Thursday, August 11, 2011

Dead Seals
Dead SEALSBy Karl Schwarz

Hello Jeff,
I was not going to comment on the death of SEAL Team 6, until I read the article on your website "The Execution of SEAL Team Six, Penned by Ann Barnhardt".
She has tracked the chronology very well as cited in her essay. She is right; the Obama Administration is beyond desperate to appear to have any results at all in these pathetic 3 years we have had to endure this completely arrogant nitwit in the Oval Office.
But it goes much deeper. The CIA never gets involved in such operations unless there is a real risk that their covert operations will be exposed for the world to see. That is when the CIA goes into panic mode.
It saddens me to see any US soldier killed, maimed, or even have their life upended to be deployed to serve one of the greatest lies ever invented on this planet. There was never a Global War on Terror until the US invented it, deployed it with two objectives. First, a resurgence of military power while the USSR broke apart - China was not a threat then but is now. They made a wrong assumption that the US is the world's only Superpower. Second, the US has an agenda to control world energy supplies so it can control the economies of other nations so they can neither be Superpower status nor competitors. That idea was a pipedream, too. That is what The Grand Chessboard is all about. That lunatic notion has now been embedded into our laws, our federal government policies and our economic and war policies.
It was an idiotic idea when they hatched it, and it has now killed the nation that dreamed it up and probably rightfully so. It was an elitist arrogant fascist idea, and failed. It has truly failed; they are too arrogant in DC to admit it. History will show that it was an Ivory Tower aberration born in a presumption of self-importance and power that did not exist.
Being a Superpower militarily can assure peace, it does not assure victory when the Superpower lied and is in the wrong.

Karl Schwarz: 9/11 truth is a nonpartisan issue

Burma (Myanmar)

Late in 1996 a lawsuit was filed in Los Angeles District Court, Doe v Unocal cv-96-6959 RAP, which sought reparations for Unocal's complicity in the Myanmar regime's behavior in areas relevant to a pipeline that is under construction. Unocal is not the only company involved with this project, known as the Yadana Natural Gas Pipeline Project.
A French oil company, Total has a 31.24% investment in the project, the Petroleum Authority of Thailand(PTT) has a 25.5% stake in it, the Myanmar Oil and Gas Enterprise (MOGE) has a 15% cut in the deal. Unocal has the remaining 28.26%. Even Halliburton got involved when its joint venture with Saipem of Italy, European Marine Services installed the necessary 365 kilometer offshore portion of the pipeline.[4]
The lawsuit alleged a series of crimes committed by the Myanmar paramilitary and intelligence organization, SLORC, (which stands for the State Law & Order Restoration Council. After a nine year run, SLORC's personal was downsized on November 15, 1997 and renamed the State Peace and Development Council(SPDC). MOGE is not seperate from the Myanmar regime and directly benefited from the violent actions of SLORC and the current enforcements of SPDC.[5] In fact, everyone involved in the Yadana Pipeline Project benefits from the violent displacement, forced labor, rape and forced prostitution, death and destruction of local towns that has occurred by the hand of SLORC to minimize costs and communications and to maximize profit and control of the resources being made available.

Bridas Corporation v. Unocal Corporation, et al.

We represented Unocal Corporation in action brought by Bridas Corporation alleging tortious interference with Bridas’s alleged agreements with the governments of Turkmenistan and Afghanistan to build a natural gas pipeline from Turkmenistan to Afghanistan across Pakistan.  We successfully obtained summary judgment for Unocal.  The summary judgment was affirmed by the Fourteenth Court of Appeals in Houston.  We then successfully obtained an antisuit injunction prohibiting Bridas from bringing its threatened action in the Sharia courts of Afghanistan.

Affirmed by the Fourteenth Court of Appeals at Bridas Corp. v. Unocal Corp., 16 S.W.3d 893 (Tex. App.—Houston [14th Dist.] 2000, pet. denied).

Antisuit injunction also affirmed at Bridas Corp. v. Unocal Corp., 16 S.W.3d 887 (Tex. App.—Houston [14th Dist.] 2000, pet. dism'd w.o.j.).

BP Agrees to Sell its Interests in Pan American Energy to Bridas Corporation

Release date: 28 November 2010

BP announced today that it has entered into an agreement to sell its interests in Pan American Energy (PAE) to Bridas Corporation. PAE is an Argentina-based oil and gas company owned by BP (60 per cent) and Bridas Corporation (40 per cent).

