Tuesday, August 9, 2011

George Soros vs Rupert Murdoch the battle for the soul of America

1970-1987: We wrestle with our democratic freedoms, arguing issues old and new

June 30, 1971
The “Pentagon Papers” case affirms freedom of the press
Copy of the Washington Post after winning court case
“In the First Amendment the Founding Fathers gave the free press the protection it must have to fulfill its essential role in our democracy.”
– Justice Hugo L. Black
New York Times v. United States When the New York Times and Washington Post began publishing the secret Pentagon Papers this month, they provoked a front-page constitutional controversy.

The document reveals the history of U.S. involvement in Vietnam.
Saying that publication would damage “national security,” President Nixon went to court to stop the presses.
The Supreme Court disagrees: the government didn’t justify the need to restrain the newspapers. Justice Black went further, saying the First Amendment forbids putting any such “prior restraint” on the press.
The presses are rolling.


Soros vs Murdoch: The battle for the soul of America

Two billionaires – one liberal, the other conservative – are at war. The prize is the future of the US. David Usborne reports
Saturday, 18 December 2010


Who knew that Rupert Murdoch and George Soros, two billionaires of not so tender years, had it in them? But consider.
While the one means to impose a right-wing "dictatorial democracy" on America, the other is a "master puppeteer" bent on collapsing the dollar and forming a socialist world government.
Cartoonish this may be, but a joke it is not. These two behemoths of media and finance might, as they approach retirement, have restricted themselves to brandishing their ideological differences over an occasional dinner at their clubs in New York and London. Instead they are projecting their increasingly bitter fight on to the canvas of American politics. To whose benefit exactly, it's not clear.

Spotting the writing on the wall, Britain upped its interest rates to the teens to attract people to the pound, but speculators, George Soros among them, began heavy shorting of the currency.

The British government gave in and withdrew from the ERM as it became clear that it was losing billions trying to buoy its currency artificially. Although it was a bitter pill to swallow, the pound came back stronger because the excess interest and high inflation were forced out of the British economy following the beating. Soros pocketed $1 billion on the deal and cemented his reputation as the premier currency speculator in the world.

For more on George Soros, see The 5 Most Feared Figures In Finance.

Then, in early June 1993, Soros proclaimed his intent to force a sell-off in
German government bonds in favor of the French, in an open letter to London
Times Financial Editor Anatole Kaletsky, in which Soros proclaimed, "Down
with the D-Mark!" Soros has at various times attacked the currencies of
Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Mexico, coming into newly opened
financial markets which have little experience with foreign investors, let
alone ones with large funds like Soros. Soros begins buying stocks or bonds
in the local market, leading others to naively suppose that he knows
something they do not. As with gold, when the smaller investors begin to
follow Soros, driving prices of stocks or whatever higher, Soros begins to
sell to the eager new buyers, cashing in his 40% or 100% profits, then
exiting the market, and often, the entire country, to seek another target
for his speculation. This technique gave rise to the term "hit and run."
What Soros always leaves behind, is a collapsed local market and financial
ruin of national investors.

The secret of the Quantum Fund NV

Soros is the visible side of a vast and nasty secret network of private
financial interests, controlled by the leading aristocratic and royal
families of Europe, centered in the British House of Windsor. This network,
called by its members the Club of Isles, was built upon the wreckage of the
British Empire after World War II.

