "National Council's Message to the Churches" went on to support the United Nations:
“…As churches, we must actively support the United Nations and adequate aid for
developing nations; must press for significant steps toward disarmament and for diversion of
enormous resources now devoted to the arms race to a frontal attack on the unmet needs of
mankind; and must recognize that revolutionary movements of our time may be new thrusts
for human dignity and freedom..” (National Council's Message to the Churches,"
developing nations; must press for significant steps toward disarmament and for diversion of
enormous resources now devoted to the arms race to a frontal attack on the unmet needs of
mankind; and must recognize that revolutionary movements of our time may be new thrusts
for human dignity and freedom..” (National Council's Message to the Churches,"
Presbyterian Life,” vol. 17, no. 1, January 1, 1964, p. 26).
Dr. Luther H. Evans, who was a Dartmouth College professor of political science and ex-
director general of UNESCO has said, "The peace of the world demands not only the
existence of the United Nations, but also a United Religions." (Hector Pereyra-Suarez,
director general of UNESCO has said, "The peace of the world demands not only the
existence of the United Nations, but also a United Religions." (Hector Pereyra-Suarez,
"Blueprint for Religious Union," inL i bert y, September-October, 1963, vol. 58, no. 5, p. 8).
The Vatican in 1986 called a prayer meeting for world peace among many religions for
numerous reasons. This was headed by Pope John Paul II in Assisi, Italy. There were
animists, snake worshippers, other pagans, Muslims, Buddhists, etc. They each claimed to be
praying to the same God. Today, the modern Ecumenical Movement (especially in the West)
is one of strongest means where a false global church unification is taking place. The
Ecumenical movement is about unifying Catholics, Protestant, Baptist, Orthodox, Arians,
Jws, Mormons, etc. into one church organization basically. Most Ecumenicals diminish
numerous reasons. This was headed by Pope John Paul II in Assisi, Italy. There were
animists, snake worshippers, other pagans, Muslims, Buddhists, etc. They each claimed to be
praying to the same God. Today, the modern Ecumenical Movement (especially in the West)
is one of strongest means where a false global church unification is taking place. The
Ecumenical movement is about unifying Catholics, Protestant, Baptist, Orthodox, Arians,
Jws, Mormons, etc. into one church organization basically. Most Ecumenicals diminish
certain doctrines as non-important differences that could be compromised in order to unite. This movement is promoted heavily by the World Council of Churches (which is made up of mostly liberal mainline Protestant denominations. Some members of the WCC question or outright deny the essential doctrines of Christianity from the inerrancy of the Scriptures to the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ) and the Vatican. Dr. Cathy Burns and Fritz
Springmeier have created excellent research on how the WCC is infiltrated by high level
Freemasons, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Vatican/Jesuit network, and the CFR. The
Rockefellers also wants to unite religions as a means to create world governance.In 1994,
Freemasons, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Vatican/Jesuit network, and the CFR. The
Rockefellers also wants to unite religions as a means to create world governance.In 1994,
there was the ECT agreement where apostate false Evangelicals united with
Rome to compromise their doctrine in refusing to send Roman Catholic
people the Gospel of Jesus Christ (for the sake of supporting social causes
like opposing abortion). ECT stands for Evangelicals and Catholics Together.
Rome to compromise their doctrine in refusing to send Roman Catholic
people the Gospel of Jesus Christ (for the sake of supporting social causes
like opposing abortion). ECT stands for Evangelicals and Catholics Together.