Bridas Corporation will pay BP a total of $7.06 billion in cash for BP’s 60 per cent interest in PAE. The transaction is expected to be completed in 2011.

The sale of its interests in PAE is part of BP’s plan, announced in July 2010, to divest up to $30 billion of assets by the end of 2011. Before the agreement to sell its interests in PAE, BP already had sales agreements in place totalling some $14 billion. The proceeds of the sale announced today will be used by BP to increase the cash available to the group.

BP group chief executive Bob Dudley said: “Today’s agreement further demonstrates both the high quality and attractiveness of the assets throughout BP’s global portfolio and also the company’s ability to meet our significant financial commitments arising from the Gulf of Mexico tragedy.
They had to have that pipeline across Afghanistan and the Taliban / Bridas Corporation were blocking the way. Chevron and Condoleezza Rice had to have been sitting in that boardroom down there, too, trying to figure out ways to get control of that pipeline so the oil and gas could get out.

Now they want a pipeline through Georgia and the Ukraine to the Black Sea too, so that is in part what the hubbub is over in Ukraine in regard to the U.S., Republican International, National Democratic Institute ["NDI"] and George Soros' efforts to control that election.
1999  January Turkmenistan's foreign minister visits Pakistan; says pipeline project still alive.
February Carlos Bulgheroni, co-chairman of Bridas, visits Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, and Russia for talks with leaders.
March Turkmenistan's Foreign Minister Sheikh Muradov meets with Mullah Omar in Kandahar to discuss pipeline. 
April Pakistan, Turkmenistan, and Taliban sign agreement to revive pipeline project.
May Taliban delegation signs agreements with Turkmenistan to buy gas and electricity.
This timeline owes a heavy debt to Ahmed Rashid's excellent study, Taliban: Militant Islam, Oil, and Fundamentalism in Central Asia (Yale UP, 2000). Wherever possible, the information has been cross-checked against Unocal and BP Amoco Argentina's archives of press releases, Pratt's Oil Digest, Oil and Gas Magazine, Pravda, Moscow's Interfax News Agency, the ITAR-TASS news agency, the U.S. Department of Energy, and
Carlos Alberto Bulgheroni was born in Rufino, Santa Fe Province. He enrolled at the University of Buenos Aires, and earned a juris doctor in 1970. Bulgheroni later joined Bridas Corporation, a leader in the Argentine energy sector specializing in petroleum- and natural gas-related activities, and in 1993, was named president and chairman. He later also became president Pan American Energy, in 1997, of Allis-Chalmers's energy unit, in 2006, and of EDIC, a company specializing in the exploration and production of oil and gas in the North African, Russian, Central Asian, and Middle and Far Eastern markets.[1]
During 1997, Bulgheroni was involved in a negotiation between Bridas and the ruling Taliban faction in Afghanistan to built the Trans-Afghanistan Gas Pipeline from Turkmenistan to Pakistan.[2] These negotiations were in competition with those undertaken by Unocal,[3] and although an agreement with Unocal-led corporation CentGas was reached, the deal was forfeited in January 1998 in favor of one with Bridas.[4] Instability in Afghanistan delayed construction of the pipeline, however, and following the United States Invasion of Afghanistan in October 2001, the Bridas contract was rescinded in favor of the former one with Unocal. In 2006, Bulgheroni indicated interest in Bridas' involvement with the Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline project, which continued to be hampered by the ongoing chaos in the Central Asian nation.[5]
Bulgheroni is a co-founder of the Colón Theatre Foundation (1978) and of the Federal District Police Foundation (1989); the latter helps maintain the Churruca Police Officers Hospital, in Buenos Aires. He is also a member of the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange,
So there is no single meaning in what is happening in London and elsewhere. But there are connections that we can make, and that we should make. We have a major problem with youth unemployment. There have already been cuts in services for young people. State education in poor areas is sometimes shockingly bad. Young people cannot afford adequate private housing and there is a shortage of council-built stock. Economic inequality has reached quite startling levels. All this is the consequence of decisions made by governments and there is little hope of rapid improvement. The same politicians now denouncing the mindless violence of the mob all supported a system of political economy that was as unstable as it was pernicious. They should have known that their policies would lead to disaster. They didn't know. Who then is more mindless?

