Sunday, August 7, 2011

Mix and match of information today/Ted Gunderson DEAD and also Demo expert Danny Jowenko

etrade baby loses everything

Danny Jowenko, Controlled Demolition Expert, Dead 71611 (11911)

Danny Jowenko
Danny Jowenko

Danny Jowenko
– Proprietor, Jowenko Explosieve Demolitie B.V., a European demolition and construction company, with offices in the Netherlands.  Founded 1980, Jowenko Explosieve Demolitie is certified and holds permits to comply with the Dutch Explosives for Civil Use Act and the German Explosives Act.  Jowenko's explosives engineers also hold the German Certificate of Qualifications and the European Certificate for Shotfiring issued by The European Federation of Explosive Engineers.
  • Telephone interview with Jeff Hill 2/22/07:
    Jeff Hill:  I was just wondering real quickly, I know you had commented on World Trade Center Building 7 before.
    Danny Jowenko:  Yes, that's right.
    Jeff Hill:  And I've come to my conclusions, too, that it couldn't have came down by fire.
    Danny Jowenko:  No, it -- absolutely not.
    Jeff Hill:  Are you still sticking by your comments where you say it must have been a controlled demolition?
    Danny Jowenko:  Absolutely.
    Jeff Hill:  Yes?  So, you as being a controlled demolitions expert, you've looked at the building, you've looked at the video and you've determined with your expertise that --
    Danny Jowenko:  I looked at the drawings, the construction and it couldn't be done by fire. So, no, absolutely not.
    Jeff Hill:  OK, 'cause I was reading on the Internet, people were asking about you and they said, I wonder -- I heard something that Danny Jowenko retracted his statement of what he said earlier about World Trade Center 7 now saying that it came down by fire.  I said, "There's no way that's true."
    Danny Jowenko:  No, no, no, absolutely not.
    Jeff Hill:  'Cause if anybody was -- Like when I called Controlled Demolition here in North America, they tell me that , "Oh, it's possible it came down from fire" and this and that and stuff like that --.
    Danny Jowenko:  When the FEMA makes a report that it came down by fire, and you have to earn your money in the States as a controlled demolition company and you say, "No, it was a controlled demolition", you're gone.  You know?
    Jeff Hill:  Yeah, exactly, you'll be in a lot of trouble if you say that, right?
    Danny Jowenko:  Of course, of course.  That's the end of your -- the end of the story.
    Jeff Hill:  Yeah, 'cause I was calling demolitions companies just to ask them if they used the term, "Pull it" in demolition terms and even Controlled Demolitions, Incorporated said they did.  But the other people wouldn't -- didn't want to talk to me about Building 7 really because obviously 'cause they knew what happened and they didn't want to say it.
    Danny Jowenko:  Exactly  .
  • Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories.  It would have been the tallest building in 33 states.  Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers.  However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks."  Watch the collapse video here.  And six years after 9/11, the Federal government has yet to publish its promised final report that explains the cause of its collapse.
  • Website:

Jowenko Explosieve Demolitie B.V.
Your partner in the industrial use of explosives.

Jowenko Explosieve Demolitie B.V.
Veerseweg 107
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Jowenko Explosieve Demolitie Bvba
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Jowenko Bohr- und Sprengtechniek GmbH
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Tel:+49 2403 559 751
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Theodore L. Gunderson (November 7 1928 - July 31 2011) was a retired United States Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent In Charge.[1]