The 5 Most Feared Figures In Finance
  Every Halloween there is no shortage of children dressed up as vampires, werewolves and witches. If, however, a child truly wanted to inspire horror in the adults handing out the sweet candy treats, he or she would be better to put on a suit, tie and wing-tipped shoes, and threaten to topple the market. In this article, we'll take a look at the frightening financial figures that caused terror on Wall Street.No. 5 - Bill GatesBill Gates is best known for being one of the richest men on the planet and the founder of tech company giant, Microsoft. The thing that helped him and his company establish a near-perfect dominance over the market was not a superior level of technology, but Gates' business acumen and cutthroat competitiveness. When Microsoft exploded onto the scene with MS-DOS, Excel, Word and then Windows, many investors wondered why the profits weren't being paid out in juicy dividends. It soon became apparent that Bill Gates was building a war chest of unbelievable size.Investors who would usually try to sway the board of directors to disperse the profits were unusually silent as Bill Gates plotted a course for Microsoft that would make it one of the largest companies in the world. Microsoft now has billions of dollars held in reserve that can be used as a weapon or a shield, depending on what the situation calls for. Whether it is facing down anti-trust lawsuits or carving out new markets for his company, Bill Gates and his 800-pound gorilla are very intimidating.
No. 4 - George SorosGeorge Soros has been described as a pirate and is despised in locations as various as Thailand, Britain and Malaysia. This famous currency speculator has made a fortune breaking currencies. In breaking the Bank of England, Soros became a figure to be feared by countries trying to protect fragile currencies. Soros is far from a numbers-only speculator. He looks in-depth at a country and tries to spot errors in valuation; political policies in particular draw his interest. Active in philanthropy focused on bringing about political change, Soros also uses his currency positions to "punish" countries whose policies are ignored in favor of positive economic data by most speculators. By pressuring these governments financially, Soros can force political changes that might never come about otherwise. Governments may fear him, but the citizens of these countries may ultimately thank him. (Though feared on Wall Street, charities and nonprofits adored both Soros and Gates. Find out more about their giving in The Christmas Saints Of Wall Street.)
No. 3 - Carl IcahnCarl Icahn is a one-time raider who can be credited with prompting more Securities and Exchanges Commission regulation than any other individual.Icahn was the creator of greenmailing and one of the primary reasons that disclosure rules are so strict once stock holdings creep to the level of a toehold purchase. Icahn did everything from stripping assets and forcing stock buybacks, to personally dressing down CEOs and board members.Now, hemmed out of raiding by the SEC, Icahn buys controlling or even minority interests in companies that he considers to be undervalued. He then outlines his plan for creating value - ranging from spinning off profitable units, buying back stock, or simply cutting down excess overhead costs - and threatens a proxy war if his "advice" is not followed. With his reputation, a company may even see a jump in price just by calling down the wrath of Icahn on its slumping stock. Carl Icahn works to create value for the shareholders now, rather than stealing it from them, but a meeting with Icahn is still enough to give underperforming and overpaid CEOs the shakes.No. 2 - John D. RockefellerJohn D. Rockefeller may be the most terrifying figure in finance. He was the richest man in the world and still ranks as the richest man in modern history. His company, Standard Oil, controlled 90% of the American oil industry and was infamous for forcing competitors to bankruptcy and then buying their assets from their creditors. But the thing that made him truly terrifying was his absolute belief in what he was doing. Rockefeller saw cutthroat competition as a ruinous practice that benefited the consumers much less than it ultimately hurt business. Rockefeller saw greater profits and greater benefits could be achieved by the practice of "combination", now called "economies of scale". (Keep reading on this subject in What Are Economies Of Scale?)
Rockefeller is remembered for his hard ball practices of using the immense wealth of Standard Oil to cause train and barrel shortages that ruined his competitors and forced them to come to his side, but he should also be remembered for emphasizing research and development, reducing harmful waste and passing savings onto consumers. There is no doubt that his driving sense of purpose and the means he employed to achieve his ends were not all good, but there is as much to admire about Rockefeller as there is to fear. No. 1 - J.P. MorganJ.P. Morgan was a wealthy man, but not near the scale of a Rockefeller or even a Gates. What J.P. Morgan had more of than any other person on this list was pure power. During his lifetime it was said that God owned men's souls and J.P. Morgan owned the rest. The power that Morgan wielded owes as much to timing as to his personal attributes. Morgan was the primary banker for Wall Street, underwriting companies like General Electric and International Harvester at time when the American economy was getting ready to explode. At the time, a bank's reputation decided whether an issue would sell rather than the strength of the company's financials, and Morgan's reputation was gold. The moment when Morgan was at his most powerful and terrifying, however, came during the Bank Panic of 1907. Morgan personally gathered all the financial and political movers at his mansion and forced them into locked-door negotiations to resolve the crises. The idea that the entire American economy relied on one aging banker to keep it afloat scared the government so badly that the Federal Reserve Bank was created to prevent a similar situation in the future.ConclusionThe word terrifying is apt for these men. The names Gates, Soros, Icahn, Rockefeller and Morgan all embody enough power (financial, mental and political), to inspire awe, respect and, consequently, fear. It is unlikely that they will ever inspire their own costume line, but they will forever cause chills down the spines of bankers, investors and financial figures alike.