There is nothing wrong with exposing and opposing abortion. Yet, that is never an excuse to
have Ecumenical with the unscriptural creed of Romanism at all. The National Right to Life
has plenty of Ecumenicals in them. Even the founder of Operation Rescue Randall Terry has
converted to Roman Catholicism. Many Catholics are very pro-life though. According to
pro-lifer Steve Lefemine from South Carolina:
converted to Roman Catholicism. Many Catholics are very pro-life though. According to
pro-lifer Steve Lefemine from South Carolina:
“…Mrs. Judie Brown is president of American Life League. She is a long-time, principled,
pro-personhood, sincere pro-lifer. Unfortunately she is also a devout follower of the false
religion of Rome, and has been unable to publicly admit the obvious, painful, hard truth
which the evidence supports, in light of the opposition of the Catholic Bishops to
"personhood" in Michigan, Georgia, Montana, and Colorado, i.e., the Roman Catholic
hierarchy is NOT pro-life ! In other words, the petition drive to put a pro-personhood state
constitutional amendment on the ballot in Michigan in 2006 was defeated with the
opposition of the Michigan chapter of National Right to Life (just as the director of the
South Carolina chapter of National Right to Life (SC Citizens for Life) tried to kill the SC
Personhood bill several years ago by approaching the SC Legislator sponsoring the bill, in a
failed attempt to get him to stop promoting his bill), and with the opposition of the
pro-personhood, sincere pro-lifer. Unfortunately she is also a devout follower of the false
religion of Rome, and has been unable to publicly admit the obvious, painful, hard truth
which the evidence supports, in light of the opposition of the Catholic Bishops to
"personhood" in Michigan, Georgia, Montana, and Colorado, i.e., the Roman Catholic
hierarchy is NOT pro-life ! In other words, the petition drive to put a pro-personhood state
constitutional amendment on the ballot in Michigan in 2006 was defeated with the
opposition of the Michigan chapter of National Right to Life (just as the director of the
South Carolina chapter of National Right to Life (SC Citizens for Life) tried to kill the SC
Personhood bill several years ago by approaching the SC Legislator sponsoring the bill, in a
failed attempt to get him to stop promoting his bill), and with the opposition of the
Michigan bishop(s) [ Michigan Catholic Conference]…”
The Bible is very clear that Christians should never compromise their core convictions in an
attempt to be loved by the world. The world society is continually wicked and we should reject their
wickedness. The One World Religious movement is definitely promoted by the Bahai religion, which
desires to merge many world religions into one. Baha'i was started in 1844 when Mizra Ali
Muhammad claimed to be the greatest of all prophets. Baha'i insist that various religion are
actually united in purpose and teaching, because in their mind God’s manifestation came
into different religions at different points in human history. Baha'i believe in one God (or
Supreme Being), even though men have called Him by different names. Baha'i
view religion as a progressive, evolutionary process which needs to be updated as
humanity evolves mentally, socially, and spiritually. Every so often a new Prophet
is sent to humanity to update religion to the current needs of mankind. These
view religion as a progressive, evolutionary process which needs to be updated as
humanity evolves mentally, socially, and spiritually. Every so often a new Prophet
is sent to humanity to update religion to the current needs of mankind. These
prophets or spiritual leaders to Bah’ai followers include Monotheism through Moses and
Jesus, polytheism through Krishna, Agnosticism through Buddha, and dualism through
Zoroaster. The religion still believes in one Supreme Being even though their role models
don’t accept that concept. Mother Theresa was on the cutting edge of this wider mercy
Jesus, polytheism through Krishna, Agnosticism through Buddha, and dualism through
Zoroaster. The religion still believes in one Supreme Being even though their role models
don’t accept that concept. Mother Theresa was on the cutting edge of this wider mercy
doctrine. In a film entitled 'Mother Teresa', originally given in its world premiere at the
United Nations 40th Anniversary celebration in 1985, she gave a familiar message of
religious universalism: 'No colour, no religion, no nationality, should come between
us.” Mother Theresa practiced today’s open Catholicism“I love all religions. ... If
United Nations 40th Anniversary celebration in 1985, she gave a familiar message of
religious universalism: 'No colour, no religion, no nationality, should come between
us.” Mother Theresa practiced today’s open Catholicism“I love all religions. ... If
people become better Hindus, better Muslims, better Buddhists by our acts of love, then
there is something else growing there.” She upheld that there are many ways to God': “All
is God--Buddists, Hindus, Christians, etc., all have access to the same God.” (12/4/89
there is something else growing there.” She upheld that there are many ways to God': “All
is God--Buddists, Hindus, Christians, etc., all have access to the same God.” (12/4/89
Time, pp. 11, 13) While we can agree to love people there is a vast difference as
accepting all religions as valid.
