Monday, August 8, 2011

Children on the move TODAY!!! (remember WE are all children of GOD!)  (Alyona was 14 in 2001)
Alyona Minkovski (Russian: Алёна Минковски, born 1986) is a correspondent for the international news network RT (formerly Russia Today). She is a United States citizen based in Washington, D.C.,[1] and currently hosts The Alyona Show on RT.[2]
Born in Moscow, Minkovski was raised in California and graduated from the University of California, Santa Cruz, with a bachelor's degree in political science.[2] She is fluent in Russian, English and Spanish.[2] She is a daughter of the Russian figure skater
Irina Rodnina.
Minkovski was one of the first journalists to speak with Julian Assange about the July 12, 2007, Baghdad airstrike controversy.[1]
On August 7, 2011, Minkovski was interviewed by Brian Lamb on the C-SPAN Sunday evening Q&A show.[3]

Wikileaks co-founder speaks to Alyona Minkovski
Excerpt:  (Bradley was 23 on Sept. 11, 2001) 
Bradley E. Manning (born December 17, 1987) is a United States Army soldier who was arrested in May 2010 in Iraq on suspicion of having passed restricted material to the website WikiLeaks. He was charged in July that year with transferring classified data onto his personal computer, and communicating national defense information to an unauthorized source. An additional 22 charges were preferred in March 2011, including "aiding the enemy," a capital offense, though prosecutors said they would not seek the death penalty. He was found fit to face court martial in April 2011, and currently awaits the first hearing.[1]

Bradley Manning Photo:

Dirty Laundry bittersweet (this reminds me of me and Putin mixxing it up to save the world.  the little girl is me and the big robot is Putin.......  hee hee, my feelings of grandiose, ey? the new tape in Putin is, of course my soul mate connecting us and the hat on the girl is my own Angel with a broken wing.)

Martina McBride Angel with a Broken Wing

In My Daughter's Eyes Martina McBride

Wind Beneath My Wings (right after 9/11) dedicated to my soul mate for all he does in our united journey, I love you more today than yesterday!!!

I love you more today than yesterday
(please, if you don't wanna read mystuffs go to the bottom and see more on the children of the earth)
Come what may, the children are survivors.
If Armageddon was upon the world, the children
hadn't been told yet. They were strong, this new generation.
They hadn't been raised on the internet for nothing. They had
learned and what the opposition didn't realize was they had
implemented plans far ahead in time.

They were the hackers, they were the caretakers too.
They had built their own morals and they had grown
excellence where excellence was required.

The children were intent on working a deal with the BAD guys.
They now had the power within their reach. The money was there
for the taking. They had the advantage of youth. The
opposition, although not always the elders, were much
older and as such, not as quick.

The children of the opposition had been raised in wealth......
but, not with love. The children on the net had united and
as such, the tyrants own bloodline had covertly joined
'Earth's Children'. (They learned very early on in life
how to manipulate the system. This was to be a huge
advantage to the children's cause.)

The time for overcoming the media had arrived. It wasn't
the children that were hynotized by the hype. It wasn't
the children that had followed blindly down the path of
destruction. IT was however the children that would put
a stop to the insanity. They would use what it took to
take back the Earth. They would survive and they would
seek out the supporters of their movement.

The time for sitting around and watching the boob tube
was past. It was an evil medium and as such, it had to
be stopped. The internet also had the commercialism BUT,
it had the truth also. It was often hidden but if the
urge to find it was within one, it could be found.

The thirst for knowledge although deeply hidden in some,
was still there. The net provided it in most forms and
yes, one could go the wrong route and be overtaken by
THE evil. Children, being children however didn't always
take the path of least resistance.

There were enough children that recognized the impending
danger who struck out for truth. Many children from many
lands had connected on the net. Many children had learned
the evils of mainstream America and as such had connected
to save the earth.

It was to be an exciting time for the Earth Children. They
had many advantages over their enemy. They not only had youth
they had LOVE in their hearts. The love of children worldwide
had been developed and nurtured.....

If the leaders of this giant fiasco believed they could out
smart these youngsters, they had another think coming.

PEER pressure was unheard of in the land of Earth's children.
Nothing was going to over power these kids and it was obvious
from their daily ritual of prayer that they would work toward
Earth's unity.

It was understood early on, in the children's endeavor to
take the Earth back, that each child would pray to his/her
own higher power.

This was never questioned by Earth's Children. Each one
of the children accepted the differences of Earth's People
and as such, accepted the different religions. It was
imperative for them to do that if they were to succeed.

The Highest Spirit had intervened with this generation of
Earth's children. It was obvious when you heard their
conversations. They weren't hell bent on competing,
they weren't hell bent on destruction. They were content
to work toward a peaceful co-existance that worked for all.

It was asif the higher powers of the Heavens had united
when creating this generation of children. There was
something angelic about the children and it showed in
the patience and care they exibited in their dealings
with one another.

Satan still lurked in the form of the 'Powers That Be'
and as such, was only biding time to attack the youth
of the world.

He watched and he sent his own to intervene when he
thought he could accomplish his work.

The daily prayer ritual of the children worked to their
advantage however. Satan had a much harder time accessing
the children when their spirits and souls were engaged in
uniting world wide for PEACE.

There were the few children who had been born under Satan's
spell. These children infiltrated the Group but were easily
identified and dealt with. It will be interesting to see
the outcome of this story. How will these individuals fair
in the environment the Earth Children provides for the
tormented souls of these youths?

The children will be known worldwide as the bearers of Peace. be continued

Chapter 2

Hope prevails in the lives of Earth's Children.