Read more: http://www.investopedia.com/articles/07/feared-figures.asp#ixzz1UZGmDK1W

Andrew Beattie is a managing editor and contributor at Investopedia.com. He operates the Wandering Wordsmith blog, and can be reached there.
Short selling is a fairly simple concept: you borrow a stock, sell the stock and then buy the stock back to return it to the lender.

Short sellers make money by betting that the stock they sell will drop in price. If the stock drops, the short seller buys it back at a lower price and returns it to the lender.

For example, if an investor thinks Ben's Brewing Business (BBB) is overvalued at $25 and is going to drop in price, he or she may borrow the stock and sell it for $25. If the stock goes down to $20, the investor, after buying it back and returning it, would make $5 per share. However, if the stock goes up to $30, the investor would lose $5 per share.

If you can't see the amplified risk right now, let's make it obvious: when you buy a stock (or go long) you can lose only the money that you've invested. So, if you bought one BBB share at $25, the maximum you could lose is $25 because the stock cannot drop to less than $0. However, when you short sell, you can theoretically lose an infinite amount of money, because a stock's price can keep rising forever. So, for example, if you had a short position in BBB (or short sold it) and BBB ended up rising past $60 before you exited your position, you would lose $35 per share ($60-$25) - even more than the stock's original price.

While short selling does present investors with an opportunity to make profits in a declining or neutral market, it should only be attempted by sophisticated investors and advanced traders.

(For further reading, see our tutorial on Short Selling.)


This might not be easy to source, but around 1997 (+/-) when the Asian economy was crashing, some Chinese friends told me the Asian papers were blaming the crash on Soros. Apparently GATT, the WTO and free trade agreements required Asian countries who wanted to participate to open their economies to international lending institutions. Businesses were lured to accept credit in dollars, as opposed to borrowing local currency from local lenders. As these waves of loans became due, Soros allegedly manipulated national currency rates, probably by dumping holdings of the national currencies, driving their value down, vis a vis the dollar. Mom and Pop Chu, who earn their living in Korean currency, soon found the wons they saved, intendeding to trade for dollars to repay their loan, were not worth nearly what they expected.
This scenario might loose something in the telling, but the basics were that the markets were opened to international lending and Soros manipulated national money markets at about the same time, leaving a lot of local Asians at a disadvantage. If anyone can flush out details on this, it would be worth documenting on Soros' page. When asked about his impact on Asian markets, (in an Englsh language source) Soros claimed if he did not force Mom and Pop Chu into the global economy, someone else would.



Investor, Carlyle Group

Bloomberg, Soros to help New York minority youth

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Mayor Michael Bloomberg and hedge fund manager George Soros are putting tens of millions of dollars of their own money into a New York City campaign aimed at helping black and Hispanic youth overcome racial disparities, the mayor said on Thursday.
The Young Men's Initiative will invest more than $125 million over the next three years in programs focusing on jobs, education and family issues, Bloomberg said.
Bloomberg's philanthropic foundation and Soros' Open Society will each donate $30 million and another $67.5 million will come from the city.


Mexico Gets British Agent George Soros's Mafia Message: "Silver or Lead"Suggest Pin Quote [+]

This has the feel of a hollywood film. Anyone think it was just an accident.?

Mexico Gets British Agent George Soros's Mafia Message: "Silver or Lead"
[link to www.larouchepac.com]

November 7, 2008 (LPAC)--It's a time-tested drug mafia method, which gained special notoriety in Colombia in the 1980's and 1990's: the British-run drug-runners give you the choice of playing ball with them, and getting lots of money; or bucking them, and getting a bullet instead. Silver or lead.
EIR Online
Online Almanac
From Volume 7, Issue 34 of EIR Online, Published August 19, 2008
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Lyndon LaRouche:
Putin Was Right, He Acted To Prevent World War III

By acting to defend Russian citizens against a terrorist-type attack by the George Soros and British intelligence-owned government of Georgia, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has delivered a decisive defeat to the British Empire, Lyndon LaRouche declared on Aug. 12. Any capitulation by Russia to the criminal aggression by the Soros puppet government of Mikheil Saakashvili would have been tragic for civilization.
Putin's action was objectively required, LaRouche continued; it was absolutely correct. He and President Medvedev could see that the British Empire, with its U.S. appendages, and its tool George Soros, was heading to consolidate its world empire. The British, and Putin, knew that the only obstacle to their plan at this time is Russia, with its thermonuclear capability. If Russia had submitted to the terms being dictated by the British, we would have been on the road to World War III....

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