That is why Bah’ai’s founder Baha’u’llah wanted to unite all peoples into one (which is a goal of the
new world order. There is nothing wrong with respecting all people of the world with true love, but we
have a right to preserve national sovereignty). It’s a known fact that the Bah’ai religion have key
connections to the Order of Freemasonry and the United Nations. Bah’ai even tries to use New
Testament to justify its creed. Yet, Baha’ullah isn’t in the Bible at all. The Holy Spirit is the only Spirit
of truth as found in John 14:16-17, 26. Also, the real Messiah is of Jewish descent and in his
new world order. There is nothing wrong with respecting all people of the world with true love, but we
have a right to preserve national sovereignty). It’s a known fact that the Bah’ai religion have key
connections to the Order of Freemasonry and the United Nations. Bah’ai even tries to use New
Testament to justify its creed. Yet, Baha’ullah isn’t in the Bible at all. The Holy Spirit is the only Spirit
of truth as found in John 14:16-17, 26. Also, the real Messiah is of Jewish descent and in his
2nd coming his feet shall touch the Mount of Olives. Baha’ullah is another false prophet that
was predicted in the New Testament. The unification of all religion (as the Bah’ai faith supports) is
about apart of the new world order concept. Today, Order of the Garter member Prince Charles
wants unity among various religions as well. Freemasonry is notorious in promoting monotheistic
religious unity like Hall‘s words: “As a Mason his religion must be universal: Christ, Buddha, or
wants unity among various religions as well. Freemasonry is notorious in promoting monotheistic
religious unity like Hall‘s words: “As a Mason his religion must be universal: Christ, Buddha, or
Mohammed, the name means little, for he recognizes only the light and not the bearer”
(Manly Hall, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, pg. 65). Today, there is a World Parliament of
Religion groups advancing Religious Universalism and a global religious authority.
(Manly Hall, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, pg. 65). Today, there is a World Parliament of
Religion groups advancing Religious Universalism and a global religious authority.
The One World Economy
Its obvious the cashless society agenda is part of the One World Economy Agenda.
Just look at the Euro. By the early part of the 21st century, numerous European
countries have the one single currency of the Euro. The World Bank exists to
handle global transactions. The WTO and IMF also are global institutions handling
the economic systems of the world. The Federal Reserve in America are handling
the banking of America by private people, when the Constitution only requires
Constitution to handle the coins of America in Article I, not by Banks. The
Bilderberg Group has called for a Global Tax for years and the Pan-American
Union is proposed by the CFR to merge all countries and currencies in the Northern
Hemisphere into one. There are recent news of some wanting to advocate a global
currency, especially in these economic troubling times. Agence France-Presse from
Just look at the Euro. By the early part of the 21st century, numerous European
countries have the one single currency of the Euro. The World Bank exists to
handle global transactions. The WTO and IMF also are global institutions handling
the economic systems of the world. The Federal Reserve in America are handling
the banking of America by private people, when the Constitution only requires
Constitution to handle the coins of America in Article I, not by Banks. The
Bilderberg Group has called for a Global Tax for years and the Pan-American
Union is proposed by the CFR to merge all countries and currencies in the Northern
Hemisphere into one. There are recent news of some wanting to advocate a global
currency, especially in these economic troubling times. Agence France-Presse from
March 11, 2009 outlined that Kazakh President President Nursultan Nazarbayev has won
backing for his plan for a single world currency.Nobel prize winner Professor Robert Mundell
wants a global currency as well. Nazarbayev was speaking at an economic forum in the city of
the new capital he has built on the Kazakh steppe. He want the "acmetal" or a world currency
system. Mundell was the man who helped lay the intellectual groundwork for Europe's single
currency. Professor Mundell said that: "...I must say that I agree with President Nazarbayev
on his statement and many of the things he said in his plan, the project he made for the world
currency, and I believe I’m right on track with what he’s saying...." Mundell said that the idea
is about the great promise of improving the economy in his mind. Actually, a world currency
is a globalist tool in order to centralize wealth into fewer hands. Mr. Nazarbayev and