The children had something none of their parents
or ancestors had, they had each other. They had
the openess to communicate over the net.

They wouldn't be fooled by false advertisements. They
couldn't be fooled by their parents values.

The children searched far and wide for ways to avail
the less fortunate of food and clothing until the
resolutions of the elders were found.

It wasn't that all of the elders were the enemies but
there were those that were.

During the holidays in the year 2002, the children
worked in soup houses. The children volunteered their
time to the needy. They struck out to find safe places
for the homeless. They found empty stores and they
scrounged for food.

They went to the supermarkets and met with like minded
children who worked in the stores. They snuck around at
night and when busted by the police, they did the time.

Doing time often times meant meeting up with the others
from the group. It meant finding old friends and more
often than ot it meant making new friends.

The children had ideas that went over and above what
adults would think of. One day two weeks before
Christmas they decided to go from house to house and see
about collecting pennies.

It worked, at the end of the day in Phoenix alone,
they collected 12,000$. It was put into coffee cans
on that day and then a meeting was held.

"What shall we do with the money?"

One of the children's dad is an accountant. He asked
his dad for advice. He asked him if somehow he had
gotten a huge amount of money what would be the best
way to increase it.

His dad was open with him thinking he was eager to learn.

The teenager then took the money and invested it as his
dad had suggested.

The plan was to build a home for the homeless. There
were projects and as such, the children would look into

With so many children involved, they always knew that
the information would be not long in coming. You could
always count on the children to come up with resolutions.
It wasn't the same as the days of old when
fights would ensue, they all had a common goal now.

Saving the world seemed like a monumental task for
grown-ups. They couldn't think of it as a reality.
It was TOO late they thought.

They hadn't given the children much thought, credit or
responsibilities to think the children would be the ones
who would accomplish it.

Even the best of parents still had the baggage from
their own lives. The children had learned early on to
put that away. They had learned early on to pray for
guidance. They had learned early on that the only real
chance the earth had was them. They knew that their
parents hadn't really understood but they did.

THE earth came first, it had to. It had to be nourished.
It had to be nurtured and it had to be rebuilt in it's
natural habitat.

Returning the earth to nature wasn't going to be easy
but it could be done. There were laws to unlearn and
rules to be broken in order for it to be accomplished,
but it could be.

The children knew this from their prayers. They often times
over lapped their prayers with each other's HPs. They tried
to incorporate good things from each religion to make it work
world wide for peace.

The first time the children realized one of theirs had
been killed the reaction was devastating. He had been a
great mind and he had a woderful spirit and his name had
been Zachery.

The children didn't mourn for long over Zachery though
as in his religion, it wasn't a bad thing to go to the other
side. He was well known for his thoughts on that issue
and as such, his spirit wasn't earth bound for long.

Zachery had been thought of in the highest regard as
were the majority of the children.

Zachery had been killed by one of Satan's deciples
and a youngster at that. Jordan had been ruthless
since birth. It was a well known fact that Jordan
worshipped the devil. He didn't try to hide
it and in fact flaunted it.

Jordan was taken aside the day Zachery was freed
and given advice. Jordan laughed his evil laugh and
went about his business, eyeing his soon to be next victim....
he assumed.

Jordan was to be watched. He was to be followed and the next
incident, Jordan was to be dealt with.

It happened not long after Zachery's departure. Jordan met Ann
in an alley. He accosted her and pulled his knife out. At the
same time Jordan opened the switch-blade, he was surrounded.

Jordan was taken into custody and taken to the mountain top.
He was never seen again.

................ to be continued

Brad Will

Brad Will performing at the Dreamtime Village in the 1990s.
BornBradley Roland Will
Evanston, Illinois, USA
DiedOctober 27, 2006
Oaxaca, Oax., Mexico
EducationB.A. in English, Allegheny College
OccupationActivist, Videographer, journalist
Notable credit(s)Indymedia
Brad Will was gunned down while filming protests in Oaxaca, Mexico.
photo: AFP/Getty Images
Brad Will was gunned down while filming protests in Oaxaca, Mexico.

Brad Will sings the seattle riots teargas song/solidarity song
Brad sings “The Solidarity Song” also known as the Teargas song - was the defiant anthem of the resistance to the World Trade Organization that took place in Seattle in 1999. Originally written by Desert Rat, a comrade, Brad added a verse or two of his own, about forests and preserving ecological integrity of this planet; something Brad was dedicated to while he was alive. Brad sang this song in a squat in Amsterdam in 2000. We were in Amsterdam because of the United Nations talks on Climate Change. We were involved with the protests intended to pressure nations and politicians to take real meaningful measures to address the threat of global warming, mass extinction, pollution, etc., (Still waiting for that…!) Brad's songs and his way of singing touched us deep and inspired thousands. He sang from his heart and gave it everything he had. That's also how he lived his life until he was killed at the tender age of 36. Brad’s singing fills my soul with joy though the loss of him still cuts most deeply…

Rachel Corrie 5th Grade Speech I'm here because I care

Friday, April 22, 2011

Beguiling Alyona Minkovski zeroes-in on TIME's "100" list and fillets some particularly dubious celebs we're supposed to admire -but DON'T!

 Russia Today America video - Alyona Minkovski zeroes-in on TIME's "100" list and fillets some particularly dubious celebs we're supposed to admire -but DON'T!

Kent Knudson picked up a rifle and opened fire, defending his 40 acres in Arizona, and got handcuffed and hauled to jail.
 (Kent may not have been quite as young as the others shown in this blog but he was young in spirit and wanted to do something for the country that he so loved and in many ways he was as naive as many of his age group.)

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