The global economic crisis is at least as political as the riots we've seen in the last few days. It has lasted far longer and done far more damage. We need not draw a straight line from the decision to bail out the banks to what's going on now in London. But we must not lose sight of what both events tell us about our current condition. Those who want to see law and order restored must turn their attention to a menace that no amount of riot police will disperse; a social and political order that rewards vandalism and the looting of public property, so long as the perpetrators are sufficiently rich and powerful.
An Orthodox Jew, he spent his mornings seeking guidance from the Brooklyn-based Lubavitcher sect and his afternoons seeking to convince investors that Argentina, under its recently elected president, Carlos Menem, was about to embark on a new era. He talked his way into the office of George Soros, the fabulously wealthy Hungarian-American hedge fund operator, and persuaded Soros to give him $10 million to invest in beaten-down Argentine stocks. "George and I make a good combination," Elsztain later said, according to Jonathan Friedland of the Wall Street Journal. "He likes to take risks, while I believe a certain amount of fear is a precondition to any successful deal."
Argentina stopped inflation in its tracks by tying its currency to the dollar and stimulated foreign investment by privatizing state-owned enterprises. Back in Buenos Aires, Elsztain and his partner, Marcelo Mindlin, purchased IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones, a shell company--but one with a Buenos Aires stock exchange listing--for $120,000, and began assembling a portfolio of stocks. As the stock market soared in 1991 and 1992, Elsztain plowed his profits into the business he knew best, real estate, acquiring office buildings that, purchased cheaply, were yielding 18 to 20 percent a year in profit. Soros continued to provide capital and at one point owned almost half the shares. After IRSA entered the international equity markets in late 1994, raising $110 million, it bought three large office buildings in the heart of Buenos Aires for $61 million. These were landmark properties that the new owners carefully restored.

US Army Preparing To Invade United States  (on Freedoms Phoenix today I saw 3 videos of military equipment being shipped across the US.  the other day I was out and about in Merced, CA and saw one vehicle carrying a military vehicle)  (this video was made some time ago)  (Extremely vivid images and a beheading in one of the videos, if you have a weak stomach or heart please don't watch)  You know me I had to watch but it was so horrible I wish now I hadn't watched as I will be very emotional for a long long long time as it breaks my heart that humans have come to this.) :(
Below are videos coming out of Libya from Libyan citizens themselves and non-government supported aid organizations.  They are very graphic and should be watched away from children.  You can learn some background on them by reading Susan Lindauer’s exclusive article here at
Libyan rebels behead Libyan Soldier

Dead Libyan Baby Fom Bombed House

Charred pieces of a body from inside the house

Charred remains of a female child

Dead adult pulled from bombed house

Dead female civilian pulled from bombed house

Dead baby's older sister, also dead.

Head missing body

Female survivor who lost leg

Young male child survivor
The video below is from a Russia Today News Crew who was at the Hospital


June 15, 2011 by  
Filed under Featured Stories, Libya
EDITORS WARNING: If you have a week stomach or don’t want to have nightmares for the next week then don’t watch the video. Do not let your children be in the room when viewing it and make sure they do not get the link to it.  The video is disturbing to say the least, it is extremely graphic, but the truth about what is going on in Libya needs to get out.  Beheadings shouldn’t be a surprise either considering we are backing the same people we fought in Iraq.  The CIA were behind most of the beheadings in Iraq, it is not coincidence that these CIA controlled “rebels” are doing the same thing in Libya.

And Other NATO War Crimes
By Susan Lindauer, former CIA Asset covering Libya
NATO has been pumping propaganda out of Libya to justify its “humanitarian war” against the government of Moammar Gadhaffi. Until now, NATO has succeeded in large part because ordinary citizens around the world have no access to direct intelligence on which to base their own opinions. As the former CIA Asset who covered Libya at the United Nations from 1995 to 2003 during negotiations for the Lockerbie Trial, I am compelled to break past that propaganda to examine actual evidence.
Responding to numerous requests, I am sharing primary evidence that I receive daily from sources inside Tripoli.  Video documentation comes from Libyan refugees, collected by a fact finding commission called “Global Civilians for Peace in Libya.” The fact-finding team includes Europeans, Africans, Americans and international human rights attorneys, who are preparing allegations of War Crimes against NATO. Judging from these videos, financial damages that NATO will be required to pay Libya should be stupendous, indeed.
Above all, it’s clear that NATO grossly misrepresented its arguments at the United Nations, in order to justify the sanctions, which authorized this military action. Clearly Britain and France trusted unreliable sources and bad intelligence from sources trying to gain power from the conflict.  A more careful investigation shows that it is the NATO backed Rebels who are guilty of atrocities. Sanctions should be thrown out, and NATO should shift its military forces to back Gadhaffi in defending the Libyan people.

