Sunday, August 7, 2011

Was John Belushi murdered because of Experimental Theater? / 20th Century Fox

Re: Was John Belushi Murdered?

Postby voiceforthesilent » Sun Jun 06, 2010 6:28 am
I remember when he died and the stories that came out about him. It was so confusing because the person you saw on the screen, in interviews, etc., was different than the person the media portrayed him to be. But at the time you just assumed the media was telling the truth. Maybe or maybe not he died as they said. We may never know. But there are people who know more and they are not talking. I'm sure of that.
Mae  Brussell:    When John Belushi died, there was much confusion in Los Angeles for the first week or so from the coroner's office and police officials concerning the cause of death. A week later, the headlines delivered a fait accomli - that he was always drunk, a slob, took drugs all the time. He had this expensive drug habit.
    I didn't know John Belushi, but he was very successful, just as many rock musicians died at the peak of their success, at the crest when they were about to do better things. This death follows the same pattern.
    He was about to make, with partners, two very important and highly political movies. One was to be called Blue Moon Over Miami, and it was to be directed by Louis Malle, the fellow who directed Atlantic City, nominated for an Academy Award - and also My Dinner with André; it's been suggested this was the best picture of the year. Malle is a serious director. The script was written by highly-successful and well-known writer, John Guare.
    So one of the movies that Belushi was about to make was a comedy about the FBI and drug smuggling from Colombia to Miami. And he would play the role of the drug dealer, an informer for the FBI, and then the FBI agent becomes the drug dealer. That is, you must admit, a very controversial movie because the state of Florida depends upon the drug market. It is probably the biggest going industry in Florida, and also the United States.
    And these people don't appreciate comedy.
    And the network of assassination teams and drug dealers selling poison drugs comes from headquarters in Hollywood and Miami.
The film depicts a conversation between Gregory and Shawn (apparently playing themselves) in a chic restaurant in New York City. Based mostly on conversation, the film's dialog covers such things as experimental theatre, the nature of theatre, and the nature of life. The dialogue contrasts Shawn's modest, down-to-earth humanism with Gregory's extravagant spiritual experiences.

My Dinner with Andre

Film poster
My Dinner with Andre

Film poster
Experimental theatre is a general term for various movements in Western theatre that began in the late 19th century (Alfred Jarry) as a retraction against the dominant vent governing the writing and production of dramatical menstrophy, and age in particular. The term has shifted over time as the mainstream theatre world has adopted many forms that were once considered radical. It is used more or less interchangeably with the term avant-garde theatre. Experimental theatre is what it is, trying something new.
Like other forms of avantgarde it was created as a response to a perceived general cultural crisis. Despite different political and formal approaches all avant-garde theatre opposed bourgeois literary theatre. It tried to introduce a different use of language, of the body, to change the mode of perception[1] and to create a new, more active relation with the audience.
A. There are some that’ve been married to the script. They don’t want you to change anything. Then there are some who see the script as a skeleton and they want you to add to it or say it doesn’t work.
Q. That takes some nerve, though, doesn’t it?
A. I think I had too much as a young actor. I would sometimes come into meetings with directors, and I would have the gall to tell them I didn’t think the script was really there yet. And it took me years to realize that if they didn’t think it was there yet, most of the time they wouldn’t be meeting with actors yet. But it took me so long to realize this because I was coming out of experimental theater.
Q. How were your experiences with that?
A. We were very much a part of the creative process, and there was a lot of improvisation involved. So it never occurred to me when I was just starting out that it wasn’t all right for you to say, for example, that you didn’t like the costumes.
With its roots in the improvisational games of Viola Spolin, The Second City developed an entirely unique way of creating and performing comedy. Founded by Spolin's son, Paul Sills, along with Howard Alk and Bernie Sahlins, The Second City was experimental and unconventional in its approach to both theatre and comedy. At a time when mother-in-law jokes were more the fashion, The Second City railed against the conformist culture with scenes that spoke to a younger generation.
The Broadway success of Mike Nichols and Elaine May – members of The Second City's predecessor, The Compass Players – put attention on the fledgling company. Soon, alumni of The Second City – such as Alan Arkin, Barbara Harris, Robert Klein, David Steinberg and Fred Willard – began to cement the theatre's reputation for developing the finest comedic voices of each and every generation. With the debut of NBC's Saturday Night Live, populated by Second City Alums John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd and Gilda Radner, the theatre became internationally known for its ever increasing roster of comedy superstars.
Lead actress Miranda Kent went to NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts and studied acting, “I did both experimental theatre and classical training which doesn’t bode well for Hollywood, I lived in New York and worked a lot in theater and did work on Broadway, then I decided if I was going to move to Hollywood I should do it then, and that’s when I discovered more comedy and improv.”