currency. Professor Mundell said that: "...I must say that I agree with President Nazarbayev
on his statement and many of the things he said in his plan, the project he made for the world
currency, and I believe I’m right on track with what he’s saying...." Mundell said that the idea
is about the great promise of improving the economy in his mind. Actually, a world currency
is a globalist tool in order to centralize wealth into fewer hands. Mr. Nazarbayev and
Professor Mundell wants the Group of 20 to develop economies in forming a working group
on the proposal at their summit on the global economic crisis in London (on April 2).“ W e
should deliver our thoughts and the thoughts of this conference to the leaders of those
countries,” Mr Nazarbayev said, referring to the G8 and G20 nations. Though a boost for what
might seem an other-worldly plan, Prof Mundell has previously suggested single currencies
are only appropriate for countries with similar economies. Acmetal is the merging of Greek
word acme meaning peak or beat and capital. A global currency is one of the many goals of
people who want the existence of the new world order. So, the one world economy system is
being proposed, some of its policies exist, and people supporting an one world currency are growing.
Now, China supports Russia's proposal to hand the IMF to create a new supra-national
currency in response to the call for an alternative to the U.S. dollar as the world reserve
currency. Days ago, the Kremlin called for the “creation of a supranational reserve currency
to be issued by international institutions as part of a reform of the global financial system.”
A global currency would collapse the greenback. Trillions of greenbacks are held in foreign
exchange reserves by foreign countries like China and Japan. Bernake says that he doesn't
support a global currency, but he does support efforts to create a global regulatory
framework that would act as the vehicle for the introduction of a new global currency to
replace the dollar. That's similar to Orwellian Doublespeak. He has echoed the sentiments of
exchange reserves by foreign countries like China and Japan. Bernake says that he doesn't
support a global currency, but he does support efforts to create a global regulatory
framework that would act as the vehicle for the introduction of a new global currency to
replace the dollar. That's similar to Orwellian Doublespeak. He has echoed the sentiments of
Blair, Brown, Merkel, Sarkozy and others in calling for a new world economic order.
Rebecca Christie from Bloomberg on March 26, 2009 wrote that Treasury Secretary
Timothy Geithner is quite open to the creation of an international reserve currency (after
replacing the dollar in a speech to the CFR). So, the global currency agenda is more real than
some people realize. Even shills Sean Hannity and Dick Morris said that people like us are
correct to point out the threat of a global reserve currency.
replacing the dollar in a speech to the CFR). So, the global currency agenda is more real than
some people realize. Even shills Sean Hannity and Dick Morris said that people like us are
correct to point out the threat of a global reserve currency.
There has been global currencies tested as well. An United Future World Currency
initiative that began in 1996 in Italy by Sandro Sassoli. It was based upon advice by
CFR member Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., who had written in Partisan Review
(May-June 1947): “There seems to be no inherent obstacle to the gradual
advance of socialism in the United States through a series of New Deals….
The transition must be piecemeal….” Years, later, Schlesinger wrote in the
CFR’s Foreign Affairs (July-August 1995): “We are not going to achieve a new
world order without paying for it in blood as well as in words and money.”T he
Royal Mint of Belgium issued a new currency test (and the Economist for January 9, 1988
issued a new currency as similar to a Phoenix). The Economist said “The Phoenix” was
planned for 2018. And in “The demise of the dollar” (The Independent, October 6, 2009),
issued a new currency as similar to a Phoenix). The Economist said “The Phoenix” was
planned for 2018. And in “The demise of the dollar” (The Independent, October 6, 2009),
Robert Fisk wrote: “In the most profound change in recent Middle East history, Gulf Arabs are planning – along with China, Russia, Japan and France – to end dollar dealings for oil, moving instead to a basket of currencies including the Japanese yen and Chinese Yuan, the Euro, gold and a new, unified currency planned for nations in the Gulf Co-operation Council...The current deadline for the currency transition is 2018..." The value of the dollar is decreasing. America is
constantly borrowing money from China and increasing the burden on the dollar. So, a plan
for world government and a global economy is real.