Never play truth or dare with a spy

The videos portray graphic atrocities by NATO rebels. There are two important reasons why NATO Rebels would commit these acts. First, in committing war crimes, NATO Rebels have deployed a strategy for provoking panic and confusion at the street level, where they must control the people. They have frightened their opposition into silent submission. Ordinary Libyans can see with their own eyes that Libyan Rebels are all powerful, with NATO enforcers watching their back, and pro-Gadhaffi loyalists had better shut their mouths or face terrible consequences.
At the same time, Libyan Rebels have discovered a way to punch NATO’s buttons, and fire up the engines for the “Humanitarian War–” For some reason, the world is supposed to believe that Gadhaffi’s government—which has no history of attacking its own people in 41 years of rule—is suddenly guilty of the most hideous offenses.
Those of us who have studied Libya closely have opposite expectations. Historically, Gadhaffi has been so tenacious and protective of his people that he refused to hand over two Libyan men for the Lockerbie trial, despite years of U.N. sanctions. Gadhaffi knew the men were innocent, and would not get a fair shake in Court. Simply put, Lockerbie was a false flag operation to cover up rogue CIA involvement in heroin trafficking out of the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon, during the Terry Anderson hostage crisis. A joint team of CIA, FBI and Defense Intelligence investigators were flying on Pan Am 103 that day, heading for Washington to expose the corruption, when the plane exploded over Lockerbie, Scotland. Libya got tagged as the fall guy, but like 9/11, the truth refused to die. And Gadhaffi refused to back down. He stood by his people, despite punishing international pressures.
Gadhaffi’s guess proved correct, by the way. In one of the most shameful episodes of corruption ever at the International Courts, the U.S. bribed two witnesses at the Lockerbie Trial with $4 million pay offs. After both witnesses recanted and confessed to the payments, the only Libyan convicted in the Pan Am 103 bombing, Abdelbasset Megrahi, won a “compassionate release” from Scottish prison in August, 2009, ostensibly so he could go home to die of cancer.
Gadhaffi’s actions reveal a great deal about his character. As a leader, does he throw his people to the wolves? Or abandon them for convenience? Notoriously not. He claims the Libyan people as his own. He protects them no matter the cost to himself.
These videos are the reality check. Ironically, by claiming Gadhaffi’s forces have been responsible for rape crimes specifically, NATO has made a glaring admission that War Crimes are in fact occurring inside Libya. Headlines that Gadhaffi issued Viagra to fuel rape binges by his soldiers played very well on CNN. However former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney has determined that the only major purchaser of Viagra bound for Libya was the U.S. Government itself, which handed out Little Blue Pills to older Rebel soldiers to energize them for battle. Judging from rape testimonials coming out of Libya, the U.S. strategy succeeded in the most tragic ways.

The Bad Guys

These videos look awfully like Al Qaeda to me. But don’t take my word for it.  Look at the evidence and decide for yourself. A warning: these videos are graphic and horrific. They’re posted at on, because it’s got hefty security around its site and rock solid courage to speak truth to power. will not back down.
The first video shows a Libyan rebel beheading a Libyan soldier. If it looks like Iraq, well golly, the highest percentage of foreign fighters in Iraq (and Chechnya and Afghanistan) came from Eastern Libya. Unhappily for NATO, there’s no avoiding that this video was shot in Libya: The men are speaking a Libyan Arab dialect with its own distinct accent.

The second video shows several dead Libyan soldiers with their throats cut, lying in the back of a truck. The killings violate the Geneva Conventions of War, which protect enemy soldiers after capture. In the excitement, NATO Rebels encouraged a frightened on-looker to video the butchery and claim that Gadhaffi’s forces were responsible. Afterward, the man with the video grabbed his family and fled the Rebel stronghold. That’s how the video reached the fact-finding group in Tripoli.

A third video shows gruesome footage of a Libyan rebel cutting up the rotted flesh of a dead soldier and forcing it into the hands of Libyan Prisoners of War, so they must eat it.

It’s so barbaric that it defies understanding how NATO could have envisioned these Rebels as holding any leadership potential at all.