Ted Gunderson - The Great Conspiracy Exposed 1/7 PL
Allegations of evidence suppression
MacDonald supporters claim that the prosecution suppressed evidence. In the years since the trial, defense lawyers have used the Freedom of Information Act to find evidence that the government did not present at trial. However, all of MacDonald's claims regarding suppressed evidence have been rejected by the courts, citing evidence that many of the items were indeed available to the defense and, even if they were not, the items do not establish his innocence and would not have changed the verdict of the jury.[24]
 The Smearing of Ted Gunderson
Part 1
By Ken Adachi <Ken Adachi, Editor>
May 1, 2000
Note from Ken Adachi, August 1, 2011
Ted Gunderson passed away on July 31, 2011 from complications related to kidney failure. More information here:
Ted L. Gunderson, Former FBI Bureau Chief, Passed Away on Sunday, July 31, 2011 at Age 82 (Aug. 1, 2011)
If you know who late night radio talk show host Art Bell is, you probably already know that he recently retired from one of the most popular night time radio talk shows in America, Coast to Coast with Art Bell. Art lays the reason for his forced early retirement squarely on the shoulders of two individuals, Ted Gunderson and David Hinkson, because of a brief conversation between Hinkson and Gunderson about Bell on the night of December 9, 1997. Art has told his radio audience that his personal life has been devastated because of that exchange and that he felt compelled to retire from radio and vindicate his honor in a public trial. The conversation in question was carried on the Armed Forces Network (AFN), WWCR, KHNC, and other stations via short-wave radio. The entire transcript of the relavent two minute Gunderson/Hinkson conversation is attached to this article. It is a verbatim copy of the transcript submitted to the court in Nashville and titled by Gunderson's attorney as "Exhibit A".
  • Airyn Ruiz, April 11, 2006 – present. Children: Asia Rayne Bell
  • Ramona Lee Hayes, August 4, 1991  – January 5, 2006 † (see below)
  • Vickie L. Baker, married March 1, 1981, divorced, July 3, 1991. Children: Arthur William Bell[citation needed]
  • Sukiyaki Sakamoto Kyo, divorced. Children: Art "Scooter" Bell IV.
  • Sachiko Toguchi Bell Pontius, married 1965, divorced 1968. Children: Vincent Pontius,[13] Lisa Pontius Minei.[citation needed]

David Bowie/Pat Metheny - This Is Not America (Promo Clip)

David Bowie - This Is Not America lyrics

9/11 Dead Not Registered As Dead By Social Security
Authorities in New York City and at the Social Security Administration now have explanations for why most of the 3,000 victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks are missing from an important federal registry of deaths.
The federal government was fully informed by city officials about all of the tragic deaths -- authorities agree -- but was prevented from publicly releasing them because of a morass of reporting laws and restrictions.
Since few bodies were recovered from the collapsed World Trade Center's twin towers, privately owned funeral homes did not independently report the deaths to the Social Security Administration, as is their common practice.
But these reasons raise new and troubling questions about the reliability of the Death Master File -- a public record overseen by Social Security and widely used by credit agencies, banks and other business interests. The file was created in 1980 under a Freedom of Information lawsuit brought by U.S. businesses seeking protection from identity theft and consumer fraud.
The embarrassing reporting failure for 9/11 victims was uncovered by a Scripps Howard News Service investigation that also found that nearly 32,000 living Americans have falsely been reported as dead, causing them difficulties with police, denying them credit cards and bank loans, and even hurting efforts to obtain jobs.
Although few Americans have heard of the Death Master File, it is frequently used in a variety of medical research and even determines eligibility for critically ill Americans awaiting organ transplants.
"I am very concerned that it appears that so many of those who died on 9/11 cannot be found in the Death Master File," said Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y. She asked for an explanation from city, state and federal authorities.
"The agencies responded and stated that current protocols were followed. I will be looking into what can be done to get better protections and increased accuracy," Maloney said.
According to the official Death Master File, only 405 people died in the state of New York on Sept. 11, 2001 -- just a slight increase from the state's daily average of about 350 deaths.
New York City officials, at Maloney's request, reviewed their records and confirmed that they had reported all of the victims of the 9/11 attacks to the federal government. "Even though all New York City deaths are reported ... the deaths are not public information," City Health Commissioner Thomas Farley told Maloney.
Social Security Administration Commissioner Michael Astrue, who has declined requests for interviews with Scripps Howard, agreed in a letter to Maloney.
"We cannot legally share all of our death information," said Astrue. "If we received the report of death from a source other than a state (or city) government, the name of a victim could appear on the public Death Master File."
But there were special circumstances that prevented the 9/11 deaths from getting into the Death Master File.
"In most cases there were no physical remains, so (private) funeral directors were not involved," said Steven Schwartz, vital-records registrar for New York City.
Another major non-government source of death reports are family members who are eligible to receive Social Security survivor benefits.
"In our vital-records analysis of those deaths, we determined that about 70 percent of these people were under 40," said Susan Craig, a spokeswoman for the New York City Health Department.
Schwartz agreed.
"There is no question that these were largely younger people," he said. "When there are younger victims, there may not be survivors" to claim federal benefits.
As a result, more than 90 percent of New York's victims were not recorded in the Death Master File.
"We've always said that the Death Master File is not a complete record of all deaths," said Social Security spokesman Mark Hinkle. "It is only an extract of information in our records."

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