Tuesday, August 9, 2011

SEAL Team Six


Product Description

SEAL Team Six's team leader, James Riley, has been honorably discharged. Despite their heavy hearts, the SEALs continue their training exercises without missing a beat. In his new job at the CIA, Riley reads a report from a madman claiming to be responsible for the Japanese Tsunami that devastated the country three months earlier.

Riley learns that a madman named Bolo has bought a team of expert scientists who can, in fact, hijack satellites and use their electronic pulses to rock the Earth's tectonic plates and cause major earthquakes. SEAL Team Three is sent in to storm the underwater base of the terrorist, but an electric booby trap paralyzes the team until they meet their tragic end.

SEAL Team Six is called in to carry on the mission. They must use experimental wet suits that make them sink at insane speeds and sneak into the all-glass underwater base without guns and fight off whatever guards are waiting for them. Then the SEALs have to find Bolo, who is an ex-golden gloves boxer, and his girlfriend Dagger, who is an expert with knives, and disarm the hidden satellite remote which is no bigger than a television remote. If the SEALs fail, the terrorist will send a signal that will create a major earthquake along the San Andreas Fault that could destroy the whole west coast of the United States.

Afghanistan helicopter crash, August 6, 2011
15 members of DEVGRU's Gold Squadron were among the 38 killed on Saturday, August 6, 2011 in Maidan Wardak province, Afghanistan, when a Chinook helicopter flown by B Company, 7th Battalion, 158th Aviation Regiment, was shot down by a Taliban-fired Rocket-propelled grenade; the crash wiped out an entire troop of the squadron. The personnel killed in the helicopter crash are said to have belonged to an “immediate reaction force” that was en route to support United States Army Rangers who were in contact under fire and pinned down on the ground. It was the largest single loss of U.S. life since the beginning of the 2001 Afghan War, and is the largest single loss ever suffered by the SEAL community.[45][46]

See also:
The earthquakes in Haiti, China, New Zealand, the floods in Australia, the tornado ‘flood’ in the US were all induced by HAARP.

HAARP Sea-Based X-Band Radar (SBX) platform
Updated April 21, 2011 – The HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) website has been down for the past 3 weeks.  It was ordered taken down by the US government to conceal US weather modification and earthquake inducing warfare activities against foreign states.  The HAARP website was publishing very damaging evidence of US military weather modification and earthquake triggering operations against foreign states.  HAARP’s waterfall charts and magnetometer charts gave evidence of an ongoing weather war between the United States government and foreign states.  The magnetometer presented concrete evidence that HAARP triggered the Japan earthquake and ensuing tsunami.


European Parliament issues warnings on HAARP

March 22, 2011

“HAARP is a project of which the public is almost completely unaware, and this needs to be remedied.”

Toronto, Canada – [ZNN] The daily lives of people seem blissfully unaffected by events about which they know little or nothing. Daily news reports unfold with no mention as to why and how the powerful operate behind the scenes. We pay our mortgages, book our vacations and school our children, as a corporate and government elite engage in projects beyond our wildest imaginations.
Conditioned to accept that ‘all is well’ or, that we are powerless to affect change in a world dis-integrating before our eyes – we conduct our lives until one day it affects us directly – unfortunately by then it’s far too late.
Ask the people of northern Japan how they feel about the last three sentences and the answers they now seek in the aftermath of unimaginable loss and yet another future generation desecrated and ravaged by nuclear radiation.
European Parliament document may provide a few answers for the inquiring mind. This parliamentary document is not some conspiratorial rant but an official governmental perspective describing authentic concern that a terribly grave technology, which the document calls a weapon, has been unleashed over many years without any public knowledge.

Seal Team Six slaughter! Sending a message in Afghanistan
(much profanity so be prepared, personally I think the Clinton and Bush cabals are behind all this and not Obama, my2cents)  ...cal

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