Rape As a Weapon of War

Worst than you thought, right? Most notoriously up to this point, it has become evident that Rebels are using rape as a war-time punishment of pro-Gadhaffi or “neutral” families that don’t automatically embrace the Rebel cause. In Islamic culture, the whole family suffers stigmas after rape, a sort of communal punishment.
Right now a team of female human rights attorneys are interviewing rape victims. Two rape testimonials and other eye witness reports are provided here.
However these are not the most graphic stories. The problem is traveling hundreds of miles through checkpoints and bombs. By explanation, as of June 22, non-governmental fact finders are traveling 200 miles to video a boy who got castrated and both eyes gouged out by NATO Rebels as punishment for refusing to join their paramilitary unit.
Other video getting collected comes from a father, who describes the kidnapping of his virgin daughter from a pro-Gadhaffi family. After dragging her out of the house at gun-point and taking her to a rape party, NATO rebels cut off her breasts with a knife, and she bled to death.
Human rights investigators are waiting to interview a Libyan Woman from Zawia who survived a brutal gang rape that cut off her breasts. Miraculously, horrified on-lookers  saved her from bleeding to death, when the excited Rebels ran off, firing their guns in the air. She’s been hospitalized, but she’s too physically and mentally damaged to handle the interview. International human rights attorney are standing by.
We urgently seek an American sponsor so this Libyan woman can undergo reconstructive surgery in the United States or Europe. On June 19, Gadhaffi soldiers fighting for Misurata rescued another rape survivor. The young woman had been kidnapped and held hostage for 20 days. Rebel forces gang raped her every single day, round the clock, until Gadhaffi’s forces broke through their lines and saved her life.
So much for NATO’s humanitarian mission. Clearly NATO has been grossly deceived, and should cease at once from protecting these Rebels who are monstrously abusive to the Libyan people.  U.S. tax dollars are training a New Taliban to intimidate the Libyan people into submission, while the West plunders Libya’s wealth.
But NATO failed to take into account the spirit of the Libyan people. Libya has a powerful history and traditions of resilience in defending its sovereignty from foreign invaders. Libyan families and Tribal Leaders are determined to seek financial damages from every NATO and Arab country that supports the rebels. So long as NATO provides training, uniforms, military assault rifles, jeeps and transportation, ground advisers and air power—-NATO will be forced to take responsibility for these crimes. Financial damages will come out of funding for NATO’s own citizens—out of education, health care, government pensions, universities, roads, bridges, you name it.
Patrick Haseldine, a British expert on Libya’s conflict with NATO, has calculated current British financial damages at $2.8 billion.
All of it begs the question why NATO governments should want to support these Rebels in the first place? Indeed, all of us should ask some important questions.
Should President Obama spend hard-earned U.S. tax dollars from the Middle Class to finance this War?  Should America assume the role of training Al Qaeda forces and function as Al Qaeda enforcers? While our great nation bleeds red ink? While Americans struggle to find jobs and fight off foreclosures? Knowing that our soldiers are exhausted from two other failed Wars—fighting these same Al Qaeda Rebels in Iraq and Afghanistan?
And why exactly should America prop up NATO, so that the British and French can relive their glory days of Empire?  Is it worth risking our Empire and prosperity? Really?
These videos reveal a whole different truth. The CIA will probably get mad that I have released them. But good Intelligence Assets are supposed to deliver brutal honesty. We’re not supposed to hide ugly truths. We’re supposed to get information that leaders—and communities— urgently need to make the most informed choices in policymaking. It happens to be very, very ugly intelligence. But it would be wrong for me to spare you.
In my opinion as a former U.S. Asset, the United States should break ties with the Libyan rebels and cut off financing immediately.
You can decide for yourself.
Susan Lindauer worked in anti-terrorism covering Libya, Iraq, Egypt, Yemen, Syria and Malaysia at the United Nations. Her team gave advance warning about the 9/11 attack. She is the author of Extreme Prejudice: The Terrifying Story of the Patriot Act and the Cover Ups of 9/11 and Iraq.


  1. George says:
    correction, first video is from Iraq, a while ago.
  2. Susan Lindauer says:
    Nope. It comes from Libya. The shocker is that Libya’s rebels are behaving EXACTLY like Al Qaeda fighters in Iraq. That’s my point. A good number of these rebel fighters cut their teeth fighting in conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan, the Balkans and Chechnya. The highest percentage of foreign fighters in Iraq came from EASTERN LIBYA. At the time, we speculated what would happen when they returned home. Now we’re seeing it. And it’s ugly isn’t it?
    More videos will be posted in the next 24 hour. We’re processing the videos right now. So please check back on Federal Jack.

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