Appendix A: Some of the Top Globalists on Earth
(Naming Names)
-The current & 30th Jesuit Superior General is Adolfo Nicolás, who was
elected on January 19, 2008. The Jesuit Superior General is traditionally
nicknamed the Black Pope. Pope Benedict XVI is the man who has called for
the new world order. The Papacy and the Jesuit network is the most
dominant religious network in the world today. It not only has over 1.1 billion
members worldwide (which is larger than many nations), but it covertly
nicknamed the Black Pope. Pope Benedict XVI is the man who has called for
the new world order. The Papacy and the Jesuit network is the most
dominant religious network in the world today. It not only has over 1.1 billion
members worldwide (which is larger than many nations), but it covertly
conceals its power in many ways. Their power extends into Papal and Royal
Knighthoods and other Orders. The Grand Master of the Franco-Neapolitan
branch is Prince Carlo, Duke of Castro. The Grand Prior of the Franco-
Neapolitan branch is Albert Cardinal Vanhoye, S.J., who is a French Jesuit.
Infante Carlos is the Grand Master of the Hispano-Neapolitan branch of the
Constantinian Order. The Worldwide head of the Knights of Malta is Matthew
Knighthoods and other Orders. The Grand Master of the Franco-Neapolitan
branch is Prince Carlo, Duke of Castro. The Grand Prior of the Franco-
Neapolitan branch is Albert Cardinal Vanhoye, S.J., who is a French Jesuit.
Infante Carlos is the Grand Master of the Hispano-Neapolitan branch of the
Constantinian Order. The Worldwide head of the Knights of Malta is Matthew
Festing. He is also a Knight of the Grand Cross of Justice, which is of the
Franco-Neapolitan branch of the Constantinian Order. The Grand Master of
the Order of the Holy Sepulchre is John Patrick Carinal Foley. The head of
Opus Dei is Prelate Bishop Javier Echevarría Rodríguez.
Franco-Neapolitan branch of the Constantinian Order. The Grand Master of
the Order of the Holy Sepulchre is John Patrick Carinal Foley. The head of
Opus Dei is Prelate Bishop Javier Echevarría Rodríguez.
-The head of the World Council of the Churches is Samuel Kobia. The current President of the
National Council of Churches, who began a two-year term in January 2008, is Archbishop Vicken
Aykazian of Washington, D.C.
-The Grand Sovereign Commander of the Southern Jurisdiction of Scottish Rite
Freemasonry in America is Ronald A. Seale. Its headquartered in Washington, D.C.
John William McNaughton (a33° Freemason, a York Rite Mason and a Shriner)
is the head of the U.S. Northern Jurisdication of Scottish Rite Freemasonry. The
head of the Scottish Rite in England and Wales is Rev. Canon Richard Tydeman.
The head of the Italian Scottish Rite is Corrado Ballaco Gabrieli. Now, there are
other Supreme Councils of the Scottish globally.The head of the York Rite of
Freemasonry is the Duke of Kent and the Marquess of Northhampton (because the
York Rite is under the United Grand Lodge of England. The Duke of Kent of course
heads the UGLE). Prince Michael of Kent (his wife is a Roman Catholic and a
Dame Grand Cross of Honour and Devotion to the SMOM. Therefore, here's
another example of Masons and Catholics working together) is the Grand Master of
the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons.Turkish Ottoman Freemasonry is a 7°
John William McNaughton (a33° Freemason, a York Rite Mason and a Shriner)
is the head of the U.S. Northern Jurisdication of Scottish Rite Freemasonry. The
head of the Scottish Rite in England and Wales is Rev. Canon Richard Tydeman.
