Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Capitalism and Witchcraft

Feminism is a socialist, anti-family, political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.
Pat Robertson


The moral economy of witchcraft: an essay in comparative history - II

2.  The moral economy debate:  microeconomics and culture
The central trope of the various efforts to define moral economy has been an opposition between, on the one hand, the maximizing individual and ever-expanding market of classical political economy, and on the other a community governed by norms of collective survival and believing in a zero-sum universe: i.e. a world where all profit is gained at someone else’s loss. The communal/zero-sum side of this equation is broadly consistent with African beliefs identifying capitalism and witchcraft as the dangerous appropriation of limited reproductive resources by selfish individuals. The great danger of such a set of dichotomies is that it may remain trapped where it first originated, within the discourse of capitalism itself.  Exotic economies thus become constructed around either a market/non-market opposition or a subsistence-based variant of market rationality.  In analyzing the history of societies confronting capitalism, even from the outside or the bottom, one cannot reject out of hand all references to capitalist terms.  But a cultural account proceeding entirely on this basis represents a concession to the very hegemony which moral economy is supposed to be contesting.


The profession of brujeria on spiritual entrepreneurship in Puerto Rico


This study explores the commodification of witchcraft (brujeria) in an urban, capitalist context in Puerto Rico. Against the predictions of the Enlightenment, witchcraft has not disappeared with modernity; it has selectively changed its modus operandi to adapt to the new social space of consumer capitalism and transnationalism. Due to what appears to be a kind of cultural Darwinism and a historic disregard for orthodoxy, the Puerto Rican blend of Kardecean Spiritism, popular Mediterranean Catholicism, and Afro-Latin witchcraft and magic is a winning combination that offers an answer to the ambiguities of a society guided by late consumer capitalism and the welfare state. A historic perspective and a survey of the public debate about witchcraft adds to the ethnographic research, providing a comparative view on the relationships of the state and global discourses to brujeria since Spanish Catholic colonial rule, the process of nineteenth century nation-state building, until the total separation of State and religion under U.S. rule. Witches, after centuries of religious change that transformed them from "heretics" to "charlatans," operate today in a commodified "laissez-faire" social space as "spiritual entrepreneurs." Brujeria lives and thrives in a transnational world and a post-capitalist society, turning the contemporary social space of witchcraft into an arena of complex interests and threats. The transnational circulation of goods and people has increased the pool of saints, deities, charms, prayers and potions to draw from in order to summon the occult forces that help to attain personal power and material success. This dissertation tests a major and potentially controversial question: must witchcraft be relegated to the exotic or the subversive?

Copyright © 2006 Cutting Edge Ministries. All rights reserved. See full copyright notice below.
Occult Power Within Families -- Generational Witchcraft
Is it possible that the Illuminati has planned for America's Presidency towards the end of the Preparatory Period (that period leading up to the Masonic Christ) to reside within two exceedingly powerful families -- the Bush and the Clinton family? We already have seen a "Bush - Clinton - Bush" scenario; is it possible that we might see Hillary Clinton ascend to the Presidency in 2008, thus making the scenario a ""Bush - Clinton - Bush - Clinton" sequence?
Before we answer that question, let us review the incredible occult power of Witchcraft within families.

"Bush men have been Yale men and Bonesmen for generations.  Prescott Bush, George W.'s grandfather, Yale '17, was a legendary Bonesman ... There were other Bush Bonesmen, a proud line of them stretching from great uncle George Herbert Walker, Jr., to uncle Jonathan Bush to cousins George Herbert Walker III, and Ray Walker."
This revelation is startling because it describes the hideous situation known as Generational Witchcraft .  God describes Generational Witchcraft perfectly in the Old Testament, nearly 4,000 years ago.  Listen: 
"You shall not bow down yourself to them [idols] or serve them; for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me."  [Exodus 20:5]  Most Christians do not realize that God is speaking of Generational Witchcraft here.  Generational Witchcraft is THE most important, and most powerful, type of Satanism in the world today. All the key members of the Illuminati today are from families whose great-grandfathers, or even great-great grandfathers were Satanists.  Family names like Rothschild, House of Windsor, Rockefeller, Carnegie, Ford, Weyerhauser, Roosevelt, Taft, Bundy, and Bush are the names most important in the world today.  Let us examine some very important Generational Witchcraft families so you can see how important Generational Witchcraft is to Satan's plan to produce Antichrist.


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