Tuesday, August 9, 2011

London Riots/Nazi Practices by United Fruit and Freud's nephew Bernays


Cameron vows action to halt London riots Prime minister says more robust police action necessary after three days of rioting in capital and other British cities.
Last Modified: 09 Aug 2011 07:52 GMT
Read More

 UK Riots Live Blog
 Timeline: Rioting in the UK
 In Pictures: London's burning
 Police call for calm
 Arrests as London riots spread 

Let us imagine that in face of this defiance, the UN coalition of cowards started lashing out in frustration, calling for the destruction of civilian structures to break the will of the British people, and bombed the main water supplies, bombed hospitals, bombed centres for handicapped children, bombed children's schools and in a wanton criminal act of first-degree murder, targeted the house of David Cameron, murdering his family in cold blood because they thought he was there. How would David Cameron feel?

The 2011 London riots are a series of ongoing public disturbances, lootings and arson attacks which began in Tottenham, North London, before spreading to the rest of the city and some other areas of England. The violent events started on 6 August 2011 following the fatal shooting of a 29-year-old civilian, Mark Duggan, by officers of the Metropolitan Police Service.[17][18][19][20]
A peaceful march comprising 200 people in Tottenham became violent and descended into rioting. Disturbances continued into the following days and spread to other areas of the city, including Wood Green, Enfield Town, Ponders End and Brixton. Vandalism, arson, looting and violent disorder were also reported in several boroughs of London, extending as far south as Croydon. At least 35 police officers have been injured. On 8 August 2011, the widespread rioting and looting has spread to parts of Birmingham, Liverpool, Nottingham, Bristol, Kent and Leeds.[1][2][3][4].
In response to the escalating rioting, Prime Minister David Cameron, Home Secretary Theresa May and London Mayor Boris Johnson cut short their holidays to return to Britain.

Operation Trident

Operation Trident logo
Operation Trident or Trident, is a Metropolitan Police Service unit set up to investigate and inform communities of gun crime in London's black community, with special attention being placed on shootings relating to the illegal sale of drugs. The initiative was set up in March 1998 by members of the black community following a series of shootings in the London boroughs of Lambeth, and Brent. The Chairman of the Trident Independent Advisory Group (IAG) is Claudia Webbe.
The perceived importance of Trident's mission was such that it was established as a dedicated Operational Command Unit called the Trident Operational Command Unit[1] within the Metropolitan Police Specialist Crime Directorate. In 2004 it expanded with the formation of Operation Trafalgar which investigates all other non-fatal shootings in London.
The aim of the campaign is reached via gun amnesties and adverts encouraging people to phone Crimestoppers with information related to gun crime. These adverts appear in the media, nightclubs, on petrol pumps, phone boxes and on the radio.
As part of Specialist Crime Directorate, Trident is also known as SCD8 and more recently officers within the command have referred to themselves as "the Ocho".
As of 2004 only 16 of the initiative's 300 officers were themselves black.[2]
In 2006, Trident officers raided the home of vintage gun enthusiast Mick Shepherd, seizing much of his collection.[3] At the time, press reports claimed a "huge gun-smuggling racket" had been uncovered, and that guns sold by Shepherd were linked to a number of murders. After being held in Pentonville and then the high-security Belmarsh prisons on remand for ten months awaiting trial,[4] Shepherd was acquitted of all thirteen firearms offences he was eventually charged with.[5]


Operation Trafalgar sees British drug gang busted in Ibiza

Spanish police have smashed a drug trafficking ring on the holiday island of Ibiza, arresting 25 British citizens and seizing more than 20,000 ecstasy tablets in a lengthy operation dubbed "Traqfalgar".

The lengthy police operation, which, ironically, took its name from the famous sea battle in which Admiral Nelson's fleet defeated a combined French and Spanish naval force, dealt a decisive blow to the gangs that have overrun the tourist area of San Antonio on the west of the Balearic Island.

Bernays liked to cultivate an image as a supporter of feminism and other liberating ideas, but his work on behalf of the United Fruit Company had consequences just as evil and terrifying as if he'd worked directly for the Nazis. The Father of Spin sheds new and important light on the extent to which the Bernays' propaganda campaign for the United Fruit Company (today's United Brands) led directly to the CIA's overthrow of the elected government of Guatemala.
The term "banana republic" actually originated in reference to United Fruit's domination of corrupt governments in Guatemala and other Central American countries. The company brutally exploited virtual slave labor in order to produce cheap bananas for the lucrative U.S. market. When a mildly reformist Guatemala government attempted to reign in the company's power, Bernays whipped up media and political sentiment against it in the commie-crazed 1950s.

Chiquita is the successor to the United Fruit Company, which began in 1899 as a merger between the Boston Fruit Company and railroad companies owned by Minor Keith in Costa Rica.[3] The United Fruit Company operated throughout Latin America and the Caribbean, including Costa Rica, Honduras, Cuba, Nicaragua, Colombia, Panama, Guatemala, and Ecuador. The United Fruit Company was often the technological vanguard in terms of banana production and transport, instituting refrigerated shipping for fresh produce. (United Fruit’s ships were dubbed The Great White Fleet due to the use of white paint to deflect the sun and the sheer size of the fleet), cardboard boxing of bananas, early initiation of radio communications between operations in the United States and Latin America, and research on disease-resistant varieties of bananas.[4]
In 1984, Carl H. Lindner, Jr., the Cincinnati billionaire, bought out two of United Fruit’s principal shareholders and named himself the CEO of the company. He streamlined activities and moved the company’s headquarters to Cincinnatti.[5] In 1947, “Chiquita” had been registered as a trademark in the United States, and was, as of 1990, used as the company name.[6] After several acquisitions in fruit and vegetable processing companies and produce distributors, Chiquita expanded beyond banana sales to marketing of other fresh and processed fruits and vegetables.[7] Chiquita’s banana business suffered through much of the 1990s, in part due to quotas enacted by Europe giving preference to bananas originating in islands that were former European colonies, striking a blow to Chiquita bananas which were largely grown in Central and South America.[8]

Sovereign Strategy Ltd. is a UK policy and lobbying shop, with strong connections to the Labour Party.
On its website, Sovereign makes much of its links with the Labour Party. On the 'Latest News' page in mid November 2004, every photograph was either of a senior Labour Party figure, or taken at a Labour Party event [1]. Alan J Donnelly, Sovereign's Executive Chairman, is a former Labour Party Leader in the European Parliament [2].
The entry in the Register of Members's Interests for Tony Blair's election coordinator Alan Milburn reveals that sometime in 2004, Sovereign Strategy paid him between £5,001 and £10,000 for a "speech and follow-up internal roundtable" [3].


The danger within
By Martin J Young

HUA HIN, Thailand - In a campaign that lasted over five years, hackers infiltrated and raided computer systems of international corporations, governments, Olympic committees and the United Nations. Internet security companies have released reports this week implicating China once again in what could be one of the largest cyber-attacks ever discovered.

Server logs analyzed by California-based McAfee reported that over 72 companies, governments and groups in 14 countries had been targeted and hacked. The source of the incursions has been traced to servers in at least two of China’s major cities, Beijing and Shanghai. The operation, dubbed Shady RAT (remote access tool), has resulted in an unprecedented transfer of wealth, according to McAfee vice president Dmitri Alperovitch.

The victims of the cyber-attack were widespread and ranged from South Korean steel companies to US real estate companies to

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