Barbara Walters on Gilda Radner39s Baba Wawa Impre.wmv
CFR list
Barbara Walters                          CFR/J/84
One of the earliest and most thoroughly-researched volumes on the emerging Chronic Fatigue Syndrome -- at the time called "Chronic Epstein Barr Virus Syndrome." This powerful book is the result of over two-and-one-half years of investigating and reporting the Chronic Fatigue story at the very beginning of the epidemic. Writes the author, "While reporting the story you are about to read, I became convinced that governmental health agencies have done everything in their power to ignore, suppress, and even actively cover up the fact that there is a new epidemic sweeping the United States-that claimed Gilda Radner as one of its first fatalities." Here, compiled into one volume, is Neenyah Ostrom's compelling and still-relevant research.
The majority of CFS cases start suddenly,[33] usually accompanied by a "flu-like illness"[5] while a significant proportion of cases begin within several months of severe adverse stress.[33][34][35] An Australian prospective study found that after infection by viral and non-viral pathogens, a sub-set of individuals met the criteria for CFS, with the researchers concluding that "post-infective fatigue syndrome is a valid illness model for investigating one pathophysiological pathway to CFS".[36] However, accurate prevalence and exact roles of infection and stress in the development of CFS are currently unknown.
1) Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation (Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation, with hyphen, from 1935 to 1985) — also known as 20th Century Fox, or simply 20th or Fox — is one of the six major American film studios as of 2011. Located in the Century City area of Los Angeles, just west of Beverly Hills, the studio is a subsidiary of News Corporation.
2) As Cleopatra's budget passed the ten-million dollar mark, Fox sold its back lot (now the site of Century City) to Alcoa in 1961 to raise cash. After several months of very little progress, Marilyn Monroe was fired from Something's Got to Give and two months later she was found dead, although somewhat controversially. Elizabeth Taylor's highly disruptive reign on the Cleopatra set continued unchallenged.
The years following her release from her contract were not her most glamorous and were filled with self-sacrifice and pain. During this upheaval, a man purportedly climbed through her bedroom window and sexually attacked her as she lay in her bed. According to witnesses, they heard Marilyn scream and they called the police. When the police arrived, Marilyn pointed out one of the detectives as the intruder that had entered her bedroom. No one believed her story. The charges against the officer were abandoned and the assault was dismissed.
Johnny Hyde (born Iván Haidabura[1] 23 April 1895 - 18 December 1950[2]) was a Russian-born American talent agent.
Vice-president of the William Morris Agency's West Coast office during the 1930s and 1940s, Hyde represented some of the biggest names in the entertainment industry. In 1948, he met then-unknown actress and model Marilyn Monroe. Taking her on as a client, he had her undergo minor plastic surgery,[3][4] and used his influence to help her land the roles of Angela in The Asphalt Jungle and Miss Caswell in All About Eve. The buzz generated by her performances enabled Hyde to negotiate a contract for Monroe with 20th Century Fox.[5][6]
How do I begin a post that can include seemingly limitless resources of information?

You may say that this is a continuation of the post I wrote earlier this week about the North American Union, globalization of government, and the New World Order theories.

Do you know who Rupert Murdoch is? If not, you need to do your homework because he is THE major force in globalizing the media sources you and I enjoy.

That's right GLOBALIZATION of media.

A little about Rupert Murdoch
"Murdoch bought the New York Post in 1976, making that paper famous for its salacious coverage of grisly crime. Murdoch decided to move into television, but US law mandated that only Americans could own US television stations; thus he was naturalized in 1985, and in 1986 purchased John Kluge's Metromedia, using it to start America's fourth television network, Fox Broadcasting. In 1996 he started the Fox News Channel, delivering a staunchly conservative perspective on the news, as overseen by former Republican campaign wizard Roger Ailes. Murdoch's British papers solidly backed Margaret Thatcher, John Major, and Tony Blair, and his American mouthpieces have vocally backed Republicans since Ronald Reagan. During the 2002 and 2003 build-up to the invasion of Iraq, all of Murdoch's 175 newspapers editorialized for war."

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