The head of the Italian Scottish Rite is Corrado Ballaco Gabrieli. Now, there are
other Supreme Councils of the Scottish globally.The head of the York Rite of
Freemasonry is the Duke of Kent and the Marquess of Northhampton (because the
York Rite is under the United Grand Lodge of England. The Duke of Kent of course
heads the UGLE). Prince Michael of Kent (his wife is a Roman Catholic and a
Dame Grand Cross of Honour and Devotion to the SMOM. Therefore, here's
another example of Masons and Catholics working together) is the Grand Master of
the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons.Turkish Ottoman Freemasonry is a 7°
system with two branches controlled by Fethullah Gülen & false anti-Mason Adnan Oktar a.k.a. Harun Yahya. All Shriners until recently had to be of the Scottish Rite 33°, this is a Masonic-created & controlled body. All members must be “regular” Master Masons and the Imperial Potentate of the Shriners
of North America & the highest-ranking Shriner in the world is Douglas E.
Maxwell. Spencer Compton, 7th Marquess of Northampton: The UGLE Pro
[Deputy] Grand Master & is also the Pro [Deputy] First Grand Principal of the
Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England. Moishe Smithis
Maxwell. Spencer Compton, 7th Marquess of Northampton: The UGLE Pro
[Deputy] Grand Master & is also the Pro [Deputy] First Grand Principal of the
Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England. Moishe Smithis
the leader of the Masonic B’nai B’rith International Group (B’nai B’rith controls the ADL and is allied with the World Jewish Congress. The World Jewish Congress is headed by President Ronald S. Lauder since June 10, 2007. Edgar Miles
Bronfman was the ex-head of the WJC. Bronfman is one of the most powerful
Jewish people on Earth with ownership ofSe a gra m and having connections to the
CFR. The head of the ADL is of course Abe Foxman).
-Sir Robert Worcester KBE DL is the Chairman of the Pilgrim Society. Lord Inge is the President of
the Pilgrim Society. The patron of the society is Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
-The Sovereign of the Order of the Garter is Queen Elizabeth II of the United
Kingdom. The OSJ’s (or the Order of St. John) Grand Prior is the Queen’s cousin,
Prince Richard, Duke of Gloucester. The Royals are apart of the Germanic Saxe-
Coburg Gotha bloodline. They are related to the Black Nobility and the
Merovingian bloodlines. This Black Nobility who are Knights of Malta is
Prince Richard, Duke of Gloucester. The Royals are apart of the Germanic Saxe-
Coburg Gotha bloodline. They are related to the Black Nobility and the
Merovingian bloodlines. This Black Nobility who are Knights of Malta is
composed primarily of Gentiles, families like the Krupps, Bohlens and in
Bavaria, the Wittelsbachs. There were the Farnese, the Burgundy family, the
Wettin family Orsini/Maximus, the Guelphs, Breakspear, the Grimaldi family,
Hozhenzollern family, Aldobrandini, Somalgia, the Savoy family, and the Borja
Black Nobility bloodlines. Pope Paul III of the Farnese family allowed the Jesuit
Bavaria, the Wittelsbachs. There were the Farnese, the Burgundy family, the
Wettin family Orsini/Maximus, the Guelphs, Breakspear, the Grimaldi family,
Hozhenzollern family, Aldobrandini, Somalgia, the Savoy family, and the Borja
Black Nobility bloodlines. Pope Paul III of the Farnese family allowed the Jesuit
Order to exist by Ignatius Loyola in 1534 in order to fight against Protestant,
Muslims, and Jewish people. There is also the Li family with huge power in China
and the Asian part of the world. The same bloodlines acquire this globalist power.
Muslims, and Jewish people. There is also the Li family with huge power in China
and the Asian part of the world. The same bloodlines acquire this globalist power.
-The leaders of the Bilderberg Group today are the current chairman of the annual
Bilderberg conferencenamed Étienne Davignon (who is one of the most powerful
men in Europe. He was the first head of the IEA or the International Energy Agency
and was chairman of numerous banks. Now, he is the Vice Chairman of the Suez
subsidiary Suez-Tractebel),Walter Scheel (the ex-President of West Germany,Eric
and was chairman of numerous banks. Now, he is the Vice Chairman of the Suez
subsidiary Suez-Tractebel),Walter Scheel (the ex-President of West Germany,Eric
Roll (he was the former head of SG Warburg) and Lord Carrington, (he was the
formerSe cre ta ry-Ge n e ra l ofNAT O). Lord Carrington is one of the most powerful political men in the UK. The Bilderberg Group is more powerful than the CFR and the Trilateral Commission, but not the Pilgrim Society at all.
-The heads of the European Union include José Manuel Barroso (of the Commission), Hans-
Gert Pöttering (of the Parliament), and Mirek Topolánek (of the European Council). All 3
men have ties to the Vatican. The leadership of the Trilateral Commission include Joseph Nye of
North America, Jesuit-trained Peter Sutherland of Europe, and Yotaro Kobayashi, of the Pacific Asian
region of the world.
-The current chairman of the Council of Chatham House is Dr. DeAnne Julius and its Director isDr .
Robin Niblett, who succeeded Professor Victor Bulmer-Thomas in January 2007.
-The Cheif Executive of the Rand Corporation is CFR member Dr. James A. Thomson.
-The 1001 Club and the World Wildlife Fund are elitists group that head up the mainstream,
controlled environmental movement. The 1001 Club was created by Prince Bernhard of the
Netherlands with help form Anton Rupert,who was a South African entrepreneur. Members of both
groups consider of managers of banks and other multinational corporations worldwide. Examples
from past and present include Sir Eric Drake of British Petroleum, Sir Val Duncan of Rio Tinto,Harry
Frederick Oppenheimer and Sidney Spiro of Anglo-American Corporation, the British and French Rothschilds, Michel David-Weill of Lazard, Laurance and David Rockefeller, Henry Ford II, Baron Hans Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza, Peter von Siemens, and Berthold Beitz of Krupp. Among the
more remarkable members have been Salem bin Laden, Osama bin Laden's older half-brother;
Mobutu Sese Seko, the dictator of Zaire; BCCI founder and president Agha Hasan Abedi; early
Zionist operatives as Louis Bloomfield and Tibor Rosembaum; and the controversial businessman
Nelson Bunker Hunt.The leader of the 1001 Club has people from all over the world, while the
Zionist operatives as Louis Bloomfield and Tibor Rosembaum; and the controversial businessman
Nelson Bunker Hunt.The leader of the 1001 Club has people from all over the world, while the
Pilgrim Society is primarily made up of the Anglo-American elite. The 1001 have been leading promoted of the man-made global warming hoax since 1980's (via 1001 Club members David Rockefeller, Edmund de Rothschild, and Maurice Strong plus not to mention James Baker III) before Al Gore promoted this paranoia. Many in the 1001 Club are founders of the other eco- extremist groups. Prince Philip is the president emeritus of the WWF International. James P. Leape was appointed Director-General of WWF International in December 2005. Em eka
Anyaoku (who is Nigerian) currently President of the World Wide Fund for Nature. The 1001 Club
(and even the WWF) are very huge land grabbers in the continent of Africa. So, the 1001 Club and
the WWF are key enemies.
-The Chairman of the Group of Thirty is Paul Volcker. Volcker was once the
Chairman of the Federal Reserve and he's a famous Trilateralist. The Vice
Chairman is Jacob A. Frenkel. The Executive Secretary is Geoffrey L. Bell.
Bell is the President of the Geoffrey Bell and Company as well. Their leaders
include politicans and corporate cheiftan like William McDonough, William R.
Rhodes (apart of Citigroup) and Rt. Hn. Lord Richardson of Duntisbourne.
Chairman is Jacob A. Frenkel. The Executive Secretary is Geoffrey L. Bell.
Bell is the President of the Geoffrey Bell and Company as well. Their leaders
include politicans and corporate cheiftan like William McDonough, William R.
Rhodes (apart of Citigroup) and Rt. Hn. Lord Richardson of Duntisbourne.
-The President of the Council on Foreign Relations is Richard N. Hass, the Vice Chairman is Richard E. Salomon, and co-Chairmans of the Board are Robert E. Rubin (and Carla A. Hills). The Board of Directors include many people like Tom Brokaw, Colin Powell, Joseph Nye, Christine Todd Whitman, Fareed Zakaria, Richard Holbrooke, Maurice R. Greenberg, etc.
-The International Bankers are headed by numerous people. Even the International bankers are
controlled by the Vatican, the Pilgrims, high level Freemasonry, and the Bilderberg Group. These
same bankers have funded wars and revolutions for over 1,000 years. Their bloodlines goes on
beyond thousands of years from ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, ancient Rome, the Merovingians,
and onward. The Governor of the Bank of England is Mervyn King. King is a member of the Group of
Thirty. Baron David de Rothschild is the Chairman of N M Rothschild & Sons inLondon, known as
Rothschild . The Rothschild family have been involved in banking for over 200 years, but even they
are apart of British Knighthoods and handled the Vatican's Treasury. NM Rothschild and Sons NM
Rothschild and Son was founded in the City of London in 1811, and is now a global firm with over 40
offices around the world. The firm acts as a financial advisor to some of the most important
companies, largest governments, and wealthiest families in the world. The Federal Reseve of
America has Ben Bernake as its Chairman (Donald Kohn, Vice-Chairman). Its Eccels Building is its
headquarters in Washington, D.C. They have 12 regional Banking regions. It has a Board of
governors as well. William C. Dudley is the President of the New York region. Jeffrey M. Lacker is the
President of the Richmond region. JP Morgan's Chairman, President, and CEO is James L. Dimon.
According to Troy, George P. Schultz (who funded Arnold Schwarznegger's governor's Campaign,
was a Secretary of State, a member of the Hoover Institute, and formerly served on the board of
directors of Bechtel) is the head of JP Morgan's International Council. Schultz is currently a co-
chairman of the North American Forum and also serves on the board for Accretive Health. The
private central banks of Europe, America, and Asia have controlled most of the wealth of the world
controlled by the Vatican, the Pilgrims, high level Freemasonry, and the Bilderberg Group. These
same bankers have funded wars and revolutions for over 1,000 years. Their bloodlines goes on
beyond thousands of years from ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, ancient Rome, the Merovingians,
and onward. The Governor of the Bank of England is Mervyn King. King is a member of the Group of
Thirty. Baron David de Rothschild is the Chairman of N M Rothschild & Sons inLondon, known as
Rothschild . The Rothschild family have been involved in banking for over 200 years, but even they
are apart of British Knighthoods and handled the Vatican's Treasury. NM Rothschild and Sons NM
Rothschild and Son was founded in the City of London in 1811, and is now a global firm with over 40
offices around the world. The firm acts as a financial advisor to some of the most important
companies, largest governments, and wealthiest families in the world. The Federal Reseve of
America has Ben Bernake as its Chairman (Donald Kohn, Vice-Chairman). Its Eccels Building is its
headquarters in Washington, D.C. They have 12 regional Banking regions. It has a Board of
governors as well. William C. Dudley is the President of the New York region. Jeffrey M. Lacker is the
President of the Richmond region. JP Morgan's Chairman, President, and CEO is James L. Dimon.
According to Troy, George P. Schultz (who funded Arnold Schwarznegger's governor's Campaign,
was a Secretary of State, a member of the Hoover Institute, and formerly served on the board of
directors of Bechtel) is the head of JP Morgan's International Council. Schultz is currently a co-
chairman of the North American Forum and also serves on the board for Accretive Health. The
private central banks of Europe, America, and Asia have controlled most of the wealth of the world
The Evidence of the Global Conspiracy
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The agenda for the new world order is very real. This article proves that some people want global government via sources, plans, events, and other ... (More) The agenda for the new world order is very real. This article proves that some people want global government via sources, plans, events, and other sources. The evidence is plain to see especially in the 21st century. So, there is no excuse for these skeptics at all. (Less)
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